- Mar 31, 2023
- 1,346
Well, here I am again - at the end of the line, the end of my life. If anyone has read my previous posts you know how much I hated Albuquerque. So I decided to relocate to Savannah where I had a job waiting for me. So I spent most of my savings to leave, drove over1600 miles with Sweet Pea, who is now traumatized from the drive and arrived in Savannah yesterday. I am a planner and I planned this trip, this new life to a T. I went to the place where I was going to stay for a couple weeks until I found a permanent place. I called numerous times, looked online, did all the due diligence I could. Then I showed up. I was shocked. The room was filthy, I would't even let Sweet Pea out of her carrier, there were no lights, the smell was atrocious, I was the only female there alone (if you catch my drift), quite honestly I was terrified of staying there. So I would up at an expensive motel where I have paperwork showing Sweet Pea to be my ESP. Then these two bitches start asking me questions like, "Why do you need her?" to which I answered sarcastically, "If it weren't for her I'd be dead." Then they asked, "What does she do for you that makes her an ESP?" I didn't respond. So here I am almost out of money. I am now broken, not fixable. done. Unable to cope. I tried so fucking hard to make this work. But the realization is that my life will continue to be a shit show as long as I am breathing. I should have died when Christina did. So, my dear friends my plans have changed. I'm heading out today to go back to the place I lived for 30 years. To ctb and leave all this pain behind. I can't function anymore. I'm not sure I'll have the internet after today, so I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who supported me, who listened to my stories and who never judged me. I believe my method is foolproof. So I wish you all love, peace, happiness. You all are wonderful people. Thanks to the mods who never kicked me off even though I may have crossed the line. Thank you to the 40 plus chat room folks. Your kind words and support made me feel I could do anything. Starry out.