It's a part of CTB that has been tearing me apart recently. Family have said stuff right before I've had every intention of going that weekend to go ctb and I've had to stop myself, I dread that they will end up thinking what they did or said is the reason I did it. When it isn't but its so hard to try and explain in a note that it's not there fault.
I have sat and wrote note after note for family, but I still struggle and want to add or change parts or worry ive missed important points and such. The notes for my mum or dad could easily fill a sheet of A4.
If only I could genuinely sit down and talk to them in person and have them understand its not there fault that its nothing they have ever done wrong and that reason xyz is why I just can't keep going anymore. But even writing that stuff down it just doesn't feel enough to help them through it or explain things properly. They talked about having me sectioned and thought I would hate or blame them and I wouldn't ever hate or blame them for that. I understand they are trying to get me help but I don't want help I want to be dead.
I guess it's such a hard concept to explain and understand for most people that yes I've had enough and I honestly do not want to he alive anymore. Its not got better with "time" it's not gonna be any better. Whenever life is "good"(not that it is ever that good) I don't trust it. I know something else is coming. Another reason. Another shitstorm I'm forced to endure. Then you get the it's not that bad. Yes yes it is, my life just seems to be a constant ongoing series of holes in a ship I'm trying to patch every single day, week, month or year and I'm running out of tape or whatever rapidly.
I've attempted before and I sent the notes out to people at 3am... for some fucking reason my mum was awake and saw it and rang me right away forcing me to stop and such. They know I'm suicidal and don't want to live that I'm depressed as fuck but I mask so fucking well everyday they don't see it anymore. I don't know if they think I'm fine now or not. But yea family at the moment I'd a major reason, simply because I feel guilty about the pain it will cause them and also I can't figure out how best to try and help them through it.