This is the same method that I have proposed for some time, exposing myself to the weather or in a cold place. Really, at home (around January), I have a really bad time at night, when I sleep, with normal temperatures of +18ºC in the room.. it seems that the head loses its mind (and if you touch your forehead it is very cold) , plus my body temperature drops to just over +35ºC.
If I go outside during the day I tend to have chest pains and body tingling along with a lot of sleep (and I'm talking about normal January temperatures, about +10ºC). Also severe nausea.
I can't help but get bluish fingers and blue-gray nails (and lips look purple).
This doesn't happen to the people around me, I don't know why it does to me. So for a long time I thought that if I wanted to do the CTB it was as simple as spending the night in the middle of the city and goodbye.
But I still haven't planned anything or gotten serious about it (and in the short term I'd say I won't).
Aquest és el mateix métode que jo m'he proposat de fa temps, exposar-me a la intempérie o en un lloc fred. Realment, a casa (cap al Gener), ho passo força malament a la nit, quan dormo, amb temperatures normals de 18ºC a l'habitació.. sembla que el cap perd la raó (i si et toques el front està molt fred), a més que la temperatura del cos em baixa a poc més de 35ºC.
Si surto de día al carrer acostumo a tenir dolors al pit y formigueig al cos junt amb molta son (y parlo de temperatures normals de Gener, sobre uns 10ºC positius). També fortes nàusees.
No puc evitar que s'em posin els dits blavosos i les ungles de color blau-grises (i els llavis semblen morats).
Això no li pasa a la gent del meu voltant, no se perqué a mi si. Així que fa temps que vaig pensar que si volia fer el CTB era tan simple com passar la nit al ras al bell mig de la ciutat i adéu-siau.
Però encara no tinc planificat res ni m'hi he posat seriosament (i a curt termini diría que no ho faré pas).