lol compared to others? Nope, not even close.
My mannerisms are horrifying to most (all) people, and because of that I am their favorite scapegoat for hate and blame, but that doesn't make me a bad person, it makes them bad people.
I see myself more like a petty criminal who tries to limit their crimes to things that won't hurt people. My moral code is very different than most peoples' as a result of my admittedly unusual experiences, but I definitely have one and in most ways it's much stricter than other peoples'. People find me antagonistic and annoying, but that's not trying to "hurt" them; what I consider an interesting conversation, most people would consider a fight, and I'm a little ashamed of that, I definitely have a filtration problem; I figure people are free to avoid me if they don't like it, and most do.
But, "bad person"? Nope. Not even close.
Abusing others is bad, adult child or animal.
Crooked politicians are bad,
Our genocide in the Middle East (or wherever, take your pick!)is bad, and we are all complicit by association in the crimes our government commits.
Doctors who gaslight and abuse patients are bad.
Abuse can take the form of cruel emotional manipulation, still bad.
Industries that kill workers by violating safety regs are bad.
Priests and nuns are bad (even if they don't directly abuse, they are complicit with the organization committing it, bad).
Police are bad, even the "good" ones are complicit in enabling the bad ones, so all bad.
Soldiers who commit war crimes against the vulnerable are bad, no matter what color uniform they wear.
Peacekeepers, or foster parents, or parents, anyone who exploits/abuses the people they are meant to protect, are bad.
Cheating on your partner, bad. Most people think this is a minor crime but I think the dishonesty required to chest on a longterm partner is a clear indicator of extreme sociopathy and the data on murders of intimate partners confirms it. Not all cheaters kill, but all killers cheat. Bad.
Judges who let rapists and child molesters go free, very bad.
Compared to those people, I am nothing, a gnat, a fart, inconsequential.
I am a bad person in that my morbid and nihilistic opinions, and my dorky sense of humor, bother other people, but that hardly compares. I am not anybody's mommy, I am not on earth to protect people from ideas they dislike. It's a tough old world, and I'm not tough, just annoying.
Neurotypicals would rather be in the company of charming psychopaths, pleasant child abusers, and casual backstabbers than someone who is merely annoying or intellectually challenging. Trust me on this. I have conducted the research. Murderers and child abusers always have tons of friends; autistics don't. Superficial bad people are always more socially accepted than earnest and trustworthy people who are not "fun at parties!"
(i have no idea why neurotypicals place such high priority on being "fun at parties!", but it is very important to them, they are constantly telling me "I bet you're a lot of fun at parties!", so it is a VERY big deal.)
Oh! and having unprotected sex is bad, BAD, BAD!!!
Especially if cheating on a committed partner who doesn't know to protect themselves because they "trust" them.
Google the phrase "my husband gave me" , or wife, and watch the autocomplete results to see how common this is.
People think I'm bad for hating the concept of marriage. And I think married people are bad for being lying cheating shitbags and spreading super-VD.
(i feel very strongly about this even though it doesn't really affect me anymore. I'm very passionate about public health.)
I had some good points, but fundamentally I was selfish and unkind.
Really? Is your suicidal ideation guilt-driven then?
Sorry if I'm prying, don't answer if it's too personal, I just find other peoples' morality fascinating.