
Feb 22, 2019
Are there any people on here who are reluctant to commit suicide because they believe in God and are afraid of reincarnation or where they might go in some kind of afterlife? Like, the feeling that if you do it, it might not work?

No. I hate all religions and gods equally, with the possible exception of Buddhism and the Buddha. I believe in afterlife though. I don't know why I believe in afterlife, but I do. Perhaps its just blind faith. Perhaps its my OCD. But I don't really care... I just know I'll end up in a better place after i ctb.


Apr 29, 2019
I just cannot believe that God is a human-like notion. I believe in a neutral energy that is everything, continuing through time and space (doctor who, lol :D ) For me God is the evil and good at the same time. I believe that suicide is a method of the nature to eliminate the weak. It is coming from inside. No one can assure you to go against survival instinct other than the nature itself. and it has nothing to do with actual ability of being useful for the society. You can have no ability to move or be locked inside yourself, but if you feel that you still can be useful for anything then you want to live, but if you feel that whatever you do is not enough the nature automatically eliminates you. They say suicide is not a way out, but actually this is the way your body wants to stop suffering. it is the survival instinct in its core.

I thought that way for a while but I actually think nature is indifferent. I believe in God but I think nature on this planet simply doesn't care one way or the other.


awaiting peace
Feb 17, 2019
I'm an Atheist, so not really. If I were to, however, I'd likely believe in multiple Gods, as it is in some religions. This world is very sadistic in nature, and if there were one single God, he must also be quite sadistic to create such a world.


Nov 6, 2018
I find it hard to comprehend how people could believe in God after a half-decent high school level science education.
Zero evidence, zero justification. It seems instead a mark of a poor intellect or emotional weakness.

Matter exists. Matter doesn't need to be created. It just is. To posit a creator is like saying "matter exists because of magic" but then turning a deaf ear to "so what created magic?"

A world without god-worship would be a far better world.
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Jul 2, 2019
I find it hard to comprehend how people could believe in God after a half-decent high school level science education.
Zero evidence, zero justification. It seems instead a mark of a poor intellect or emotional weakness.

Matter exists. Matter doesn't need to be created. It just is. To posit a creator is like saying "matter exists because of magic" but then turning a deaf ear to "so what created magic?"

A world without god-worship would be a far better world.

Yeah, I never understood why there were super wealthy people that went to church. I'd think they'd be too intelligent to believe. I think they must lie to themselves.

My aunt is a retired Nurse with a Masters Degree, and she was still a devout catholic and went to church every Sunday. I didn't understand that considering she studied Health Science in depth.


Apr 29, 2019
I find it hard to comprehend how people could believe in God after a half-decent high school level science education.
Zero evidence, zero justification. It seems instead a mark of a poor intellect or emotional weakness.

Matter exists. Matter doesn't need to be created. It just is. To posit a creator is like saying "matter exists because of magic" but then turning a deaf ear to "so what created magic?"

A world without god-worship would be a far better world.

In the end though, those are just concepts that we as humans could comprehend. That "science" is all we have to go on, but there could be so much we don't even have the ability to understand. Nobody really knows what's after this. It's why death is the biggest mystery of it all.

I'm not sure it would be better if people didn't believe in something though. It's a 2 way street because obviously we've had many deaths and wars and all kinds of bad things because of religion, but it probably also keeps some people in check with their morality, even if it's not truly genuine at that point.
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Jul 20, 2019
I don't believe in God anymore. Just like I don't believe in Santa clause or the Tooth Fairy either. It's an entertaining belief, but just that, a belief, a story that someone told me, that someone else just told them, and so on.

I believe theirs a presence, an intelligence, an energy that everything is a part of, not apart from, but a part of,life, life itself. Removing all the judgements and labels. Just life expressing itself in a myriad of ways. Whether as the blue sky, the children laughing, or me wanting to CTB, etc.


Sep 4, 2018
I'm Words of Stephen Fry

Branded him the hypothetical creator an "utter maniac" for creating a world "so full of injustice and pain."

The only thing that really exists is the Loch Ness Monster still surviving after all these years able to keep dodging all these cameras ..... God non- ever had an operation and been under anasthetic ?? What do you remember ??? You don't thats why your conscience is switched off much like it will be when your dead !!! I mean Heaven in today's world would have to advance so much - 2000 years ago there was literally fuck all to so going to heaven to continue doing fuck all for eternity they never knew no difference but today's world ?? What about Sanctioned Suicide would it exist could I still use my account ?? Smart phones ?? Social Media Twitter Facebook or for the really young Snapchat ?!!!

Would heaven have cars do we have to get jobs to afford the better cars ???

Or what if heaven hasn't caught up what if it's sitting on a stone day in day out

If they're a Nando's il go to heaven if not elevator down to below ground level the Warner climate

I've tokd this story before but there was a user Xanax a determined girl who went out the Carbon Monoxide in a tent method - her documenting her set up and follow through was intense and informative- she has a few failed attempts but was a determined soul - on her last attempt in an attempt she documented what was happening and what stood out was that she wasn't religious but for her there was that just incase nagging at her back Jesus and God have gone yet officially been ruled about by science (think this is what the Giabt The Large Hadron Collider is trying to disprove that sciense made the universe —- because of this and gd hasn't yet been rebutted in her final post she remarked how a little prayer but a prayer was said by her which proved she wasn't religious as opposed to my aunt on her hospital bed - not a church goer but when she cane to the hospital with kindness and other vita body parts failing out came those wretched rosemary. Beads where you say a prayer against each rosemary bead I think that how they work anyway - god gave her two. Moths but deciding she was wanted upstairs !!!

God no no he doesent exist how can he ??? He's a legitimate cult figure like so many woman followed the Beatles in the sicmxties followed by Justin Bieber followed by One Direction
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Apr 8, 2018
The existence of a suicide forum is a pretty compelling argument for atheism, isn't it? If we're the result of intelligent design, that doesn't reflect well upon the designer. What drug was he on when he thought I was a good idea?

Not really. If there is a God I would expect that God not to be so egocentric/ obsessed with humans. Humans created on accident, etc seems far more likely. Humans are just smart apes, not magical creatures that deserve to be the center of the universe.


Nov 6, 2018
In the end though, those are just concepts that we as humans could comprehend. That "science" is all we have to go on, but there could be so much we don't even have the ability to understand. Nobody really knows what's after this. It's why death is the biggest mystery of it all.

I'm not sure it would be better if people didn't believe in something though. It's a 2 way street because obviously we've had many deaths and wars and all kinds of bad things because of religion, but it probably also keeps some people in check with their morality, even if it's not truly genuine at that point.
No one really knows if there are invisible dragons, If the Bermuda triangle is a portal to another galaxy, If fish are telepathic.
Belief because "no one knows" is the abandonment of epistemic standards.

We do, though, know brain states shape mental states, and just as the electricity running through a computer is necessary for its processing, once our neural activity ceases, all the evidence suggests that our consciousness will thereby cease.
Yeah, I never understood why there were super wealthy people that went to church. I'd think they'd be too intelligent to believe. I think they must lie to themselves.

My aunt is a retired Nurse with a Masters Degree, and she was still a devout catholic and went to church every Sunday. I didn't understand that considering she studied Health Science in depth.
For some, belief is "signaling" to tell others you want their acceptance. Churches work like that: desire to be accepted.
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Jul 20, 2019
Not trying to troll or antagonize; but can you define God for me according to your (if any) beliefs? Am seriously interested because this has be a "bone of contention" as my mother used to put it. Seriously

Very good question, I made such an attempt, I described it in the thread-
The problem of understanding and imagining god. link -
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Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
imo god is synonymous for i dont know what the fck is going on


Mar 25, 2019
A long time ago, when I told an IRL friend (friend happened to be a very religious Christian Korean American) I was suicidal, he told me, "Why are you so depressed? Jesus loves you!"
I'm an atheist, so I can't even begin to describe how that made my blood boil.
Kikoo Loool

Kikoo Loool

Feb 25, 2019
A long time ago, when I told an IRL friend (friend happened to be a very religious Christian Korean American) I was suicidal, he told me, "Why are you so depressed? Jesus loves you!"
I'm an atheist, so I can't even begin to describe how that made my blood boil.
This one deserves a laugh emoji :pfff:


Jul 2, 2019
A long time ago, when I told an IRL friend (friend happened to be a very religious Christian Korean American) I was suicidal, he told me, "Why are you so depressed? Jesus loves you!"
I'm an atheist, so I can't even begin to describe how that made my blood boil.

I dated a Korean American guy for 4 years and it seems like a lot of Korean Americans are Christian. Do you know if that's the case in South Korea too?


Sep 22, 2018
If it is a GOD he or she is really hands off. The world would be much much better if GOD was preventing horrible things from happening.


Mar 25, 2019
I dated a Korean American guy for 4 years and it seems like a lot of Korean Americans are Christian. Do you know if that's the case in South Korea too?
I don't know. I've never been to South Korea.
Many of the Korean Americans in my college seemed to be Christian. I'm not Korean though; I am Chinese. Most of my friends in college were Chinese or Chinese American, but I had a few Korean friends in my friend circle.


Jul 17, 2019
Yes, there are many Christians in South Korea. It seemed that many Koreans who were disillusioned with Confucianism, turned to Christianity instead.
I remember reading about it but don't remember the details.


Nov 19, 2019
yes, I believe in god(s) but not a specific religion. I am reluctant to commit suicide because I believe in reincarnation and karma and I worry it could cause bad karma in the next life.


In the wrong timeline
Nov 14, 2019
I had a paranormal experience once and some weird semi-prophetic dreams so I believe in the concept of higher beings but not really the kind described by monotheistic religions.
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Apr 22, 2019
The only God is the one I've created in my head.... In my opinion.


Nov 15, 2019
G-d always try's to help us, but we don't listen. We know what's good for us? Right. You have the choice to go to therapy, take meds, etc or not to. But mental illness is very complex and at least for me nothing seems to be helping. I try things here and there. We all have different missions in life. I remember reading somewhere
"Every soul journeys down into this world with two suitcases. One is full of the challenges the soul has to face during its lifetime. The other is full of the talents and strengths necessary to withstand those challenges. The first suitcase is opened for you; the second you have to open yourself.
Your soul's challenge is mental illness. Your mission is to use your talents to turn the pain and frustration into a positive force."
Still it's hard to find those talents.
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Heart of Ice

Sep 26, 2019
I think there might be a God, but he might not be like he is described in the Bible.
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Dec 17, 2019
no, i do not believe in god. but obviously i do not know as well.


Dec 16, 2019
Used to be an atheist, now a Traditional Catholic. God is the only thing preventing me from suicide. I'm devout, so the love and gratitude I have for the Lord and the fear I have of Hell, the pain and excommunication from God, keeps me here. I feel just as much misery and emptiness as both an atheist and a TradCat, so I believe it is all up to me to decide.


Fallen Angel
Apr 9, 2019
I used to believe in God for my whole life but when an incident happened two years ago, I got completely messed up and went to the edge. All my life, I went through so much and I had to believe that it was a "test" after I started to follow religion at 13. Then after all the suffering, the incident happens and that was the final breakdown. I think there's a certain limit of pain and misery that one can take until they stop believing and think "fuck it".


Oct 24, 2019
Reincarnation, respectfully, is an indifferent process devoid of gods, spirits and all that nonsense. You die and reawaken as yourself. This is why death is the ultimate friend, if you will. It promises freedom from a life that simply did'nt work. Death gives you a wonderful opportunity to begin again, as yourself, forever, and secure in the knowledge that you have paid for your mistakes in your previous life. You have learned, in other words.
i believe in God. but i'm still going ahead to CTB. i believe He is merciful and he knows our pain. and because jesus died to redeem us from all sins. there are different school of thoughts so i might be wrong. but this is what i subscribe to. do some research and see what resonates with you.
You are god; your consciousness created this reality.
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