

My username is a lie currently
May 29, 2024
I think my parents do. Although part of me feels like they've cared more about alcohol throughout my life.


May 21, 2024
Only my parents. Anyone else would have thrown me out and left to rot and die on the streets for being a parasite at this point.
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
I think there is only one person who really does, and its so painful she does, I don't deserve it. I have isolated and distanced myself from her because every time I see her I struggle not to fall apart around her. Shes like a mother I never had.

Everyone else doesn't give a shit about me or pretends to. There is always something someone wants from me even though I hardly know what that is. I'm either to be avoided or used and abused. It's how it goes.

I guess why bother even guarding my heart at this point, because if I deliberately seek out to be abused then I'll just be pushed towards CTB more right? I guess that's an idea worth trying.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
My Dad cares the most. To the point where I think if I suicide while he's still alive, it would devastate him. Hence- I'm stuck here. Asides from that, I think some people do care but then- I haven't even seen most of them in 5, 10, even 20+ years. So, it's kind of care but from a great distance. That makes me hope that if I do CTB one day that, it won't be so bad. It will probably still feel weird for a while but ultimately- what can they actually miss? A Christmas card and the odd text here and there.
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May 4, 2024
Besides my mom, sibling and possibly even father no? But even they suck at showing any love or trying to understand me. They care in their own way I guess but just suck at being family.

I was always ignored as a kid by my parents, I used to be that one kid who talks so much about random stuff and just wanted you to listen but instead I had to scream mom or dad like 50 times to even be noticed. While talking to them it always felt like my words went straight through them. Even developed this horrible habit with them where I always had the urge to confirm whether they even listened by asking 'were you listening'. I might be the issue although one thing I do know for sure is that as a parent you should listen to the nonesense your child talks about, make them feel listened to.

My existence has never been seen or noticed. When I walk outside it literally feels like I am a ghost, something people walk straight through and don't even see. Never felt loved or cared for by anyone. Recently had my birthday and once again not a single soul who even remembered it was my birthday. While I personally will remember the smallest things about you.

Maybe I am the issue or abnormal. So far it seems like I don't belong in this life.


Feb 28, 2024
I think people do care about me and my overall well being. But it's hard to believe when they never actually want to listen to you and try to even understand what's going on inside your head. Everything just feels so invalidating sometimes, because they just don't want to know the truth that I am suicidal. They're in denial that I would actually die one day, which only makes me feel worse.
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Feb 3, 2023
Ultimately people don't care despite what's being said. Basically they cannot care, I think it's part of the evolution of the human race and theory of the survival of the fittest that real and wholehearted caring was abolished by nature as a survival strategy. Schopenhauer also wrote about that topic from a more modern point of view. That being said, people can still use their brains and try to understand, and many (activists) did and do.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, I'd say that my parents do care about me. They haven't always but they changed a lot over the years and have undone some social brainwashing caused by being in a very strict asian culture. My dad has also started caring more too. However, in the end, no matter how much they care about me, it doesn't matter because it's life itself that I want to avoid. I'll admit that my parents are still heavily limited in terms of their ability to care for me as they still do have a lot of asian related beliefs and religious beliefs too but I think they care to the best of their limit.

In the end, no amount of care can make me not be suicidal as my parents are poor and expect me to wage slave. Also, no amount of care can get rid of the suffering that exists for every human being


Nie mam zamiaru się poddać
May 1, 2024
They do. Having a support system is way more important than I realized and I feel grateful to have a strong one with amazing people, although not everyone in my life can empathize with my struggles, but they are trying their best to help me and I know their hearts are in the right place.


Aug 28, 2023
Something deep down makes me hope that at least a few people care. How much? To what extent? Who knows. It doesn't matter much what they think, I've never felt genuinely cared for at all and I'm not entitled to it. I'd breakdown where my head would be stuck in a loop furious and in disbelief that no one cares about me, before I realized I don't give anyone any valid reason to care. Now it's kind of just "oh well, it's not anyone's job to take care of me, they're probably tired anyways"


I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
I want to think so, but aside from one or maybe * maybe * two people...I think people want me to kill myself. I think there are people out there who have psychologically and emotionally isolated and tormented me and there is no where I can go. I can't even be online. I can only think I'm being pushed to my absolute limits on purpose to see how long I can hold out. I am alone. I could accept this fate if it didn't hurt so much. If I could shut off all emotion this would be so much better. If I am to be used and hurt, please just lobotomize me. I have no advocacy, everywhere I go things shut down, end, or worse. I'm now convinced going to any mental health clinician is just asking me to be shipped off to god knows where and experimented on. The stuff I have endured nobody will know about and likely nobody will believe me. I am human meat, I just wish I wasn't human. I'm just a loser. Clinging onto hope, desperately trying to use and reuse all of my coping mechanisms that don't even work. I'm afraid of going outside. I am afraid of people. I am not made for this world, so please, I pray I find some method because all I think about is death.

losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
In my 42 years on this planet, 80% of people say they care until it ACTUALLY comes to the time to show this. Then they use any excuse in the book to sneak out of this caring "obligation" they have imposed upon themselves.

Actions speak louder than words!!!


Jul 25, 2021
My wife cared about me till covid claimed her. We were soulmates. My very young daughter also cares about me.

As for the rest (including my mother and sister), I have found out from experience that they only pretend to care whereas in reality they could do very well without me.

So I would say out of all the people you know, there may be 1 or 2 that really care about you.


I'd like to shut down
Mar 13, 2024
other than close family, no. people could have been there for me, they chose not to be, ultimately i am the one who is wrecked in life by the way i was left to deal with all of this, even when it came from them and not me. i was not really at fault for much

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