

Dec 8, 2019
Sorry for the inflammatory title. I know eating disorders cause very serious sometimes lethal damage.

I have always appeared healthy on the outside and add kus medical racism and I've never been validated or treated for my eating disorders.

My physical health is pretty wonky right now. This year I'd like to take the time to take care of it and find out why.

I've struggled with EDNOS(anorexia/bulimia/binge eating disorder) since I was 10yrs old. Didn't fully realize it until like 2018/2019.

Thinking back, my parents both actively prevented me from getting checked out physically and over the years I haven't had the time or housing stability to take care of myself.

Now I'm years behind on tests I should've done A LONG TIME AGO.

In regards to my eating disorder, I've had truly bad times with it. Didn't eat for a week and so/ended up in a catatonic state(still didn't get properly checked out then)
In 2019 I was throwing up multiple times like every day. At least once a day. Plus heavy heavy drinking. Now I throw up usually at least once a week (but sometimes 3+ times a week)

My eating is more starve and binge oriented except like with regular meals.

Like this eating disorder is officially embedded into every aspect. I feel like I used to have "good/bad" days with it. Now it's a constant in some shape or form.

Here I still stand today though. I dunno if I have any severe health issues.

I suspect there's something kinda wrong with my stomach/esophagus as I suffer from a lot of heartburn/acid reflux and throwing up randomly.. as I'll just be smoking and suddenly throw up.

I dunno whenever I read about the dangers of eating disorders and even on Reddit when people warn how serious it is/can get... I've never received any kinda care or concern around that so it's hard for me to believe.

To be honest I was reading the subreddit (Am I the asshole) this daughter was experiencing heart palpitations and feeling faint so they took her to the hospital. The doctor said she's at risk of a cardiac arrest...

It made me think bc I've def experienced that and no one took me to the hospital. In fact, when I once had a panic attack so bad I thought I was dying, after not eating for the week, my family just acted like I was over exaggerating. Hospital didn't show much concern either despite what I said. I went to the hospital for not eating and not being able to again. Neither time was anything acknowledged they really just tried to play it off as ??? God, I don't even know what man. The system just doesn't care about kids like me. They saw my parents didn't care so no one else did. Like wow thinking back I didn't experience any kinda validation until I had to go to places alone/with an agency. They literally just brushed me off bc society allows it when your parents do.
I could've fucking died in 2017. No one would've cared.

So sometimes I wonder how serious eating disorders actually are. Sometimes I feel like maybe my body is somehow more "resilient" and it's not affecting me. much and other times I know it's fucking affecting my body. I'm scared to find out how much though.

I can't go back and change anything I can't go back and get myself to a doctor sooner. Can only do it now...

This is half of a rant but medical abuse is no joke. It isn't talked about enough. The effects are not talked about enough.

The system encourages help to everyone but only prides certain individuals on getting it.
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Jan 22, 2021
Sorry for the inflammatory title. I know eating disorders cause very serious sometimes lethal damage.

I have always appeared healthy on the outside and add kus medical racism and I've never been validated or treated for my eating disorders.

My physical health is pretty wonky right now. This year I'd like to take the time to take care of it and find out why.

I've struggled with EDNOS(anorexia/bulimia/binge eating disorder) since I was 10yrs old. Didn't fully realize it until like 2018/2019.

Thinking back, my parents both actively prevented me from getting checked out physically and over the years I haven't had the time or housing stability to take care of myself.

Now I'm years behind on tests I should've done A LONG TIME AGO.

In regards to my eating disorder, I've had truly bad times with it. Didn't eat for a week and so/ended up in a catatonic state(still didn't get properly checked out then)
In 2019 I was throwing up multiple times like every day. At least once a day. Plus heavy heavy drinking. Now I throw up usually at least once a week (but sometimes 3+ times a week)

My eating is more starve and binge oriented except like with regular meals.

Like this eating disorder is officially embedded into every aspect. I feel like I used to have "good/bad" days with it. Now it's a constant in some shape or form.

Here I still stand today though. I dunno if I have any severe health issues.

I suspect there's something kinda wrong with my stomach/esophagus as I suffer from a lot of heartburn/acid reflux and throwing up randomly.. as I'll just be smoking and suddenly throw up.

I dunno whenever I read about the dangers of eating disorders and even on Reddit when people warn how serious it is/can get... I've never received any kinda care or concern around that so it's hard for me to believe.

To be honest I was reading the subreddit (Am I the asshole) this daughter was experiencing heart palpitations and feeling faint so they took her to the hospital. The doctor said she's at risk of a cardiac arrest...

It made me think bc I've def experienced that and no one took me to the hospital. In fact, when I once had a panic attack so bad I thought I was dying, after not eating for the week, my family just acted like I was over exaggerating. Hospital didn't show much concern either despite what I said. I went to the hospital for not eating and not being able to again. Neither time was anything acknowledged they really just tried to play it off as ??? God, I don't even know what man. The system just doesn't care about kids like me. They saw my parents didn't care so no one else did. Like wow thinking back I didn't experience any kinda validation until I had to go to places alone/with an agency. They literally just brushed me off bc society allows it when your parents do.
I could've fucking died in 2017. No one would've cared.

So sometimes I wonder how serious eating disorders actually are. Sometimes I feel like maybe my body is somehow more "resilient" and it's not affecting me. much and other times I know it's fucking affecting my body. I'm scared to find out how much though.

I can't go back and change anything I can't go back and get myself to a doctor sooner. Can only do it now...

This is half of a rant but medical abuse is no joke. It isn't talked about enough. The effects are not talked about enough.

The system encourages help to everyone but only prides certain individuals on getting it.
Yes wasting disorders are dangerous and you can die from it.
Are you a healthy weight for your height despite the eating disorder? If yes then that might be why nobody immediately offers treatment because they can't see something is wrong until you tell them everything about it.
Go and see your GP and explain all the details of your eating disorder and ask to have a blood test and BMI check.
Once they have all the info they should be able to help you.
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
Eating disorders can affect your organs and several other parts of your body - your teeth, (from vomiting) hair, nails, skin, menstruation may stop, if you are very underweight, you can damage your bowels if you take laxatives in excess... there are so many possibilities of potential damage.
I agree with Spiral, see your GP and be honest, as you have done here. Make some notes so you don't miss anything out.
Good luck.
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Not gone yet but soon
Jan 14, 2020
You can die from them. I've suffered from both myself and I have to watch it because I slip back into them easily.
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Dec 8, 2019
Yes wasting disorders are dangerous and you can die from it.
Are you a healthy weight for your height despite the eating disorder? If yes then that might be why nobody immediately offers treatment because they can't see something is wrong until you tell them everything about it.
Go and see your GP and explain all the details of your eating disorder and ask to have a blood test and BMI check.
Once they have all the info they should be able to help you.
My weight has never been severely underweight but I lose and gain a lot.

My current GP knows and ordered like full bloodwork so I'm needing to get that done soon. I haven't had a GP in years so finally getting that sorted.

Things are just recently improving in terms of even being abke to access physical health but ive only just begun so its def bringing up some worries/resentment etc etc.
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I'm scared

Feb 16, 2021
December 2012 I had a BMI of 12.2 sectioned but I didn't feel that ill.My whole digestive system is ruined due to mucking around with food for 30+ years
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Feb 7, 2021
i'm sorry you've fallen through the gaps of the medical system. if it's any consolation, the medical system doesn't support those with eating disorders well unless you're minted, but i guess that's your point.

the acid reflux thing is identical to my experience post-disorder and, as @bubba said, digestive issues are a common issue. eating disorders/malnutrition make your bones and heart weaker too - you break bones easily. i've read on eating disorder communities that bulimics have it even worse with their teeth falling out from the acid.

it would be worth a check-out at the doctors or dentists if you can afford it sweetheart. :)
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