
Jul 18, 2024
Well, I hope the truth is on your side, because I get very nervous when I read about nitrite hurting someone or that someone was suffocating.
The og thread has a post basically saying they had reason to believe the post was fake.
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Sep 15, 2024
I'm very skeptical about any reports that mention vomiting despite following the protocols which impose strong restrictions on ingestion of liquids. Throwing up needs something to throw in the first place - this is just a matter of common sense, you don't have to be a professor of medicine in order to understand that the stomach can't obtain a substance out of nowhere for pushing it through the esophagus. If we assume that it could somehow throw miserable 50 - 100 ml of salty mixture once, further vomiting would not be possible without consuming more drinks. Sob stories about 7 episodes of vomiting with a nearly empty stomach are probably targeted to brain-dead people who'd never think how puking works.

I also believe that skeptical responses in such goodbye threads are well-justified. If the OP of a goodbye thread tells shocking stories about applying their method, this is no longer just a simple "goodbye" thread and the OP should be prepared to inconvenient questions, since many people here can make important decisions based on the provided information.

Although I'd still rather prefer gas asphyxiation or poisoning by highly toxic gases to SN, the more I read obvious fakes about nitrite poisoning, the more I'm inclined to think that it's not as bad as I initially thought about it.
It's dry heaving basically. You're not really bringing up anything but your body continues to try to vomit.


Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
The goodbye thread is now locked, and the moderator said they won't go into detail but have enough reason to believe it's a fake story. So this means the whole thing was probably made up, not just something wrong with the SN they were using. I don't know specifically, but maybe there's been multiple accounts from the same IP address, or messages being sent to other accounts during or after the attempt indicating what they were saying isn't true.
Wanted to bump this reply for anyone who may still be speculating on 'how' etc. — I think the two account theory holds water considering what I imagine the mods can see from the back end. Either way, that was an awful thing to do to those of us that followed it and in general. But I am glad it's now locked with Charlie's reply as the final say.
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Nov 16, 2023
It's dry heaving basically. You're not really bringing up anything but your body continues to try to vomit.
Dry stomach contractions are an unordinary thing, especially after taking antiemetics that is also a part of the most popular protocols along with refraining from taking water. If I encountered something like that, I'd rather mention such specific circumstances than just say about vomiting. The lack of such important and potentially interesting details is a sign of a fake story.
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Sep 15, 2024
Dry stomach contractions are an unordinary thing, especially after taking antiemetics that is also a part of the most popular protocols along with refraining from taking water. If I encountered something like that, I'd rather mention such specific circumstances than just say about vomiting. The lack of such important and potentially interesting details is a sign of a fake story.
Lots of people call dry heaves vomiting. If you feel it's fake fine. I just think you're reaching to justify.


Feb 12, 2024
OP of that thread also wrote incoherent messages that seemed too systematic to me
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Apr 1, 2024
The normal volume of the stomach fluid is 20 to 100 mL according to

If you add nearly 60 ml of salty mixture to this, pushing such small amounts of fluid out the stomach should still be difficult at least. This would require strong contractions. Perhaps, the stomach could accumulate more juice to allow vomiting, but this process would need quite a lot of time, so I hardly believe in the possibility of 7 puke-shots per hour without taking drinks in between.
Hey, as someone who's had a medical procedure that resulted in vomiting several times within an hour, when you vomit with nothing in your stomach, it turns into vomiting a thick green substance like lime jello. Stomach bile or whatever is able to come up.

It is strong contractions when the body can't stop vomiting while there's nothing inside but something still does come up and it's painful. Medical professionals have to give you an injection to stop you from vomiting at that point. It's possible.
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Aspiring Corpse
Aug 26, 2024
I thought the misspelling of words seemed on purpose during interacting.
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Jun 17, 2024
haha someone said even in the thread "why should i believe you, your account was created a week ago" :ahhha:
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Apr 30, 2024
I haven't read this whole thread sorry, but just wanted to jump in quickly. I lurked SaSu for ages, I've been a member for months. I know there has to be a certain percentage of people here who are kids or reporters or narcissists or pro-lifers. That will always be so & has always been so. But I've almost stopped reading all the posts here this last week or so (& just chatted) because I started getting alarm bells about one post or one person & then all of a sudden it felt like it was A LOT of posts, A LOT of people. And it made me sad to step back when I'm here for a reason & I need it. But there has just been so many off posts recently. You can feel it with some, they're definitely off. And others it's hard to tell. All I know is if I joined today, site (sight) unseen, I would probably not even consider SN, let alone have it as my only option. And I hate the idea of a seller, a method, or a site, not being there for people who need it. I guess all we can really say is that we want people to be making informed choices & doing their homework & trying to get AE for success or benzos for peacefulness etc. I'm too young for Exit / PPH etc but until they retract their position statement, I don't think SN is the bad guy in this story. My heart goes out to anyone legitimate that is or has been or will be hurt by all of this. It really sucks.
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Nov 16, 2023
Hey, as someone who's had a medical procedure that resulted in vomiting several times within an hour, when you vomit with nothing in your stomach, it turns into vomiting a thick green substance like lime jello. Stomach bile or whatever is able to come up.

It is strong contractions when the body can't stop vomiting while there's nothing inside but something still does come up and it's painful. Medical professionals have to give you an injection to stop you from vomiting at that point. It's possible.
Even if we assume that NaNO2 is able to cause such symptoms as after your unnamed medical procedure, it should still be quite unusual case when taking antiemetics beforehand is implied. And texting long messages to a forum would probably the last thing a person would want to do under such circumstances. So suspecting a fake remains reasonable.
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Aug 13, 2024
I haven't read this whole thread sorry, but just wanted to jump in quickly. I lurked SaSu for ages, I've been a member for months. I know there has to be a certain percentage of people here who are kids or reporters or narcissists or pro-lifers. That will always be so & has always been so. But I've almost stopped reading all the posts here this last week or so (& just chatted) because I started getting alarm bells about one post or one person & then all of a sudden it felt like it was A LOT of posts, A LOT of people. And it made me sad to step back when I'm here for a reason & I need it. But there has just been so many off posts recently. You can feel it with some, they're definitely off. And others it's hard to tell. All I know is if I joined today, site (sight) unseen, I would probably not even consider SN, let alone have it as my only option. And I hate the idea of a seller, a method, or a site, not being there for people who need it. I guess all we can really say is that we want people to be making informed choices & doing their homework & trying to get AE for success or benzos for peacefulness etc. I'm too young for Exit / PPH etc but until they retract their position statement, I don't think SN is the bad guy in this story. My heart goes out to anyone legitimate that is or has been or will be hurt by all of this. It really sucks.
It's unfortunate to think that people waste time of their day just to hurt people like us, who often only have this site to ease our pain a little.
Because of his posts, everyone panics, it can happen to me too. We have to stand together, help each other, continue to document this method and the sources.
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Apr 30, 2024
It's unfortunate to think that people waste time of their day just to hurt people like us, who often only have this site to ease our pain a little.
Because of his posts, everyone panics, it can happen to me too. We have to stand together, help each other, continue to document this method and the sources.
I bought SN from DMC.
I have prochlorezapine as AE & benzos. Stat or 48 hour still undecided.
This is my only plan. I'm on SaSu every day, even if it's only for a few seconds to check messages. I will not be changing my mind about doing this.
That simply won't happen. I will not be changing my method or source or AE.
So whenever I've disappeared for 7 days, I've successfully caught my bus & you can add me to the stats. If I fail, & this terrifies me, I cannot afford to, I will still come back here & admit failure - I will definitely report back & rejoin the community & be open about how or why I failed, as much as it would pain me or shame me.
I bought SN from DMC.
I have prochlorezapine as AE & benzos. Stat or 48 hour still undecided.
This is my only plan. I'm on SaSu every day, even if it's only for a few seconds to check messages. I will not be changing my mind about doing this.
That simply won't happen. I will not be changing my method or source or AE.
So whenever I've disappeared for 7 days, I've successfully caught my bus & you can add me to the stats. If I fail, & this terrifies me, I cannot afford to, I will still come back here & admit failure - I will definitely report back & rejoin the community & be open about how or why I failed, as much as it would pain me or shame me.
FFS. I just saw a fake SN post from almost 2 weeks ago. And reported it. My blood is boiling when this is supposed to be my ONE AND ONLY SAFE SPACE. For the love of ??? (atheist, sorry), please just let me have my one place back. If I opt out of SaSu, I have nowhere else to go. At a time when it's pretty clear I have nowhere else to go IRL either. I'm so mad & sad & mad & sad….
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Aug 13, 2024
That's my only plan too. And if I'm not on the right side of the statistics, I'll come back here and document what happened. But I want so much to believe that it will work, there have already been so many deaths with this source why not me?
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Jul 25, 2024
there were survivors here and most of them said they felt nothing but nausea, vomit, difficulty breathing and then passing out, it doesn't sound horrible, i prefer to believe those posts than like someone that almost never posted before making a goodbye thread almost "cry typing" (anybody remember that? uhg)
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died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
I think hes talking about the cat person profile pic.

Saw them in a thread yesterday "what would stop you from CTB" and they replied "a cure for my illness"
Then a day later saying they are doing SN and followed all the procedures yet still took them a hour to pass out.

Account was made on 9/11 , considering how long it took me to figure out everything i needed and no sources ship SN that fast.
So within a week they found all the info they needed? and got all the supplies within a week.... Allegedly

Idk if i believe it either. But what kind of sick person fakes a CTB thread for attention. Maybe a kid. Or maybe they already had SN? idk man
cant you read the forums before making an acct? I think it was like that before, maybe it has changed.
This would be tragic. I could definitely see pro-lifers making fake accounts of an attempt. what miserable people, needing their company on the prison planet. we also don't know if someone follows the method exactly as they said, what if they are out of it after the benzos and drank more water or ate something, what if their stuff is expired cause they didn't store it right? Not everyone on the site is going to be capable of following these instructions so I'd take every acct with a grain of salt (;
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Jul 18, 2024
It seems like the strange posts are continuing. Every posts says that it tastes bad and that they experienced every symptom.
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Sep 12, 2024
It's a very tricky subject. I'm sure you're right too. I suspect there will be a handful of people who pull this kind of stunt for attention or to try and dissuade people from using a method.

Still, it can also work in the opposite way. Imagine a genuine member genuinely attempting and it's not working out. I suspect they're terrified and they can't talk to anyone else, so they come here for support and get the third degree in questioning, plus people calling them out to be fake. I do remember this happening once... I think the consensus ended up being that they had been sent something other than SN but, it can't have felt great for the OP:

People can get extrememely defensive of SN in particular I've noticed. I can sort of understand it. It's my likely method too. It's unpleasant to think it could go wrong. Really, it would be better to actually know of failed attempts if we could be sure they were genuine. Including- why they likely failed. That's surely how protocols are formed- people collating data to see what the most successful attempts entailed. But, I don't know how we could differentiate genuine attempts from possibly fake threads.

I think there needs to be a balance between people genuinely trying to find out why an attempt may have failed- which I guess includes wondering whether it is a genuine post. Still- I don't think we can do that openly on a thread without insulting the OP- who could be genuine.
This whole thread has made me very uncomfortable to move forward with sn.

First, it's conflicting with what I've read that tachycardia, nausea and vomiting are the norm with sn, which turns me off and makes me anxious but, also, I am legit nervous I wouldn't actually be ingesting sn and it would fail.

I cannot afford that. I'm in poor health. I can barely handle medications. A failed attempt could make my life much worse.

I'm very stressed out about all of this.
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Feb 22, 2024
This^ 1000%!!! There's just no way of knowing unless, like the OP said, there's a witness, and even then, the witness could be in on it, too. The anti-choicers use multiple methods to dissuade people from ctb, including, I believe, creating bogus gbt, and then, after they "don't" die, reporting all kinds of negative experiences to scare people away from a method. And it works in many cases. I even think that they start bogus threads about bad tests on SN from a particular seller(s), in order to just create doubt and scare people. Rain knows that these people will stop at nothing! The only way to know if someone actually died is to connect a ctb with an actual obituary, and that's extremely rare to happen.
It is absolutely sickening on an unbearably deep level how vile and evil anti-choicers are. The cruelty is unreal. Torture-addicts.
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Tiny storm
Nov 7, 2023
I think hes talking about the cat person profile pic.

Saw them in a thread yesterday "what would stop you from CTB" and they replied "a cure for my illness"
Then a day later saying they are doing SN and followed all the procedures yet still took them a hour to pass out.

Account was made on 9/11 , considering how long it took me to figure out everything i needed and no sources ship SN that fast.
So within a week they found all the info they needed? and got all the supplies within a week.... Allegedly

Idk if i believe it either. But what kind of sick person fakes a CTB thread for attention. Maybe a kid. Or maybe they already had SN? idk man
I haven't read the post and am not going to make an accusation against anyone.
But anti-suicide trolls are all over the place.

They have convinced themselves that they are heroes and anything they do is justified, no matter how stupid. It's really pretty nasty and pathetic.

Instead of being trolls on a website they should go into the world and try to make it a better place. That would help a lot more.
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I hate my birth family
Apr 30, 2023
I'd advise anyone who does post photos of their set ups to please remember to remove EXIF data from the photo, as that can contain location data which can be used by prolifers to try to find you IRL to thwart your CTB attempt.
Does the exif data contain your name too and what do you mean by location? Eg Queensland, Australia or something more specific like street name? Or Attadale, Perth, Australia? How specific. And who are they people who try and find us?


Apr 30, 2024
This whole thread has made me very uncomfortable to move forward with sn.

First, it's conflicting with what I've read that tachycardia, nausea and vomiting are the norm with sn, which turns me off and makes me anxious but, also, I am legit nervous I wouldn't actually be ingesting sn and it would fail.

I cannot afford that. I'm in poor health. I can barely handle medications. A failed attempt could make my life much worse.

I'm very stressed out about all of this.
If SN isn't for you, there are many other CTB options on this site that you could look into, as well as not CTB'ing at all. All options are scary & come with risks & conflicting reports. If it was easy, some or most of us would have done it by now. This community excels at positivity & answering questions & being constructive & putting the appropriate posts on the appropriate threads. There are a lot of new members right now & I hope everyone is taking the opportunity to read the rules & the welcome guides for new users. I have no doubt that when I CTB with SN that I will experience tachy & potentially confuse that with SI. I may or may not vomit. I may have seizures or I might just peacefully drift away in a lovely dream state. It is my choice to use it, & I must accept the consequences. That is life, as well as potentially death. Good luck with your research or recovery.
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Apr 30, 2024
I'm starting to think pretty much every new post, every new member…. I've posted a lot about it & I'm really fucking pissed. I didn't want to have to take a step back from SaSu at the time I need it most, but I'm going to log out for the night, reassess the vibe tomorrow & make a decision. I can't keep getting angry. I can't keep trying to save this site. Back to the sad & mad from yesterday. When I joined here, I believed the majority of what I read from the majority of the people. As it should be. Now I'm just looking at everything with either legitimate skepticism because of all the fake shit or potential paranoia because I can't tell anymore. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, I really do, but I'm just about to run out & that sucks….
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Jul 21, 2024
I'm lactose intolerant and have some other food allergies.
If something as harmless as milk or certain food can put me in intense pain I don't really find it hard to believe that literal poison that kills you will do the same.
I think you guys are to quick to label those posts as fake.
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Jan 25, 2024
That thread seemed fishy to me since I read the entire post but I didn't want to comment on it and seem like a bitch until I saw other people perceiving it too.
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Sep 22, 2024
Of course, SN works differently depending on your physical condition.
But since Exit International also describes SN as a relatively gentle method, we shouldn't worry too much.
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Tyrannical Ruler
Sep 16, 2024
Does the exif data contain your name too and what do you mean by location? Eg Queensland, Australia or something more specific like street name? Or Attadale, Perth, Australia? How specific. And who are they people who try and find us?
Sorry for the late reply.

When I say "people who would try to find us," I'm talking about any person in general who takes it upon themselves to act as savior against someone's will, but in this case using doxxing tactics to identify someone to call the police saying they're going to CTB.

Avoiding doxxing is a general internet safety thing, regardless of the site. Doxxing can happen for any reason from online fighting, to being popular online, to being queer and being pursued by someone who wants to out you to your family.

So, naturally, there's the worry of someone doing it to expose someone as suicidal offline or stop them from CTB.

To answer about names. I've never seen my name show up in photos I've removed EXIF data from. There is an "author" and "copyright" section but when I look at mine that's empty and not putting my name.

IMO it would be best to still check and remove it anyway.

By location I mean if you have GPS active on your device it'll say where the GPS detected it was taken. Looking in an app I have where you can remove or put in EXIF information it can vary from city to street to a building.

So definitely make sure if you do things like use your phone as a GPS for the car. I keep mine off.
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