I'd like to make just some points here...
Even if someone wants "attention" and decides to come here, from all places, that person is probably living in a seriously bad condition and possibly has real suicidal thoughts, which may be expressed in an exaggerated way, to get the "attention". In that case, what's really the problem with the person being around us?
A non suicidal person seeking attention wouldn't come to a place with very few active users to do so, but would use social media to do it and get thousands of virtual "attention points" instead of the couple reactions and comments from here.
Another thing we may discuss is what is this "attention" we talk so much about and why people seek it in the first place. It's well know that we have social needs that will vary from person to person and it's just natural for someone with unsatisfied social needs to get desperate seeking it. In a way, these people have an unfulfilled need, just like we probably have others.
The REAL problem is when someone fakes a serious situation, just like in the famous history about the boy and the wolf. It would be coherent to advert people who do this, but we have no proper methodology to identify when it's real and when it's not. However, these people will learn, one way of another, that, by faking emergencies, people will start discrediting them and they will end just like the boy from the history.
YES! Many of the people here are this wayI.
It's why I mostly keep to myself and have a love/hate relationship with this place
Can you give me some examples, like how these posts may look?
Why cant suicide be rational? Suicide being irrational is exactly one of the anti-choice arguments in regards to suicide....
I agree. My suicidality, for example, is mostly rational. While I have means to have a somewhat good life in the not-so-near future, I want to live some moments of life that are impossible to live anymore. Even if I have a constant boost of "serotonin & friends", I would still want to end this. In fact, this is what mostly makes ctb difficult for me, the fact that I don't have a strong emotion leading me to it.
It's not rational because if it was, we wouldn't have a survival instinct. If suicide was rational this website wouldn't exist... None of us are thinking clearly, really. Why are members here in therapy? Why are members here on meds? They themselves know suicide ideation isn't rational or they wouldn't be remedying these thoughts.
Of course one can understand why a person with a degenerative illness would want to commit suicide, but is that rational or is that fear and a need to control the circumstances? Is fear rational? We could go so many place with these questions and answers
In the first half, you mix rationality and instincts. Rationality is our capacity to think with reason, without our instincts and emotions at play. So, survival instinct doesn't prove your assertion.
In the other half, you make an interesting consideration. However, this thought goes much deeper and we can abandon the discussion of the possibility of a rational suicide and argue if rationality itself exists of if it's merely an illusion and we act in a way to satisfy our instincts in a more effective way in the long run.