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Swiss gay, will definitely ctb on October 10th
Jun 27, 2020
From an atheist's point of view

I am asked again and again why I have such a relaxed relationship with death, why I will intentionally take SN without medication in order to remain conscious as long as possible and experience my dying with a clear mind. Why I am not afraid of it and am really looking forward to it.

I see my dying as something beautiful that I can unfortunately only experience once. The thought of it makes me happy, so I want to be able to enjoy the process. The knowledge that my body is poisoned and will soon no longer work, which is commonly described as dead.

I can't remember ever being afraid of death. At the age of 15 it was already clear to me that I would kill myself and not die of old age.

As long as I can remember I have been aware of what life and death are. That life has nothing to do with God or soul or a higher power. That nothing comes after life, including death.

Life ends with the destruction of my brain because that's where my life takes place. As a perfect interplay of biological, electrical and chemical processes.

Like everyone else, I always knew that one day I would die. So I did a lot of it and didn't suppress it. The thought of death has accompanied me all my life, has become a friend to me.

That's how I dealt with life. What it actually is, what the meaning of life is.

Life has no meaning, except for the preservation of the human species, which I am absolutely not interested in. Humans are just one of many biological ways of life that developed by chance.

So life has no meaning for me, no value. The effort to make something like this pointless is not worth the return because there is no return.

I cannot take anything with me, not even the knowledge that I am dead. As with all higher living beings, the parents have fulfilled their task as individuals after the conception and rearing of enough offspring.

That man became so intelligent that he considered himself too valuable for this simple task and looked for important reasons for his existence, was not planned.

It is therefore not surprising that every "normal" person believes he knows very well that life is the most valuable thing he has. But no one can provide a meaningful explanation for what is so valuable in life.

When I die I don't lose anything because life is worthless.

When I die, I gain nothing because nothing more comes, nothing is anymore.

So I don't exchange anything for anything, but I don't have to struggle with the meaningless life anymore.

That's why I have no problem with very young people killing themselves. I have to admit, it hurts me infinitely 5 when a teenager kills himself. But that's just a brief flare-up of instincts in me that are difficult to control.

Once I have realized this instinct and have it under control through rational thinking, I see the happiness that has come to them. That they are not caught and tortured in their meaningless life for years or decades and then die after all.
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Aug 2, 2020
I appreciate your posts my friend. Im also at peace with dying. My only fear at this point is NOT dying and having to remain in this shithole existence. And any pain associated with the process although I am willing to accept some.

Do you have a date picked out yet? Mine will be early November, with how things are shaping up in my personal "life".
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Aug 15, 2020
The very fact that noble people like you want to escape, means that this world is one worthless piece of shit with no happy future.

I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of life. When some person is "painfully dying", he is actually painfully living, and then death comes to the rescue and saves that person from life's pain.
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
I don't fear death at all. In fact, if I chose to continue living till "natural" death, it would be itself a very painful and long suicide. I'm 37 now so I'm somewhere at 50% of my life. So living another 37 years would definitely be a painful and very long suicide because there is nothing good or worthy in my life. As you say, everything is worthless and pointless. Why continue this? Everything I had to experience in my life I already experienced, the pain has been immense and is increasing year by year. I feel that my death is very near.
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New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Life isn't painful for everyone, but it definitely is for some. Definitely is for me too and that for many many years now. I actually joined this forum because i read a post of yours. I live in the same country as you do and I'd like to PM you about a post you made about 5-6 days ago, unfortunately I can't for some reason.
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take me where the music ain't too loud
Sep 2, 2020
Thank you for your insightful post, it's very helpful! I'm a bit afraid of death and would like to stay alive a bit longer if I were physically healthy.
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Sep 1, 2020
As a perfect interplay of biological, electrical and chemical processes.
This is such a great quote, very well written. People live not to have offspring but to be fulfillled and happy, that's what it comes down to. Such a shame intelligent people can't live this life because they see it as what it is. I wish you the best
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
I think a lot of us are conditioned to fear death. In a lot of countries and cultures, death is actually celebrated. I'm not quite there to say I don't fear death at all. It's more the process I'm worried about than death itself. Thanks for your insightful post.
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Sep 1, 2020
Life isn't painful for everyone, but it definitely is for some. Definitely is for me too and that for many many years now. I actually joined this forum because i read a post of yours. I live in the same country as you do and I'd like to PM you about a post you made about 5-6 days ago, unfortunately I can't for some reason.
PMs are not available for you because you're a new user i think. There's maybe something in the rules about that
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Aug 17, 2020
But no one can provide a meaningful explanation for what is so valuable in life.

This. 100%. I love your post so much because it shows me that other people think the same way as me (it helps me confirm that the choice I'm making for myself, is the correct one for me, and nobody can take that away from me).

Thank you so much :heart:
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Jan 20, 2020
I love your perspective on this. In a lot of ways I share your feelings and am equal a peaceful about death, but there are times the stories that have been deeply ingrained in us about how there is some form of existence beyond our mortal shells can rise up. In some ways it is kind of funny that humans have assumed that we are so special and unique we must carry-on past death, but in reality it is very likely that we are simply a brain that dies.

I can very much understand The concept of the sensation of death being exciting, as it is a stimulating experience that we will only get a chance to feel once. It does make me sad that we will not be able to reflect on and enjoy the after thoughts and feelings of having died. Giving birth was much A similar thing I loved everything about the pain, excitement, stimulation, the unknown. Most people think I'm weird because I like labor LOL, but it's amazing. I can imagine only death would top that sensation
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Aug 14, 2020
Very well written! (I couldn't say it better than you @LetzteAusfahrt ). I'm drunk so high right now :'(
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Swiss gay, will definitely ctb on October 10th
Jun 27, 2020
I appreciate your posts my friend. Im also at peace with dying. My only fear at this point is NOT dying and having to remain in this shithole existence. And any pain associated with the process although I am willing to accept some.

Do you have a date picked out yet? Mine will be early November, with how things are shaping up in my personal "life".
I have not planned a shift date, so I will prepare a tourniquet as a replacement variant. I will wear the collar at the SN, the wooden stick will be ready

My brain will be turned off on September 27th
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Reactions: Orbitc, Rational man, ShornSoloists and 14 others


Jun 14, 2020
I have not planned a shift date, so I will prepare a tourniquet as a replacement variant. I will wear the collar at the SN, the wooden stick will be ready

My brain will be turned off on September 27th
I really like seeing your posts
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Life sucks and then you die.
May 10, 2019
I totally feel the same way, OP. There's people that keep posting in this forum, worried about afterlife or reincarnation. I don't worry about that at all.

For some reason, I am so totally psyched out and afraid of dying. I am afraid of the process of dying. My survival instinct paralyzes me. I feel like a kid on a high-dive at a pool, frozen and too afraid to dive in.

I have had dreams about it. I have this recurring dream that represents my fear of death. It goes like this -

I am at the bottom of a staircase. At the top of the staircase is a door, and going through the door at the top represents me dying and going to the other side. And there are cats on the staircase. Some of the cats are beautiful, and I try to pet them, but they run away from me up the steps, tempting me to chase them up. There is also a black cat on the staircase. And as I walk up the staircase, I feel a physical force weighing me down, and I start feeling fear. Then my worst fear appears at the top - my worst fear looks like the girl from the movie The Ring. She stands at the top of the staircase, and I am so scared that I am frozen. Then suddenly, I am attacked by the black cat, and I die at the bottom of the staircase, and my body is rotted and the cat eats me.

I think the symbolism of the dream is pretty clear. There are beautiful things tempting me to go to the 'other side'. But there are very scary things standing in my way, and it paralyzes me. I'm not sure what it's going to take for me to 'dive in' and finally get it over with.

All the stress and worrying I have done about dying is probably 500x worse than pain of dying will actually be.
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Apr 19, 2018
I don't fear death i fear not dying if looking forward to dying
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Jun 25, 2020
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
this is a really interesting post, I have day's were I fear death, and the unknown, then day's were it the thought of it, causes great calm and contentment. I know my only fear of death is not missing out on life, but the shit and horrid thing's people will have to say about me after, the fact a family member will use it to gain their own sympathy, with no thought to my going. This is the only true thing that scares me about death, and it's stupid as I would not be here to experience it.

They say life is a gift and we should value it greatly, but not all gifts are wanted, some are required to be returned, we should be able to return the gift of life with no fear of were it may lead and what it may do.
I do not fear pain, like you I wish to know that this is it, I don't wish to sleep and not wake up, I wish to know these are my final moment's, this would be calming to me
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Aug 8, 2020
Am not afraid of Death.. But am only afraid of leaving my family without supporting them.. Am actually jealous of all the people living alone.. Am jealous of all the people who has siblings to take care of their parents. Am jealous of the people who are single and without kids.. Am jealous of all the financially free.. Jealous of the financial freedom they achieved with hardwork, or smartwork or inherited or lottery or whatever.. Just 7 months during this lockdown I started feeling all these.. I never thought I would come to this point
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Jun 28, 2020
I respect your position on life and death. It is an honor to know of you! Cheers!!
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Aug 17, 2020
I really don't think there's anything before or after what we experience as life. As Letzte Ausfahrt so eloquently puts it, I think life is " a perfect interplay of biological, electrical and chemical processes (in the brain)."
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Feb 21, 2020
your text is quite lucid. I'm in this dilemma. What is the meaning of life? I have no more ambition, or any incentive to continue. so I'm sad for my mother, she ends up trapping me in this world.
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Aug 17, 2020
your text is quite lucid. I'm in this dilemma. What is the meaning of life? I have no more ambition, or any incentive to continue. so I'm sad for my mother, she ends up trapping me in this world.
I've come to the conclusion that maybe there is no meaning, except maybe to pass on your genes (or not) so the species can either evolve (or cease).

I think it's a human thing to try and create a purpose or meaning, it just is, and we've made it as crap as possible for most people.
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Sep 3, 2020
Honestly I've been wanting to kill myself since I was 5 but 3 years ago it really took place in my head as the best solution, I tried to resist and make positive changes in my life but 1 years ago it absolutely confirmed for me I have no reason to live.

My only fear is pain, I was stuffed in a plastic bin when I was around 4 and so I know what suffocating feels like my sister sat on the bin till I passed out. Not being able to breath was painful but I once you pass out there is just nothing. Then last year in the middle of a huge event that happened someone convinced me to choke myself until I passed out as proof I was suicidal. That really hurt. I couldn't cut my throat even though I tried a few times.

I don't fear death but I do fear that if I do finally kill myself then will I feel something as I actually die? I don think I will, but when I was passed out I still remember being somewhat conscious not in the normal sense though I wasn't awake that was for sure.

After everything I've gone through I only see death as the best way to keep myself safe from anything happening again cause nothing will ever be able to hurt me again if I die and I will never have to suffer again.
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Reactions: Unknown21, Orbitc, Journeytoletgo and 7 others


Swiss gay, will definitely ctb on October 10th
Jun 27, 2020
Life isn't painful for everyone, but it definitely is for some. Definitely is for me too and that for many many years now. I actually joined this forum because i read a post of yours. I live in the same country as you do and I'd like to PM you about a post you made about 5-6 days ago, unfortunately I can't for some reason.
You can only PM when you have made 6 posts. I would be very happy to hear from you

Ich spreche übrigens Deutsch und Schwizerdütsch :wink:
Last edited:
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
Thank you @LetzteAusfahrt !
You are the greatest philosopher of all time!
This thread serves as an excellent referral for those who want to ctb, but can't overcome their survival instincts - wish I had know about this thread yesterday.
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Aug 17, 2020
Thank you @LetzteAusfahrt !
You are the greatest philosopher of all time!
This thread serves as an excellent referral for those who want to ctb, but can't overcome their survival instincts - wish I had know about this thread yesterday.
I have to admit that LetzteAusfahrt is my favourite person whose posts I like to read on here (no offence to anyone else, you're all great). But he's a guy with a cool head, thoughtful logic, and he's kind, intelligent and extremely helpful too.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
From an atheist's point of view

I am asked again and again why I have such a relaxed relationship with death, why I will intentionally take SN without medication in order to remain conscious as long as possible and experience my dying with a clear mind. Why I am not afraid of it and am really looking forward to it.

I see my dying as something beautiful that I can unfortunately only experience once. The thought of it makes me happy, so I want to be able to enjoy the process. The knowledge that my body is poisoned and will soon no longer work, which is commonly described as dead.

I can't remember ever being afraid of death. At the age of 15 it was already clear to me that I would kill myself and not die of old age.

As long as I can remember I have been aware of what life and death are. That life has nothing to do with God or soul or a higher power. That nothing comes after life, including death.

Life ends with the destruction of my brain because that's where my life takes place. As a perfect interplay of biological, electrical and chemical processes.

Like everyone else, I always knew that one day I would die. So I did a lot of it and didn't suppress it. The thought of death has accompanied me all my life, has become a friend to me.

That's how I dealt with life. What it actually is, what the meaning of life is.

Life has no meaning, except for the preservation of the human species, which I am absolutely not interested in. Humans are just one of many biological ways of life that developed by chance.

So life has no meaning for me, no value. The effort to make something like this pointless is not worth the return because there is no return.

I cannot take anything with me, not even the knowledge that I am dead. As with all higher living beings, the parents have fulfilled their task as individuals after the conception and rearing of enough offspring.

That man became so intelligent that he considered himself too valuable for this simple task and looked for important reasons for his existence, was not planned.

It is therefore not surprising that every "normal" person believes he knows very well that life is the most valuable thing he has. But no one can provide a meaningful explanation for what is so valuable in life.

When I die I don't lose anything because life is worthless.

When I die, I gain nothing because nothing more comes, nothing is anymore.

So I don't exchange anything for anything, but I don't have to struggle with the meaningless life anymore.

That's why I have no problem with very young people killing themselves. I have to admit, it hurts me infinitely 5 when a teenager kills himself. But that's just a brief flare-up of instincts in me that are difficult to control.

Once I have realized this instinct and have it under control through rational thinking, I see the happiness that has come to them. That they are not caught and tortured in their meaningless life for years or decades and then die after all.
I agree with your post @LetzteAusfahrt . You have a lot of wisdom. I too have thought a lot of what you said there but i never heard it anywhere else before . It's too bad you will ctb when 9/27/2020 ? You have a lot of wisdom to share here with some of us. But it's your decision when to go or not to go or to go.
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Swiss gay, will definitely ctb on October 10th
Jun 27, 2020

For once I don't really know what to write.

thank you

I feel really honored by your words. Even if they are of course not entirely fair to everyone else. But I don't want to be petty now so shortly before my death and gladly accept the compliment.

And to be honest, I think it's a shame that I won't be part of this family in almost exactly 2 weeks. If I could miss something in death, then it would be this forum
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Sep 7, 2020
Death its a privilege of our life.
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