My username is literally just telling my to ctb. Demo is one of my preferred names. I chose to put it in all caps since in my favorite game, OMORI, whenever a name is spoken, it's in all caps.
My pfp is from OMORI too. The character is Kel, my favorite one. I want to be like him one day, happy as can be and indifferent on the outside, but silently suffering on the inside. The scene is taken from the first time the protagonist, Sunny, opens the door on 3 days left for Kel. Everything on my profile is OMORI related in some way.
My signature for example is a quote from the game when you interact with the White Egret Orchid. I love the game so much, I definitely recommend it if your a fan of games like DDLC, Earth Bound, Undertale and so on. Games with a cheery outside, but the deeper you go in, the darker it gets. The fandom is also absolutely hilarious.