I find comfort but not for the common reasons that others feel such as "oh the suffering will stop","I can leave when it gets bad", etc.
(abuse mentioned in following paragraph) I was severely abused from the ages of ~14-17. I was suicidal before this, but I found the common comfort others feel during this time. A part of me still wanted to live, I thought the reason I was unhappy was because I did not have a normal life like the people outside. I was frequently beaten to near death and abandoned in a cold breezeway or uninsulated backroom with a giant window. When I was laying there, convinced I was going to die, I was accepting of my death. Passively suicidal, I was happy to know the suffering would cease if they got it right this time, they couldn't hurt me anymore if I had died.
Obviously they were careful. Im still alive and now as an adult, with my own free will for the first time, I am discovering I still want to die. I am no longer comforted knowing that the suffering can just be stopped by death. I am rather comforted in the control it gives me. I have free will finally after all these years. I am allowed to feed myself, I am allowed to dress myself, I am allowed privacy, I can reject sexual advances, and I have the choice to live or die. I live for myself now, and I can die for myself if I feel like it. The ability of the act brings me more comfort than the results.