It has always been pretty weird, I cried a lot to movies, series and anime. (in mind I have parasyte and RE:LIFE) But I've never cried a lot for "IRL" things. For example, My GF left me not long ago (for cheating) and not a single drop. And it's like that for everything. I always have the feeling of crying, like if the tears are coming up, but not a single come.
It's exactly the same thing for me
I've had that happen to me before too.
Once when I contacted my mom after a failed suicide attempt and again, two years ago, after a kerfuffle with my mom, which is funny since it caused me to scream in terror (which is pretty weird since I'm very quiet), twice, but I could only bring myself to shed two tears despite feeling like I was sobbing a whole bunch, lol.
I don't really like crying so I don't tend to do it that often. I think the last time I truly cried was a few years ago.
Edit: Actually, I just remembered that the last time I cried was two years ago, after that argument with my mom. It happened after things had finally calmed down. And then I felt completely numb afterwards.
There were times where I was close to crying but I usually held it in since I genuinely hate crying. I used to cry a lot more often when I was younger.