My conclusion is that the answer is no single religion... all organized religion is destructive, 3 western ones more than 2 eastern ones.
After A LOT of research and those experiences, I think we will have to reincarnate, at least those of us who commit suicide, with the next time being a bit even more difficult... In those experiences (especially ayahuasca which lasts for hours, even days), one talks to entities who seem omniscient, although themselves maybe not be omnipotent (they are not God). They all say the same message: "Infinite/unconditional Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion".
Now, what they probably mean by Love is Infinite Consciousness, The One, of which we are all parts of.
We come to this world so that Divine Consciousness can have a human experience, though all kinds of emotions, good and bad.
We all have a mission and lessons to learn... when we end our life, we failed the mission, so we have to go again through the same "grade", like in school.
There is no Hell as Christians see it, but there is a place that could be called so, where souls go VOLUNTARILY, and are not forced to.
Just like some of us in this world choose the more difficult paths, like addictions and greed.
There is NO escape. That is the most sad thing.
The cards that are dealt to us are determinism, while the way we play the game is free will.