I have a plan but no hard-set date. I find setting a date makes it this ominous thing and it makes SI so hard to overcome. I figure if I have my method set and ready to go I can use it at any time.
This actually worked well for my previous attempt. I spent a few weeks planning/practicing. I woke up that morning not necessarily planning to ctb that day but by afternoon I realized "Y'know what? I'm ready". Went into it very calm. Didn't plan/practice enough though as my method didn't work.
I've already taken it into consideration. My 19th birthday is the last day I have to do it. My method requires that I plan ahead, so that's gotta start soon considering that I'm growing ever closer to my deadline.
I want to do it this year, just not sure about the date.
I feel I'm not prepared to go mentally. I plan to read some books on it if possible. And also improve my knowledge on SN. I'm a perfectionist, I can't help it, lol
I want to use my dads criticizing day as my fuel, but as it can be any random day I'm not sure about this. I just don't know how long I need to hold as their birthdays are coming up I don't mind doing on my dads' bday month that is next month. But that would be likely too soon in my books
It is not having a plan that is my biggest concern, I know I should and I keep promisingly myself I will but I cannot seem to motivate myself.
I fear I will just jump into it and it will be painful and messy at best or fail at worst which is why I know I NEED a plan.
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