signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Maybe the site wants to commit suicide.
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Apr 2, 2020
You over-read into my statement. I never stated that the definition of assisted suicide is giving information. Thats a leap YOU made to define my statement. Please read whats on the page not the assumptions in your head.

Please stop with all the extra stuff... its ridiculous. You have no idea how I think. You went off topic into all this stuff about other countries and assisted suicide. So my statement was made ONLY to address that.
I am reading what is on the page, your post was very clear. I am not a mind reader and I never claimed that I am. You going into hysterics about this topic is what's ridiculous. Have a nice evening.
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Nov 22, 2020
I haven't seen a country where assisted suicide by laymen is accepted and advertised. You are talking about things that I never debated hence your point is moot.

I'm explicitly discussing laymen assisting suicide which was the point of OP's post not all this other stuff that you conflated on the topic.

PPH does not assist. They provide educational information. They dont come to your house and hold your hand.

Exit will visit your home but you must have all the equipment ready. They will not shop for you.

There are some on this site that get so involved that they might as well tie the noose then say: "After you my friend!!!" And I think thats. a risky proposition.

What do you mean "assisted suicide by laymen"? Who is advertising anything here? Barely anyone even posts sources here anymore. Most of the info people share are either A) from a source they read or B) their own experience. Both of which seem valid. And also, when is giving information the exact same as "assisted suicide" lol. That's jumping to a far fetched conclusion. I know what OP is referring to, they replied to one of my posts I made as well claiming something similar when I simply asked if X amount of X drug would be successful in CTB. Everyone said no and explained actually helped me, that is what your side doesn't understand. No one wants to help each other suffer here. That's what you can't see.

Who from here is coming to people's houses or holding each others hands lol. You're creating your own arguments and fighting with yourself. No one does this here, metaphorically or literally.

So your whole argument is based on a few individuals on this forum? lol, I've been browsing these forums for some time before I decided to sign up recently, and I have yet to come across anyone encouraging each other. Maybe you found a few, cool. I doubt most people agree with that. So it's not something to get heated about.

Either way, this site has way more positives than cons. Most of the discussions and questions are fine imo.
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Oct 11, 2020
I don't understand why people are getting worked up over this issue. If you find a question trivial, redundant, offensive or bait you don't have to respond to it.
Mods can advise, redirect or take down the post.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019

You're arguing points I never made in this post.

If you are going to ask what I mean then ask that alone. Dont ask then make an entire argument around a statement taken out of its intended context.
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
i think it is good to be wary. my worthless two cents.
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Hanging on is hard
Dec 2, 2019
I just read this entire thread. Here's my summary:

"Be smart about what you post and the questions you answer. Use good judgment." - @Meditation guide

"You're not the boss of me!" - everyone that missed the point
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Nov 11, 2020
I just read this entire thread. Here's my summary:

"Be smart about what you post and the questions you answer. Use good judgment." - @Meditation guide

"You're not the boss of me!" - everyone that missed the point
Didn't read most of the argument stuffs as I don't like that. But seems about right
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Personally I think @Meditation guide has some good intentions here with respect to a 13-16 year old coming onto this site and asking for methods to end their life. I have seen some really smart 13 year olds on other sites who were very capable of pretending to be older. While capable of pretending to be older, that did not necessarily mean that they are wise enough to understand and figure out the resources discussed here which are pretty much the same on the internet if you search,

In addition, given the dogmatic, almost fanatic rhetoric I have seen where people are trying to bring this site down, I, for one, do not want to give them any potential ammunition. Whether legal or not, if they do somehow gain a strong enough following, it could definitely impact this site.

There are many other valid points from what I read (I may have missed some of these points - my apologies, I am very tired and in pain tonight).

But overall what this site is about, at least to me, is AUTONOMY, including free speech, and that includes the right to write what you want here. As an aside, I would love to see the name change to sanctioned autonomy but that is just me :)

If we start to dictate what can and can not be posted here, then are we not the same as those trying to get the site shut down?

In my view, the best bet is for everyone to use plain old common sense.

Think before you post ..... could this be a bullied 13-16 year old acting on the spur of the moment? Could it be someone who is anti-autonomy and anti-free speech. With this in mind, can you live with the outcome if you misjudge the situation and someone dies or ends up harming themselves for life?

If you can, then what you post on here is on you - no one else, not the others here or the site itself.

Also, on edit: If someone comes on here asking how much ibuprofehn/prorpranolol/acetaminophen it takes to end one's life. I have no problem telling them not to do it given what I have researched.

I am pretty sick tonight, so I am not too sure if I am making sense here and will need to look this over again tomorrow - but this is just my 2000.00 (inflation included) at the moment.

Love to you all <3
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Feb 17, 2019
It's like one of those Pro-Ana websites. Literally, girls sharing tips on how to die.


Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
I have no idea what this is about but please everyone don't get overheated, I don't want this thread to get shut down. I don't know what "based" means but whatever it is lets not trade insults, thank you. That is directed at everyone not anyone in particular.

Please dont lecture me. I respect people. and I expect the same. If you wanna be called a crackhead then you allow that type of BS. I Don't!

You can disagree with me, BUT YOU WONT DISREPECT ME!
I don't disagree with you. I DO RESPECT YOU! I just don't want this thread shut down. Thank you.

The YOU wasn't referring to "Meditation Guide" The YOU was referring to anyone that wants to call me out of my name or curse me.

Frankly speaking, there has a been a new wave of people who think that chit is cool around here. And it needs to be called out.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Even if it's not illegal I don't want to be telling anyone under 18 anything at all about suicide. It's common sense. And since we have no idea how old anyone really is, I'm going to be careful.
hoping to lose hope

hoping to lose hope

<3 Message me to trade music <3
Nov 14, 2020
Please dont lecture me. I respect people. and I expect the same. If you wanna be called a crackhead then you allow that type of BS. I Don't!

You can disagree with me, BUT YOU WONT DISREPECT ME!

The YOU wasn't referring to "Meditation Guide" The YOU was referring to anyone that wants to call me out of my name or curse me.

Frankly speaking, there has a been a new wave of people who think that chit is cool around here. And it needs to be called out.
Here is your (you).
2/5 points on the trolling but gave me a giggle.


Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Here is your (you).
2/5 points on the trolling but gave me a giggle.

The YOU was referring to YOU and ANYONE ELSE unnamed who thinks that was appropriate and does similar things.

Anyway, I can tell you are young by your response thus you are not worth my time.

Any further responses will be ignored...


Oct 13, 2019
Even if it's not illegal I don't want to be telling anyone under 18 anything at all about suicide. It's common sense. And since we have no idea how old anyone really is, I'm going to be careful.

Wouldn't this pretty much preclude posting anything about suicide at all on a suicide forum?

I don't think you need to be that paranoid. Method discussion like Stan's guide serves an important purpose. It's why many users are here. Common sense is the guideline.
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Dec 26, 2019
I do not want this site to get into trouble nor anyone here, aside from the possibility of unethically helping children commit suicide. We are all supposed to be over 18 but probably some children are here also and it's not ethical to teach or help a child ctb.

If someone is mentally deficient the same thing applies. It's a legal and ethical line we cross if we do that.
I was just going to say that; there are many very young people here and there is bound to be a percentage who are mentally deficient. It's clear many are immature with very little life experience and do not have the capacity for a measured consideration of this topic. For example, "I hate school so I wanna die" or "my parents expect me to clean my room omg i wanna kill myself its so unfair". There could also be people larping here to trap others into responses that can be used against hte sote. If they don't have the sense and intelligence to search the site for historical info, they don't have the mental capacity to give serious and measured consideration to suicide.
I just read this entire thread. Here's my summary:

"Be smart about what you post and the questions you answer. Use good judgment." - @Meditation guide

"You're not the boss of me!" - everyone that missed the point
Accurate analysis
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
Why is this an issue? If you guys know of underage people posting here, it should be reported to the mods so they can be removed.
The same with trolls.

They're generally very good at weeding out the people who shouldn't be on the forum, but they do appreciate the help.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
If you guys know of underage people posting here, it should be reported to the mods
Most underage people here don't tell anyone they are underage. We have no way of knowing we aren't possibly talking to a twelve year old for example. I thought this was fairly obvious.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
That wasn't really directed at anyone specific. More of a PSA. I said that because a lot of people seem convinced this place is full of minors, and if the suspicion is that strong, it should be reported so they can look into the situation.


One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
Every day I see people asking in various ways how to ctb. They ask how much to take of something. They ask how to tie a knot. They ask how to hang a rope. They ask all kinds of ways how they can ctb. Never answer these types of questions. We are not allowed to tell anyone how to ctb in any way. There is simply no reason anyone needs to ask these questions as there is all kinds of information available on the internet on any subject. We are putting ourselves at risk if we try to help anyone or give any information on how to ctb, including dosages, what not to take, what to take, how much, etc. Be aware and be careful.
Instructing others on how to commit suicide is not the purpose of this site and is forbidden. It is not only unethical, it is illegal.
It's not illegal otherwise the peaceful pill handbook and the final exit book would not be legal and Philip Nieche would be in jail.


Aug 18, 2020
I think @MediationGuide spreads some wise words. Be careful what you post. Try not to do anything (unnecessary) illegal. We don't want more ammunition for the ft26 people.
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