Exactly. It's kind of misguided to fear death when you really think about it. Only western culture has turned death into a demon and an evil. Prior cultures, even the Greeks and Romans, never feared death. Sure, the parting of a loved on is sad. Sure, the unknown can be a little unsettling. However, death is a part of life. Try as you might, YOU CAN'T AVOID IT!!! It's hardcoded into the life program. This is what life-warriors and motivators seem not to understand. We die anyway. You're not going to "save" someone from the inevitable. Whether YOU think "it gets better" or whatever unfounded reason you want to give someone, they're going to die anyway. No matter what horror movie you want to attach to the unknown element of death, it's inevitable. The "well, what if it's WORSE" narrative is so pointless. Even if it is worse, you're headed for that worse... no matter what. Regardless of if one gives life another chance or takes their own life. And human consequences don't apply to death, as much as people want to do so. HUMAN CONSEQUENCES DON'T APPLY TO DEATH!!! I guess that's why this culture seems to demonize death, especially by suicide. Those who find any kind of value in this life don't want to leave it for multiple reasons. Those who don't place a high value on or share the same perspective of life DO have the right to self-terminate. We die anyway. Worrying about what happens or some type of weird consequence for doing so is nothing short of futile and nonsensical.