I saw that post with your regimen. Very interesting.
I did some thinking and it might be better to put the high dose on hold, since we have not seen successful CTB attempts with a >1g dose of propranolol yet.
But if you are confident enough, you could try the bigger dose.
Hahaha, you are funny.
It would be good to know, if all of you guys used SN in that room, what each member's propranolol dosage was and the timing in the regimen.
But seriously, if you guys wouldn't be tormented by mental and/or physical suffering, it would have been a great Management Team or High Council or Debate Club.
That is some bad SN. Need that tested please lol.
The order was different first, but then I realized about possible sensitivities. Good spot!
I forgot to add 'HelensNepenthe' and 'Yomyom', because I thought that they are more the 'N' type of guys.
Very interesting
So this person took 80+800mg=880mg of propranolol. 80mg as part of normal routine and 800mg 30 minutes prior SN intake.
PN approves and the person successfully CTB'ed considering the 'grieving daughter of the person'.
I wonder how painful it was...
Exactly, there are too few cases of successful SN+high dose propranolol CTB attempts to advise this high dose of propranolol in our regimen.
You are right about the benefits for us including propranolol in the regimen, since it reduces the fast heart rate and it could also lead to passing out earlier.
I think it is a good to meet each other in the middle: 120mg 1h before and 120mg together with SN. I mean, 240mg is a lot less than 1-2g.
Knowing whether or not 1g is a best practise is akin to the case of the Rebreather: there are too few documented successful attempts. Time will tell...