

Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
Honestly i'm just scavenging around for anything at this point I've considered so many methods that i don't even know where to begin but with each method i'd even consider doing i have problems with all of them either lack of information on the method and how to do it correctly to the ladder and before you say anything the methods i'm lacking information on there isn't much out there as for others it maybe more a comprehensive thing supplies to do certain methods are inaccessible to me making them not options at all not even taking into account other factors locations which tbf i would need people irl to help with this that know my local area but this would mainly apply to hanging for example

assistance as i lack alot of basic skills so again for example tying a noose correctly isn't something i've ever be capable of doing do even having someone do that for me would make life easier but unfortunately it goes back to finding a location

or just outright finding someone to do the deed for me which I understand the moral implications of that with people

I've explored various options over the last however many months but everything is either inaccessible,i'm incapable or i just find it too risky painful or ineffective to be worth considering


Oct 9, 2023
I highly relate to the struggle of not known my how to do everything in a method properly. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to hang myself from a pull up bar but I can't even figure out how to put a certain one together and that's as far as I got, so I got an easier one but now I can't figure out how to tie the rope right and i can't find my carotid artery🙄.. I've been trying to find a good way for years, if I had the money anda way I would hire a hitman to kill me when I'm not expecting it lol
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Nov 6, 2023
I honestly don't know why the inert gas method doesn't get more traction on here.

It's easily accessible in most places, it's not to difficult to assemble especially with all the information on this website.

Everyone goes on about SN or N both of which take a while to kick in, taste awful as well, with only those who succeed (or the horror stories you read about people who are unsuccessful) know what pain both physical and emotional until unconsciousness occurs .

Plus it takes a while to actual die from these methods in which time you can be found and saved.

With gas you're out cold in under a min, and that's worst case and dead within 10-15 max .

Little pain little panic , just slip into a dreamless sleep, I've tried and passed out quick and painlessly.

I mean they use it as a form of capital punishment now
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woefully bound to death.
Mar 1, 2024
Honestly i'm just scavenging around for anything at this point I've considered so many methods that i don't even know where to begin but with each method i'd even consider doing i have problems with all of them either lack of information on the method and how to do it correctly to the ladder and before you say anything the methods i'm lacking information on there isn't much out there as for others it maybe more a comprehensive thing supplies to do certain methods are inaccessible to me making them not options at all not even taking into account other factors locations which tbf i would need people irl to help with this that know my local area but this would mainly apply to hanging for example

assistance as i lack alot of basic skills so again for example tying a noose correctly isn't something i've ever be capable of doing do even having someone do that for me would make life easier but unfortunately it goes back to finding a location

or just outright finding someone to do the deed for me which I understand the moral implications of that with people

I've explored various options over the last however many months but everything is either inaccessible,i'm incapable or i just find it too risky painful or ineffective to be worth considering
you can try my plan b if you have nothing else, what I'm going to do if I never get sn is go to the nearest radio/cell tower near me (there's a map online of where they are all at) at 3 am so nobody's awake and just jump off the top they are all usually 500f tall n have ladders inside all of them plus its instant, I've never seen anyone fail with it yet
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
I honestly don't know why the inert gas method doesn't get more traction on here.

It's easily accessible in most places, it's not to difficult to assemble especially with all the information on this website.

Everyone goes on about SN or N both of which take a while to kick in, taste awful as well, with only those who succeed (or the horror stories you read about people who are unsuccessful) know what pain both physical and emotional until unconsciousness occurs .

Plus it takes a while to actual die from these methods in which time you can be found and saved.

With gas you're out cold in under a min, and that's worst case and dead within 10-15 max .

Little pain little panic , just slip into a dreamless sleep, I've tried and passed out quick and painlessly.

I mean they use it as a form of capital punishment now
I mean don't you need a gas mask and generator and shit for that idrk what you need but it doesn't sound accessible look as easy or as comfortable as i'd think honestly
you can try my plan b if you have nothing else, what I'm going to do if I never get sn is go to the nearest radio/cell tower near me (there's a map online of where they are all at) at 3 am so nobody's awake and just jump off the top they are all usually 500f tall n have ladders inside all of them plus its instant, I've never seen anyone fail with it yet
Also known your luck based on sods law you'll be the only fucker to fail 😅 i hope that doesn't happen obviously because that shit'll hurt


Nov 6, 2023

This is the most reliable and successful way of doing it. You don't need a generator just a tank of nitrogen that you can get pretty easy depending on where you live from your local welding store, most will ship to you as well for a cost. Not the most discreet if you don't live alone

First time I tried I used an oven bag and the only reason I failed was because i used a heavy hose , the one for my bbq lol and I didn't tape it to the inside of the bag so it fell out after I passed out and woke up like 10-20 mins later. With a mask it's hard to fuck up. Or so I hope anyways. I didn't experience any pain or panic though

Cost is the only factor here , nitrogen tank is about £100 using and oven bag is cheaper and you can get regulators or amazon for £30-£50 (running up to much more depending on the quality you got for).

Getting a SCBA mask is considerably more expensive , I got mine second hand off eBay for about £300 but new they run into the £1000s

I know a fair few on here who have succeed this way

Everyone is different and it's such a personal thing that I don't think there is a universal method for everyone. My wife just taped a plastic bag round her head and did it that way, not sleeping pills just determination , I've tried that and it was really really horrible
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024

This is the most reliable and successful way of doing it. You don't need a generator just a tank of nitrogen that you can get pretty easy depending on where you live from your local welding store, most will ship to you as well for a cost. Not the most discreet if you don't live alone

First time I tried I used an oven bag and the only reason I failed was because i used a heavy hose , the one for my bbq lol and I didn't tape it to the inside of the bag so it fell out after I passed out and woke up like 10-20 mins later. With a mask it's hard to fuck up. Or so I hope anyways. I didn't experience any pain or panic though

Cost is the only factor here , nitrogen tank is about £100 using and oven bag is cheaper and you can get regulators or amazon for £30-£50 (running up to much more depending on the quality you got for).

Getting a SCBA mask is considerably more expensive , I got mine second hand off eBay for about £300 but new they run into the £1000s

I know a fair few on here who have succeed this way

Everyone is different and it's such a personal thing that I don't think there is a universal method for everyone. My wife just taped a plastic bag round her head and did it that way, not sleeping pills just determination , I've tried that and it was really really horrible
Ok i'm sorry but easy? I need to find a tank of nitrogen which i have no idea exactly where to look for that nor were to store it or how to successfully get it home. Get it delivered would be impossible because my address all post gets delivered over the road and I can't get it delivered to my parents

I'm going to need to get a hoose which idk where or which type and then getting a scuba mask

Ok you said cost is a big caveat here but even getting nitrogen isn't easy

I guess having all the cards together this would be rather easy to pull off but honestly wearing a mask sounds uncomfortable and maybe it is painless idk but this sounds awfully elaborate at the same time

I mean if someone else has managed to get a full working set up I'm happy to travel to try but creating my own seems extremely beyond my access or level of comprehension to get right


Nov 6, 2023
You're right. For me it was easy as I live alone and I have a car so I could physically go and pick up the nitrogen from the store.

I also live in a country (the uk) where it is easily accessible to pick up. I managed to get everything in less than 48 hours.

Using an exit bag the hose you would need would be one for an oxygen tank .

It is a bit elaborate I will give you that and putting a bag or mask on I get can feel uncomfortable or claustrophobic for some people , but I guess the same could be said for a rope around the neck.

It's all down to personal preference really. For me I know I couldn't use a poison , I have a weak stomach and know I would overthink it to the point of throwing up, or have second thoughts in the time it took to work so would try and abort. Gas works for me and it's very very quick and very little time for second thoughts or SI to kick in before your unconscious .

Whatever you chose i wish you a peaceful journey
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I just find it so horrible and dreadful how there isn't access to some reliable peaceful poison or instant suicide pill, it's hellish how people have to struggle so much to die and cannot just have the option to easily die in peace. I'm only still stuck here as all methods are either inaccessible or risky for me personally as well but anyway I hope that you eventually find what you search for.
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
There is no perfect method. Why would death be painless when life is painful?
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