Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022

I was thinking about this Pixar character from a famous movie and I realized a fact, to commit suicide it's not enough to be sad because it's a necessary emotion that balances all the others, otherwise it wouldn't be there .

So I can deduce that the imbalance occurs when an emotion takes too much prominence, whatever it is. Maybe I shouldn't focus on sadness, but enhance the other emotions so that they gain enough "muscle" to balance things out a bit.

It's a strange idea that has crossed my mind, instead of reducing the sadness enhance the other emotions so that the other does not fill all the space of our mind.
It's another way of solving things to get out of the way, isn't it?... I just don't know how to work with emotions to decently oppose the unleashed sadness.

It's just a thought.

What do you have to say about it?


Estaba pensant en aquest personatge de Pixar d'una famosa película i em vaig adonar d'un fet, per suicidar-se no n'hi ha prou amb estar trist perquè és una emoció necessària que equilibra totes les altres, sino no hi sería pas.

Així doncs puc deduïr que el desequilibri es produeix quan una emoció agafa massa protagonisme, sigui quina sigui. Potser no m'hauría doncs de centrar en la tristesa, sinó potenciar les altres emocions perqué agafin prou "musculatura" per equilibrar una mica la cosa.

Es una idea estranya que s'ha m'ha passat pel cap, en comptes de reduïr la tristesa potenciar les altres emocions perqué l'altre no ompli tot l'espai de la nostra ment.
Es una altre manera de solucionar les coses per sortir del pas, ¿no?... només que no se com treballar les emocions per oposar-se dignament a la desfermada tristesa.

Només és un pensament.

Què me n'heu de dir?
Wilting Daisy

Wilting Daisy

Loves Me, Loves Me Not
Aug 15, 2022
Many forms of therapy, including Talk Therapy, Out-Patient and In-Patient aim to do just what you are describing :)
Some refer to it as "Turning Your Mind" through various Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) exercises.
I have been through this myself, and combined with being side-by-side with others fighting similar battles, the effects were even more impactful.
However, to have lasting results, it takes long-term and even continuous dedication.
The brain, like other muscles, can only develop and improve through consistent practice.
Improvement may not be as significant for one person as it is for another, that's what people mean when they constantly say "You have to do what works for you."
Your best bet is to go through a program that uses CBT, and continue with the exercises that worked best for you :)
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Many forms of therapy, including Talk Therapy, Out-Patient and In-Patient aim to do just what you are describing :)
Some refer to it as "Turning Your Mind" through various Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) exercises.
I have been through this myself, and combined with being side-by-side with others fighting similar battles, the effects were even more impactful.
However, to have lasting results, it takes long-term and even continuous dedication.
The brain, like other muscles, can only develop and improve through consistent practice.
Improvement may not be as significant for one person as it is for another, that's what people mean when they constantly say "You have to do what works for you."
Your best bet is to go through a program that uses CBT, and continue with the exercises that worked best for you :)

Thanks for the answer, I was unaware of this treatment methodology.
Gràcies per la resposta, desconeixia aquesta metodología de tractament.
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