I've been reading and not responding to your posts for a while now, and decided that this one time I will give a response.
The reason that I joined this forum is because this was a place where there were a lot of people who hated their lives who could give voice to their thoughts without being stigmatized and without receiving the whole "oh but you've got so much to live for!" stuff that people who don't suffer give out. Because we all suffer, we can all help each other suffer less. This part is what I think is what most people view the forum as. A place where we can share that life sucks and talk about it and relate to it, and try to help others if we can in our own ways.
These ways may be, as I mentioned, simply relating to the struggle. It may be validation, or maybe it's expressing anger towards society. Fair enough. Some people, myself included, may at times offer advice. Is advice on a situation pro-life? I'm not so sure. If someone is complaining that their friends are ghosting them and I give them advice rather than say "oh here's a link to a ctb method for you!" is that somehow pro-life? I think it isn't, nor do I think it's pro-death. I think it's anti-suffering. Anti-suffering is, I think, what most people are here for.
Everyone here suffers. I'm not going to make someone ctb, but I do want to try to help make people feel better. If someone makes a vent thread and I offer genuine advice to slightly improve that specific situation does that make me a bad pro-lifer? If so, so be it. I guess I'm a bad person by SS standards if I want to try to make someone a little less sad just for today.
I'm using SS as a way to make my days a little less shit. You might be happy to know that SS hasn't, nor will it ever convince me not to ctb. I just want to be able to connect with like-minded people who understand the struggle to try to make my days, and theirs, less shit before the time comes. Some people are here for ctb resources or for ctb advice. That's perfectly fine and I'll give some tentative advice, but again, this is from the anti-suffering viewpoint. If someone wants help with a method that's objectively bad I don't want to tell them "yeah yeah go through with it find the peace you deserve" only to have them end up in a shitload of pain from their failed attempt. Again, not pro-life, this is anti-suffering.
You're welcome to have any viewpoints you want regarding the people here, just as I am. However, you claim this isn't a safe space, and that is just objectively false. I've seen and interacted with multiple threads of people discussing ctb methods and haven't yet seen someone who I'd describe as pro-life. I've seen vent posts and discussions filled with supportive people.
My question to you is, what is an evil pro-lifer on this forum? Can you provide tangible examples? Because all I've seen are supportive, likeminded, non-judgemental (at least, not the bad kind of judgemental) people who all have a common pain that they wish to share and to alleviate from themselves and others. Is that really such a bad thing?