

Jul 5, 2019
I was stuck in an elevator... wonderful dream.


Dec 13, 2018
I dreamed that i'm 11/12 years old, going to school. It was me, but without my memories as a grown up person. I lived there for about 2-3 weeks. Anyway at some point i realized this world wasn't real. I thought i was in comma and lying in hospital, who knows for how long. So i had to woke up. But it was so f**kin real, that i was afraid to even jump of a building. Worndered around, looked at TV shows on bars, took a closer look at everithing even in the stuff in shops. It was as real as it can be.
Then i remembered a video on youtube - mirrors in dreams will wake you up. Tried on a window, did not happen, found a real mirror on the street and as the image went brurier and lauder i woke up after 5 min of staring. Next time if i'm not 12 will try sex with strangers.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
The latest dream was a scene from childhood and sexual abuse. I get this type of dreams but I'm thinking about how dreams can just be a replay button of an actual memory.
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Aug 29, 2018
Im having really... real dreams lately
Like, the situations im in are lifelike...well kind of.

I was with one of my friends.
We were in some kind of 'egyptian steampunk' spaceship, cant describe it otherwise.
Im not sure why but we were supposed to find something that related to the oncoming Oddworld game...idk why.
I mean i havent played those games in years...

The thick of it was, i once again witnessed this very social friend nail it and befriend everyone on the ship while i just got ignored.
Some of them were really hostile.
I ended up losing my friend in some kind of huge dancefloor surrounded by anubis statues. I couldnt find him anymore and no one would help me.

I woke up depressed.
I mean, fuck you brain, with those awesome environments, you have to make it depressing...that sucks.


Jul 5, 2019
I was at a previous job and going through hell. I'm not sure why I dreamed about this... I hadn't worked there in ages and I don't see any obvious triggers.


Dec 28, 2019
I dreamed I had completely reconciled with my wife and we were holding hands. (We're working on ending the separation, and I think we will.) However, the dream happened right before I woke up this morning and it upset me so much because it seemed so real. That one sucked.
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Just a girl trapped in a psychological prison
Feb 13, 2020
My last dream was that I kept trying to end it and nothing was working, I just kept surviving and couldn't think why.. my methods were getting more and more violent but still nothing worked it was like I was invincible but i didn't want to be..


velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I'm not into woo at all but I had one very long, vivid, strange dream that spoke to me so much and that I remembered in such detail that it hasn't left me in over a year now.

It had six distinct acts, and I have since interpreted it so many times, details suddenly coming to mind in my day to day life and so constantly making connections between my waking life and the dream that it has now become a part of my normal memory.

I also learned a lot about other people in retrospect from it, months after I first wrote it down. It's weird.

In the 5th act of the dream I am with strangers in a city unknown to me. We are driving all through the night and as the sun begins to rise I see that they are driving me to a very big industrial looking harbor. My friend who's the only person I know of the people in the car (a friend who has once saved my life) tells me that I will have to go on a journey alone and this scares me.

I then see a boat leaving the harbor looking out from the backseat of the car and I know that I am already on that boat, then I black out. - as I come to, I somehow know that a lot of time has passed and things have changed. I am still with the strangers in the unknown country/ city and it still scares me, but the scene ends with me thinking that, yeah, I can manage this, and a feeling of contentment sitting between the strangers on the backseat of the car

Of course I have considered this might be my brain prophesizing a failed suicide attempt or some major life transition (especially considering the context of the scene).

Well sorry for the novel anyway but you asked for it
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Mar 2, 2020
Had a dream the other night were you could transport to like a different reality were everyone lives in the wild and there's no houses or cars and things just trees, oh and you got there by going through a marshmallow.
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Cat piss sammich??
Jan 10, 2020
Ive been having dreams about a close friend,my big bro,my road dog,who passed away in 2008.

In the dreams we are just hanging out in random unfamiliar places,in one he's driving me around in his car.(Even up a long ,steep set of steps).:pfff:

In the dreams he's young and healthy looking.A far cry from how he looked in his last days.Which is crazy,because when he died I was the younger healthier one.These days Im the one who looks like Im on death's door.Maybe I am.Maybe that's why he's been visiting me.
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I just had the weirdest dream ever last night where my professor had a crush on me. In one part I was naked going to take a shower and he saw me and then I asked him why he was doing this(?). He replied with "Because I love you". The thing is I felt no shame when he looked at me lustfully and I also felt aroused as well. I felt safe and healed.

The dream felt so real to me and I would be glad if I had it every night.
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Mar 22, 2019
I had a dream last night where I put my jacket down and went inside. Someone had called me. I looked out the window and I saw my jacket like 100 ft in the air. I was like WHAT. So I ran out and started looking at it. I was helpless. It was so high up and I couldn't do anything to bring it down. I lost sight of it and asked a nearby person which way it went. He told me and then I can't remember what happened next.

The dream was weird. It might not make sense to you but I think the helpnesses in the dream reflects the current emotions of my waking life.
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May 6, 2019
My most recent dream was really cruel....
My ex girlfriend blcoked me on everything two days ago and last night, I dreamed that I was in her arms again. I was so happy, until I woke up this morning and realized it was all fake.
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Dec 28, 2019
It's 5:33am and i just woke from yet again from *another* dream about an ex, this time a different ex to the usual one, we weren't getting on in my dream. I don't like this it's reliving the hurt in a small way, does my head in!
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
My mum left her partner for Lenny James
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I recently had a dream about some sort of robot/frost zombies assimilating everyone into a hivemind and me and my family were not assimilated and walking through this techno world full of husks shambling to and from work, avoiding the guards, because they could recognize us as non-assimilated. We went with the crowds to a speech/meeting, in which the hivemind would announce something important to the drones. There were no seats left and I was a child in this dream, so a policeman came and said that I could have a seat and that he can't let a child stand around out in the cold. My family looked panicked, so the policeman took a closer look at me and started to scream. For some reason he had a cyberfrostzombified face of a big right wing politician from my country, anyway he screamed and we ran, making our way through the brainless masses that had no idea that were unassimilated fugitives, while guards were pursuing us. I tripped one of the guards, took his laser rifle and started to shoot. That's when I was woken up. The entire dream was made up of shades of blue, grey and white. It didn't feel like a nightmare, though it was one in retrospect. I have no idea what it ment, maybe some of you guys have, if you can make it through this wall of text.


Mar 11, 2020
I dreamed of being in a park... after the quarantine... enjoying the sun.
Had a dream I was a ww1 soldier and was descending into a mine when I was told my service was up. I took the walking path back up and my hand got stuck in a spiderweb and I fell, and the web wrabbed around my hand trapping me and as the spider fell towards me I woke up scared as fuck

The symbolism of this dream is so clear, you going deep into a cave of pure darkness, to be told you don't have to, to have hopes of you going back out into the lightness... only to be dragged back into the darkness as your hopes vanish.

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
It looks like my mind doesn't forget some people. I have dreams about shitty childhood and teachers. Exes also and some other people even former online friends. My last dream was with my ex and that was old shit way more than a decade ago but still comes in dreams. I don't care but this mind is biological mess
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Dec 28, 2019
Had a good dream last night for a change. Was with a close old friend who i still have occasional contact with now but used to be in each others pockets. I recall parts of the dream where me and him were driving around in the best car i've owned for having fun times in (a sierra cosworth) and we were speeding up and down the main road local to me powersliding/sideways. For some reason the road was covered in sand, i dont understand that part.


Weeb Trash Supreme
May 6, 2020
I had one a few days ago where i was jacking off, nutted and looked down and saw that i had ejaculated a monstrous amount of blood

it was pretty fucking metal
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Something about wasps. And im scared to death about dreams and irl:I
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The Dark Chaos

The Dark Chaos

Craving chaos..
Apr 17, 2020
Just an hour ago, I had this strange dream about suicide and the future world. It was like watching a suicidal, science fiction movie. How I wish I could have remembered it. I always forget my dreams after waking up. Its like catching wind. You can feel it blowing away but you cannot catch it. Its intangible.
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Seawater and stardust
Dec 30, 2019
I remembered two dreams last night, which is unusual for me lately. Both mundane, both disturbing. In the first one, I was out shopping with my mother when we became separated and I couldn't find her. In real life, she's been dead for 18 years. In the second dream, I was walking with my last surviving friend when she became angry at me for walking too slowly and carrying too many things. In real life, she lives in another state and I haven't seen her in years.

I feel the symbolism in these is so simple and blatant that it's kind of embarrassing. I would prefer more imaginative dreams, which I've had in the past so I know my subconscious can make them. Apparently it's just as tired as my conscious mind is now.

Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
Just an hour ago, I had this strange dream about suicide and the future world. It was like watching a suicidal, science fiction movie. How I wish I could have remembered it. I always forget my dreams after waking up. Its like catching wind. You can feel it blowing away but you cannot catch it. Its intangible.
How are you posting with your name crossed out? I'm Curious.


But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
This wasn't my most recent dream, but it's stuck out to me as very peculiar, even a month or so later.

I was dreaming in a way that felt like an out of body experience. I was watching myself sleep, but from where I was, I could also see the rafters of my home, as if the ceiling wasn't there or I could see through it. Perched in the rafters were two or three gargoyle like demons, with huge wings and claws and fangs. They were watching me sleep, too. The dream shifted perspective and suddenly I was myself in bed. My mind was alert and aware of the demons, but my body was paralyzed with my eyes and mouth shut. I was in my head screaming rebukes against the demons, trying very hard to form words on my lips but unable to do anything. I woke up when I jerked from my sleep saying "get out in the name of Jesus."

I'm not Christian. Nor do I usually talk in my sleep. I've never had a dream that vivid. Since then, I've had about three other dreams with demons, but they were more normal to what I'm used to dreaming like. Very strange.


May 1, 2020
man i had a dream that there was a murderer in my house who would kill people by caving their skulls into weird positions, making them look like aliens or monsters almost. one body was deformed so bad that their eyes were on either sides of their head and their mouth opened like a beak, and that was the body that was in my living room. the killer ran to another part of my house, but i didn't know where. all i knew was that they could be around any corner, and if i went the wrong way, id be a goner. i looked into the darkness from where i sat next to the inhuman body but i saw no one. the thing that kept me sitting there, next to the most mangled person i'd ever seen, was the thought that they could see me. i sat there until i woke up.


Good god, let's eat !
May 9, 2020
Recently I got much of existential crisis nightmares. I don't know how to describe but its pretty much like horror and flowing ideas about life, mortality, life shittiness and much other stuff. Its really scary and I don't want anyone to experience it.
it is entirely possible to set the stage of your dreaming , it's definitetely not 75% successful but it can be done, i do it when dreams like that become recurring.
I use unfulfilled desires most of the time becuase of the strength of those emotions/memories. It's prep and meditation-ish.


Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
I can't remember my most recent dream (should have written it down, they are weird sometimes) but a recurring one was about having a choice of bathrooms to use (I don't mean toilet), each one a different colour. In the dream i am looking for relaxation and pampering in a bath or shower. Each had nice soft carpet, all the shower items are there I just need to pick which colour room. That was a nice one (this is going back two years or more) and waking up from it was always disappointing! The bathroom is something of a sanctuary for me so maybe that was a part of it.

Another dream, I stayed at a posh hotel and as I passed one area I saw someone I knew, he was staff. I said hello how's things, then carried on walking. It was starting to fill up in their restaurant and I was heading outside... then I woke up frustrated that I didn't get any further.


I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied
Jan 7, 2020
Last night I saw a really exciting dream. I don't remember much of it, but one scene was great. I had enlisted in the army of a dystopian (totalitarian?) society with the goal of inciting an uprising and taking over the government. About 200 of us were gathered in one place – since I had been caught planning the coup, the others in my company/battalion/whatever had also been apprehended. When asked how many had actually been in on my plan, all of them raised their hand. So epic.

We got bombed immediately after that with these giant airships. There was surprisingly little damage since it was a dream, and so some of us escaped into a small L-shaped underground room through some pond? I don't know. A few of us eventually removed our tracking devices and escaped. Where, that I don't know. I woke up.
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Jun 7, 2018
When i am depressed (and it is most of the time) i dream about my school friends.
I was happy at school and was a brilliant student. That was before the mental illness and all the probs. I feel a lot of nostalgia about this period and when i wake up i feel sad and cry because i miss my old friends.
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