Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 41,072
Endless suffering that continues.
It's just horrific to think about all the endless suffering, torment and cruelty that so tragically continues to be experienced by existing beings, every second there are existing beings in agony, tortured and tormented so immensely with no limit as to unbearable it can all get. It really is beyond comprehension how much harm existence causes and like I've already written it'll always be deeply tragic how they are forced here just to suffer for the sake of it in futile existences just waiting to die anyway, experiencing senseless agony and meaningless suffering that all could have been prevented by never existing in the first place.
To me having the ability to exist is a hellish, incredibly harmful imposistion that only ever causes one to suffer, once one exists they are capable of suffering in endless unlimited ways in this reality where chance so sensessly determines everything. I've never been able to understand those who label this a "gift", no existence is an abomination that no matter what I'd be better off without as after all there are never any disadvantages to not existing with nobody able to suffer from being eternally unconscious. I see no value to the meaningless, pointless torment that existence causes, I see no value in suffering so sensessly in a world filled with endless agony and more than anything I wish I never existed at all, I don't believe in the idea of hell but if there was one it'd be existence.
It's just horrific to think about all the endless suffering, torment and cruelty that so tragically continues to be experienced by existing beings, every second there are existing beings in agony, tortured and tormented so immensely with no limit as to unbearable it can all get. It really is beyond comprehension how much harm existence causes and like I've already written it'll always be deeply tragic how they are forced here just to suffer for the sake of it in futile existences just waiting to die anyway, experiencing senseless agony and meaningless suffering that all could have been prevented by never existing in the first place.
To me having the ability to exist is a hellish, incredibly harmful imposistion that only ever causes one to suffer, once one exists they are capable of suffering in endless unlimited ways in this reality where chance so sensessly determines everything. I've never been able to understand those who label this a "gift", no existence is an abomination that no matter what I'd be better off without as after all there are never any disadvantages to not existing with nobody able to suffer from being eternally unconscious. I see no value to the meaningless, pointless torment that existence causes, I see no value in suffering so sensessly in a world filled with endless agony and more than anything I wish I never existed at all, I don't believe in the idea of hell but if there was one it'd be existence.