My narcissistic mother intentionally pitted her kids (from her first marriage) against me (the scapegoat) and after she did the world a favor and keeled over when I was 20, I've spent that time to now trying to get them to see that I'm not the person she claimed I was ( when I was suicidal/depressed and she refused to get me help because it would make her look bad to have another crazy kid- her words, "acting out" or as much as a nerd who just wanted to be alone to read/listen to music/practice instruments could).
There were times when I thought I was making progress only for them to say/do something that reminded me that they still saw me as egg donor painted me, so I would withdraw for long periods of time. Now that they're older and experiencing their own mental health stuff, they finally "understand", but I am at the point where I'm no longer interested in engaging about it. I keep getting, "We wish we knew you better" but it's a bit too late for that. I do love my siblings but there are some things that I just cannot forgive them for. They aren't a support network though they claim they want to be.
When I was younger, it was, we're raising our kids, we don't have time to deal with your shit. So I just refused to open up. Whenever I needed something from them, they attached a ton of conditions. I was the youngest, so I was "spoiled" though they didn't know how things really were with egg donor and enabler dad behind closed doors. I chose to remain childfree (I'm no parent and never saw myself as one, even as a kid) so I don't even have kids in common with them. I was involved in their kids' lives so they know me as I am, not as their parents think.
I sometimes go to family events, and I feel like an observer. I don't believe in patching anything up at this point - they don't even know the extent of the sexual abuse/who did it in my childhood. And egg donor is a fucking saint, and I don't even want to open that can of worms of how she abused me.