
Mar 25, 2024
I have no experience with drugs.
In the last month i have buyd some medications for DDMAPh and other.

The only what i has testet was Diazepam 10 mg, but i felt no effect. :))

What is MDMA?
I'm looking for something that makes me feel good for 4-6 hours, best taken orally.
No smoking or intravenous.

I need something to forget my shit life for some hours.
MDMA is the chemical component of Ecstacy.

Best be sure your Diazepam is legit. If you have zero tolerance then you should have felt something from 10mg.

Do you have the required amount of Morphine for the DDMA method?


Jan 1, 2024
Never, as the sole purpose of drugs is to destroy one's life.

But hey, nothing beats a morning of 4 Addies and a Coke! Does anyone have a Coke addiction? :pfff:
Diet coke!
Crystal meth was a ride. Only did it like 4 times
Ppl with natural high energy are so lucky
Dont most people get really addicted to it?
I've grown quite bored talking about drugs throughout my life, despite it once having been a big interest of mine, but I figure it could be fun to actually try to think of all the drugs I have tried so here we go kids. I'm leaving out the boring shit like common psych meds and nootropics.

DPH (Benedryl)
Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms

GABAergics and drugs I group with them:
Muscle relaxers such as Carisoprodol (Soma) and Baclofen
Various Benzodiazepines and Thienodiazepines (Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Etizolam, Librium etc.)

Psychedelics, Hallucinogens:
Various Synthetic Cannabinoids (Spice)
Psilocybin Mushrooms
MDMA and Ecstasy Tablets (I probably should have grouped this with the stimulants, not the psychedelics)
Various other psychedelic RCs

Nitrous Oxide

Straight stupid shit:
Inhalants (such as computer duster and acetone)

Pharmaceutical Opioids (methadone, suboxone, dilaudid, percocet, oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl, etc.)
Fentanyl (street)

Crack cocaine
MDPV (Bath salts)
Pharmaceutical amphetamines (Adderall, vyvanse, etc.)
Pharmaceutical non-amphetamine stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, etc.)

Out of the drugs I have not tried, I don't have interest in many except for mescaline (peyote, san pedro, etc). Maybe GHB. Maybe 5-MEO DMT just to cross it off the list, but honestly I don't have much of an interest in drugs anymore.
How was DMT?
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Feb 24, 2024
I take Flexeril a lot. Its a muscle relaxant. Just makes me really calm. It helps my anxiety a lot by basically mildy sedating me in a way
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Life Is My Coffin

Life Is My Coffin

One final action ⚰️⚰️⚰️
Oct 13, 2023
• weed
• cocaine
• ecstasy (MDMA)
• xanax
• codeine pills (percs/vicodin)
• codeine cough syrup (lean)
• mushrooms
• salvia
• synthetic cannabis ("spice")
• heroin
• meth

last 2 i only tried like twice cuz i was hanging out with retarded friends i had. everything else i did many times

I absolutely hate DXM and i'll never do it again. wish i still liked uppers like cocaine but i guess doing it for so long or so many times ruined the serotonin receptors and a lot of the feeling of uppers now converts to a really uncomfortable shitty anxiety feeling instead of euphoria for me
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I absolutely hate DXM and i'll never do it again. wish i still liked uppers like cocaine but i guess doing it for so long or so many times ruined the serotonin receptors
I don't think cocaine primarily acts on the serotonin receptors. I think it's an indirect dopamine agonist. It primarily acts on the limbic system.
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Life Is My Coffin

Life Is My Coffin

One final action ⚰️⚰️⚰️
Oct 13, 2023
I don't think cocaine primarily acts on the serotonin receptors. I think it's an indirect dopamine agonist. It primarily acts on the limbic system.
well the same thing kind of happens to me when i take MDMA now too and that's definitely a seratonin-based agent. Lots of anxiety on the come up now with that too when it used to not be that way


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
well the same thing kind of happens to me when i take MDMA now too and that's definitely a seratonin-based agent. Lots of anxiety on the come up now with that too when it used to not be that way
Similar symptoms can result from different causes though. I'm not a medical professional or anything, I'm mostly basing what I'm saying based on my limited knowledge on the drug.

Edit: It seems that cocaine also blocks the re-uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine into the presynaptic neurons, along with dopamine. It leads to a buildup of monoamines (serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine) in the synaptic cleft, resulting in prolonged and enhanced effects.
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Jul 23, 2022
Only the shitty psychiatric ones.
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Mar 6, 2024
Aside from the usuals - alcohol, nicotine & caffeine - I've smoked a fair amount of weed and occasionally take smaller doses of shrooms.
Also took antidepressants for a year some 4-5 years ago.
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black and white

May 27, 2024
Been a cannabis user for long. It's all or nothing with it, or it can helps you relaxed and be creative, or it could makes you very anxious. As it's softer than anything else, it's very easy to fall in the trap and using it daily for long. That seems fun but it's also critical when you're in fact young, depressed, easily destabilized.

Not a big fan of alcohol myself as i don't like to loose control.

Sniffing cocaïne seems nice for partying as you will resist sleepyness, alcohol, be hungry etc much better. It also increase your ego, it's like you feel better even invincible at some point. I also tried it in Brasil, it was way better than in Europe, it was more a flying carpet, stoning, that just exciting you. It's also an anesthetic, means everywhere you put it you won't feel anything after (your nose, your mouth wherever....)

It's kind of the same with amphetamin but less euphoria, just exciting you and resist to cold, hungry, sleep whataver. you're just fully boosted physically. if you take more and more you will be so excited you will need to run and jump everywhere, even eating your lips eventually. Meth come from this but you multiply by 100 the power and the addiction...

Smoking free base (based cocaïne, crack) is very powerful. Intellectually you will feel like you're Einstein, thinking very fast and way better than usual; but it's also very addictive, you're still high but you're ready to kill your grandmother to have some more (im joking but you get the idea). when you will blow out the smoke from your lungs you will feel the effect coming up pretty quickly, some kind of a flash but surely less intense than flash from injected drugs. If you have seen the film Traffic from Soderbergh i think he gets the idea very well, those blue ambient filtering are quite close to the ambient, the light blue sensation you're in. This drugs appear very nice at first time but if you stay in it it will quickly become a nightmare, as you will be hardly addict, it's expensive and you will just become a junkie wihtin weeks (i said goodbye at the end of the night to the people who made me try, i didn't want to be addicted, they understoodand we didn't keep contact)

heroin, i just did sniff it. As always with opioïd, it calms down the suffering center in the rbain, that's why it's used so much to decrease pain in medicine. That's pretty much about it, no body pain, and a bit flying carpet but more with nausea, so i don't like much opioïd, it's usually not really nice and comfortable as sensations. Opium is kind of different, because it push you into deep sleep with vision, but it's quite rare you on't find some easily. Once again id didn't try with injection but it's supposed to be super powerful with a big flash and huge sensation, at a point you will be junie within days and even sex will appear boring to you.

Mushrooms and LSD are very similar. I tend to prefer LSD, as its a it more easy to access. Mushrooms are a toxin and it could be hard on the body sometimes. Especially if you're not in the mood. Both mushrooms or lsd could be funny, if you're in a fun mood with friends, but also provoke a huge introspection and be very mental. It's also where mushrooms are less easy, they could be more tricky and heavy to handle, on every sensations, including time distortions for example. Impact and sensations can differ a bit from a mushroom to another, when it's more about quality and being fresh with the lsd which is usually always the same substance. They can come light hallucinations, not big deep ones, it's more distortion of the colour and the light that can trouble a bit your perspective. At a certain dose, people can begin to see things with it, but i never really did, not seeing pink flying elephant at least.

MDMA and ecstasy are my favourite chemical drug. I won't advise it to heal depression but it's clearly on this side. It's the love drug, it block the recapture of the serotonin; so if you're in a happy mood you will create serotonin and this will accumulate into your synapses. Making you happier at a point you can't be naturally; huge empathy, huge love, connected to people and everything. But one more time it depends a lot about you too. There's no need to eat too much especially if it's good quality after it's about you to put yourself with your friends in a very special mood of happyness and love. It's a bit destabilizing to take it lonely, as it excites you, makes you wanna talk or make some hugs etc. so you're most likely going to call your friends or try finding some people. Ecstasy is supposed to be MDMA, but it can be mixed with some others stuffs to make it a bit different, crazy or simply more commercial with an effect that is shorter, forcing you to take more pills. So many people say this is different and they prefer MDMA when it should be the same. Also MDMA is supposed to be more pure, but it's not a guarantee of quality and purity. I've been able to take huge quantity of MDMA like 300-400mg and being ok high a bit, when i've been completely stoned with very good ectasy containing 150mg, more or less... normally if quality is super good 120 to 200mg is enough.

Salvia is strange and not so easy to take. You have to smoke it with a "bang", waterpipe. There are (if i remember well)7 levels or more that you can hope to explore with it. I think i've been to the third and it was powerful enough. Distortion of space, a room will apear very small and very big within seconds.... you can feel everything in 2d and loose 3dness, time distortion, hallucination etc. To go more far you will have to smoke serious quantity even helped with concentrate. It's not an easy one, nor to take or what it does. Even before being high if you smoke just a little you feel it invading your brains, like an alien face-hugger, but onto your brain kinda strange. It's pretty fast it's about 30-45 min i think.

DMT is different but same kind of spirit in the way that It's not easy to take, you have to take a certain quantity to feel it. And the sensations are kinda hard when you're able to get really high.

Ayahuasca is very mental, it's like exploring yourself but much more deep than LSD. Prepare yourself to explore your traumas, your fears, your hopes, your animal totem. You will also vomit. Normally it comes with an entire ritual and you have to take some other pots day before it to purge entirely your organism. So traditionally it's not something you take easily to have fun for the saturday night. It's coming with strong hallucinations, strong emotions etc.

Mescaline is like awaken dream, and hallucination could be very strong, it's not just flashy colour or distorted perception here. you can create an entire imaginary land and you will believe it. It's also scary because you really believe it's real. It's hard to describe which kind of hallucination because it depends on you. If you take with some friend, you will be with them but not in the house anymore, maybe in a wonderland, and them will see something else... even when it's calming down, and you begin to come back to reality you could have huge deformation of what's really there.

Datura is usually considered as the strongest and most dangerous shamanic plant. It's also about strong hallucinations, but here it could easily be about living nightmare. It depends, often people doing this will talk to many of their friends, but actually nobody's here, and they don't talk, it's all in the imagination. When you see someone gone with datura he will appear completely out, eyes open but definitely in another world, if yu hear sounds it will seems like some baby stuffs, no words.
Usually datura is more about nightmare and often hallucination could be scary and destabilizing, like monsters to simplify the idea. It's also very toxic and it's one which the lethal dose is not so high so it's dangerous.

Iboga is very interesting and more comfortable i think. Sensations are nice, maybe not as sweet as MDMA/ecstasy but more in this kind of mood than all others that are pretty hard physically even mentally. Iboga won't work on anybody with small doses. It's working more on very sensitive and intuitive people. It's very psychological and sociological. You feel like taking back a lot, you understand why people act the way they do, even the way they more, the way talk, touch their hairs,even small details. It's not analyzing, it's revealing, like seeing clearly al psycho and socio process. You can think about yourself but you're most likely think about people you know even from your past. It can clear up a lot of things. Even days and week after, it can still influence, even during your sleep. It's a nice one, and gladly not very well known so not polluted. When you take something you also to anyone who ever took it. Cannabis and other drugs are very polluted and you're most likely connecting to lots of people and also lots of bad vibes when taking it. Anyway iboga is also well known to help heroin addict to stop being addict...

Those are the classics. Since years now, appeared some new chemical drugs, usually they are derivative from those substances but slightly differ chemically to not be illegal, but also their effect could be pure disaster, so it's important to not take anything blindly. It's important to be informed well when trying stuffs. When you go to the shaman road and even go in the jungle to try something, be sure you're ready and not simply doing shamanic tourism.... We, western people have abandonned those things and are far from it.
It's important to drink a lot of water when taking drugs, like a lot. Hydratation is very important. Also many of them cut the sensation to be cold or tired so be careful to not be stupid and go outside with a t-shirt at night during winter etc... When it's time to come back in the morning after a long night, eat a lunch will help to recover and prepare yourself to sleep. Those are strong experience, and last 6-8 to 12 hours or more.... It's important to do it when you have several days to recover. Usually the following days could be tiring or destabilising more or less depending the drug. MDMA is very nice, but can cause depression after because it completely unbalance the serotonin system. So this is one substance that could be useful in psychological process or just to party but it's also very depressing in return.

Globally i won't advise any of those drugs to anyone. Because they are very powerful, they can make you addict (some of them, the more psyche the less addiction usually). So powerful that they could be very destabilising mentally. People advising it against depression are crazy and don't realise how dangerous it can be. Even if you're fine and happy and just want to have fun, it's very destabilising because it affects a lot your perception, sensations and your consciousness.
MDMA/ecstasy should be the one to adivse in a psychological process, actually it has been used this way after been discovered, about less than a century ago it has been used a psy speaking group, to help people talk more and reveal and releave themselves. But as i said, usually people will take them to party and it also comes with serotonin depress after, and it can be truth for days or even more for the balance to come Back. At least if you know it, you can not be trapped in it and just feel a bit tired and a bit empty. But on a forum like this it's very important to explain that. To people who depress and suffer a lot, yeah you can have the most wonderful night you ever had, but the next day(s) could also be your worst....

Be careful about all that, it's very powerful and could be dangerous. I'm not saying to not try, anyone is free of their choices, but it's better to be informed about, to do this with very trustful friends in good ambient etc. If you feel bad, drink water, use sugar to calm down the effect and remember this will last for just few hours. If you begin to not feeling well this is the worst, you should embrace the thing and enjoy it otherwise you could have a very bad moment both physically and mentally.
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Professional Overthinker
Mar 25, 2023
I'll keep it short and sweet (or as much as possible)

LSD/Acid: A psychedelic hallucinogenic similar to that of Psilocybin/Shrooms. It's a semi-synthetic chemical that derives from ergot. A key difference with this chemical would be the visual hallucinations alongside the duration. The visuals are much more cartoony with a noticeable visual being how the colors change, I've literally seen colors I've never seen before if that makes sense. I highly encourage you get a test kit (chemical-reagents) to both verify what you have is actually LSD and that the dose is actually as advertised. A lot of the time a tab will be marketed at a high ug dosage but is extremely under dosed in reality. Another thing to keep in mind as that it can take as long as 1.5-2 hours to kick in and can last up to 12+ hours. Besides the extremely long duration, this is hands down my favorite psychedelic and the drug I have most experience with.

Psilocybin/Shrooms: Ironically enough, I tripped on these not even two days ago. It's too a psychedelic hallucinogenic similar to that of LSD (amongst others), it has a 6-8 hour duration time. Something I hate is the intense nausea I endure during the come-up. It was way too noticeable during the first hour and lowkey fucked up my mindset going into the trip. Thankfully, I still ended up having a great time. It's also not nearly as easy to dose as each strain possesses different levels of potency. Even with a scale you can't make your doses precise as you can with lets say LSD with the use of Liquid Vials, powders, etc. A lot of people prefer shrooms over LSD, the visuals are definitely calmer and more acoustic in nature. It's almost like you can tell the difference between a semi-synthetic psychedelic like LSD and natural psychedelics such as shrooms especially in terms of headspace. LSD really has a "stimminess" so to speak to it in terms of the serotonin and dopamine. Not to say Psilocybin can't do the same, but just not nearly to the extent of LSD. I must be the odd one out because I prefer LSD compared to shrooms, not to say shrooms can't be great in their own right.

DXM: A legal, OTC cough-suppressant that can be turned into a dissociative experience to that of Ketamine or PCP. You can get it literally at your local CVS as long as you're 18. Make sure there's no other ingredients other than DXM because filler chemicals included typically are really harmful to the liver. This is an interesting chemical because I swear it feels like entirely different drugs depending on the dose. There's three forms of it. Freebase, HBR, and Poliestrex. I've only done HBR and Freebase. It's claimed they each provide different levels of euphoria but I never noticed the difference. The only key difference is Poliestrex is weaker but much longer lasting in duration. 150 MG (talking freebase and HBR at this point) can feel uplifting, euphoric, and just really nice almost to that of MDMA/Molly. What I like about this is that DxM really isn't nearly as neurologically harmful as MDMA meaning you can do it more frequently without doing long-term damage. In the 300 MG + range you enter the dissociative territory. It really does feel like Ketamine in terms of the headspace. Considering the legality behind this drug and all the memories I made with it. It's a 10/10.

Bromazolam: A "research chemical" or "designer drug" that is supposed to mimic the effects of Alprazolam/"Xanax". Bromazolam is a triazolo-benzodiazepine structurally related to alprazolam in which the chlorine atom is replaced by a bromine atom. I don't really recall much of this experience, I took somewhere between 1-2 MG. I blacked out hard, in hindsight, I'm someone with zero tolerance to benzos so I should've been more careful with dosing. The delusion of sobriety was so intense by the time I reached a subjectively enjoyable dose I'd just undergo amnesia and blackout. If you can, stick to alprazolam/"Xanax" and your script benzos. I'll see if I can get my hands on the beloved Etizolam and report on that as apparently it's hard to blackout on similar to the likes of benzos such as Pyrazolam.

There's others I could yap about such as THC alongside the other cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, Delta-8, Delta-10, Delta-11, HXY-11, etc), caffeine, and others but I think most people here have tried those. If you have any questions about these and needs some help feel free to ask.
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Jun 7, 2024
I've taken antidepressants since I was 16. So half my life. My OCD was very resistant to them the very first few years but then it kinda got better. I wish I wouldn't have had mental health issues. It would have made my life much easier.


Apr 18, 2024
I'll keep it short and sweet (or as much as possible)

LSD/Acid: A psychedelic hallucinogenic similar to that of Psilocybin/Shrooms. It's a semi-synthetic chemical that derives from ergot. A key difference with this chemical would be the visual hallucinations alongside the duration. The visuals are much more cartoony with a noticeable visual being how the colors change, I've literally seen colors I've never seen before if that makes sense. I highly encourage you get a test kit (chemical-reagents) to both verify what you have is actually LSD and that the dose is actually as advertised. A lot of the time a tab will be marketed at a high ug dosage but is extremely under dosed in reality. Another thing to keep in mind as that it can take as long as 1.5-2 hours to kick in and can last up to 12+ hours. Besides the extremely long duration, this is hands down my favorite psychedelic and the drug I have most experience with.

Psilocybin/Shrooms: Ironically enough, I tripped on these not even two days ago. It's too a psychedelic hallucinogenic similar to that of LSD (amongst others), it has a 6-8 hour duration time. Something I hate is the intense nausea I endure during the come-up. It was way too noticeable during the first hour and lowkey fucked up my mindset going into the trip. Thankfully, I still ended up having a great time. It's also not nearly as easy to dose as each strain possesses different levels of potency. Even with a scale you can't make your doses precise as you can with lets say LSD with the use of Liquid Vials, powders, etc. A lot of people prefer shrooms over LSD, the visuals are definitely calmer and more acoustic in nature. It's almost like you can tell the difference between a semi-synthetic psychedelic like LSD and natural psychedelics such as shrooms especially in terms of headspace. LSD really has a "stimminess" so to speak to it in terms of the serotonin and dopamine. Not to say Psilocybin can't do the same, but just not nearly to the extent of LSD. I must be the odd one out because I prefer LSD compared to shrooms, not to say shrooms can't be great in their own right.

DXM: A legal, OTC cough-suppressant that can be turned into a dissociative experience to that of Ketamine or PCP. You can get it literally at your local CVS as long as you're 18. Make sure there's no other ingredients other than DXM because filler chemicals included typically are really harmful to the liver. This is an interesting chemical because I swear it feels like entirely different drugs depending on the dose. There's three forms of it. Freebase, HBR, and Poliestrex. I've only done HBR and Freebase. It's claimed they each provide different levels of euphoria but I never noticed the difference. The only key difference is Poliestrex is weaker but much longer lasting in duration. 150 MG (talking freebase and HBR at this point) can feel uplifting, euphoric, and just really nice almost to that of MDMA/Molly. What I like about this is that DxM really isn't nearly as neurologically harmful as MDMA meaning you can do it more frequently without doing long-term damage. In the 300 MG + range you enter the dissociative territory. It really does feel like Ketamine in terms of the headspace. Considering the legality behind this drug and all the memories I made with it. It's a 10/10.

Bromazolam: A "research chemical" or "designer drug" that is supposed to mimic the effects of Alprazolam/"Xanax". Bromazolam is a triazolo-benzodiazepine structurally related to alprazolam in which the chlorine atom is replaced by a bromine atom. I don't really recall much of this experience, I took somewhere between 1-2 MG. I blacked out hard, in hindsight, I'm someone with zero tolerance to benzos so I should've been more careful with dosing. The delusion of sobriety was so intense by the time I reached a subjectively enjoyable dose I'd just undergo amnesia and blackout. If you can, stick to alprazolam/"Xanax" and your script benzos. I'll see if I can get my hands on the beloved Etizolam and report on that as apparently it's hard to blackout on similar to the likes of benzos such as Pyrazolam.

There's others I could yap about such as THC alongside the other cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, Delta-8, Delta-10, Delta-11, HXY-11, etc), caffeine, and others but I think most people here have tried those. If you have any questions about these and needs some help feel free to ask.
Do you "remember" the colors you've never seen before on LSD ?
I assume it's can hazy in your mind or do u just remember that you experienced a completely new color but can not describe it ?

I remember on shrooms there's colors that change so much it "could" be some sort of new color. Certain things that were blue seemed to be blue in a way that it "could" be considered a new blue-color or more like a tone/shade/… of blue that's super beautiful I'll never experience sober


Jul 30, 2020
I had enough trouble with alcohol, so I decided not to push my luck with drugs. (These days I don't drink at all. About 14 years ago I developed a medical condition thal alcohol would make worse, and that has pretty much obliged me to avoid all alcohol.)
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I've never done drugs but I've taken psych meds (Buspar, propranolol, Ritalin and Adderall). Honestly, I can't really tell how meds affect me. I'm not good at knowing how I feel. I don't take anything now though. I drink a lot of coffee and tea but I don't consider caffeine a drug
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Mar 4, 2024
This is going to sound so dumb but when you are so isolated in the playground at secondary school you have to talk to at least 1 person….

Smoke paper yes as in an A4 sheet rolled up. Took one take of it and it was the worst experience ever. And this crowd were meant to be the normie kind of clown crowd.

Everyone was always smoking weed so you do inhale it secondarily. I know exactly what is smells like now.

The normal medical stuff like paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc but very rarely.

When I got cancer they asked if I wanted liquid morphine after the operation. They were very certain that everyone gets addicted to it and it's hard to come off. I agreed but wasn't 100%. Put some under my tongue and I swallowed it. It was the most disgusting taste I've ever had (even worse than vodka). Told them nope don't want any of that shit - I was meant to get addicted right? Fucking normie nurses.

I don't know if it's an autistic thing but a lot of people I've been chatting with online who are on the spectrum tend not to drink, do drugs, etc. just what I've noticed.

Drugs/drinking is hardcore cope.
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Apr 30, 2024
I've taken thc oil and smoked weed once, am kinda neutral on it. Being high gets me all giggly if I get really high but I don't feel much pull to that state so I don't do it really that much at all, even though I suppose it'd help me cope some nights.

For prescribed stuff I've taken diazepam and quetiapine, both just make me sleepy really. Other than the typical alcohol and all that. I'd like to try psychedelics at least once in my lifetime but I'm also not someone who knows how to go about getting any so not likely to happen anytime soon. I also try to be careful cause my older brother got madly addicted to meth due to a genetic condition/problem and I happen to have the same thing so I have to be mindful.


Staring at the ceiling for 6 hours
Nov 9, 2023
Weed: Great in the short-term, awful in the long term. Sativas help me focus when I can't focus, but if I take too much for too long I feel paranoid and start hallucinating. Indicas just make me unproductive and lazy, which I can't afford in the long-term due to how busy I am.

Caffeine (in tea): Surprisingly strong on my body, sometimes the other actives in tea (like theanine) also give me a sort of "weed lite" experience with none of the negative side effects (I use high-quality Chinese pu-erh to achieve this effect, apparently the term "tea-drunk" refers to this phenomenon) although the caffeine severely affects my sleep schedule so I only use it on a need-be basis.

Shrooms: Not so great in the short-term, but I've had more success with long-term effects. Shroom highs are always a bit scary on the come-up, but it's one of the few things that's worked fairly long term. I once felt great for an entire 8 months afterwards, but the positive effects did ultimately still go away after a while.

Alcohol: I definitely don't get the hallucinogenic effect or paranoia, which is the only upside to alcohol. I find, oddly, that it stabilizes my mood better than anything else, but I always feel awful afterwards (physically and mentally) so it's really not worth it.


Escaped Lunatic
Jun 4, 2023
Booze - loosens me up, less anxious, chattier, euphoric, makes me laugh. Downside is really shitty hangovers

Nicotine - with pot only

Pot - sit around and do nothing, watch TV, eat junk, relaxing, numbing

Caffeine - makes me happier, full of energy, sometimes more anxious

Various Benzos - similar to booze, less euphoric

LSD - mental, confusing, intriguing, goes on too long

Shrooms - like LSD but shorter, def my favourite

4 ACO DMT - like shrooms

2CB - like shrooms, but makes me paranoid

DMT - at the doses I took it was like strong pot

Ketamine - unsure as was on other stuff at the same time, body felt all heavy, felt like I was walking weird

Nos - meh

Cocaine - low dose was like caffeine

Morphine - like a big cozy hug

Ecstasy - lovely, full of energy, chatty, everything is amazing, one love, but shitty comedowns

Various antidepressants - once I found the ones that work for me they've lifted a horrible weight from my shoulders. Sweaty and a bit jittery as a side effect


Sep 2, 2021
Just one. I took ketamine a couple of times with this girl I met on this cuddle website. It was nice and I'd do it again but I think I burned that bridge. whoops.
But it was nice though, felt really light, like I was floating out of my body.


Nothing what I used to be
Apr 23, 2024
Nothing special but at least something.

Weed - Usually relaxed but have had one terrible panic attack with weed when I took an edible without tolerance. I've had some nice visuals sometimes while having eyes shut. I am usually able to enjoy music and art more intensively while high. Sometimes I've had great realizations/thoughts when I've been high. Bad short-term memory though and sometimes I've had to puke when I've taken weed (usually with alcohol).
Alcohol - Usually intensifies mood I am having. Somewhat relaxing and usually more easygoing/sociable with it. Sometimes (like 60%) drink too much too fast and have to puke bc of intoxication. Hangovers are sometimes terrible.
Nicotine - Not sure but stirs up my nerves and makes me a little exited and agitated.
Caffeine - I don't know, Makes me a little more alert and awake sometimes, usually when I am sleepy.

I've been interested to use MDMA and LSD, maybe shrooms. Perhaps MDMA is my first priority if I am living that long though.

Edit: I've tried codeine and benzos too (with alcohol). But on small amounts only. They have only strenghten the effects of alcohol and made me more sleepy.
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May 24, 2024
Nope! 49 yo and never been drunk in my life. Don't drink, don't smoke, rarely even have coffee. I like my brain too much, it's a good brain and I don't see the point in mind altering stuff. They don't really work much for me either. Not too long ago ordered some cannabis oil just to say at least I gave it a try. It was from a certified origin and with the full canabinoids. Tried a few drops. Tried many drops. Tried half the vial, all it gave me was a taste of grass in my throat for 2 days.
For the pain I've been in I was prescribed codeine, tramadol and other opioids. They also did nothing and certainly none of that nice rush. Some would beg the doctor for higher doses, I simply decided to move as little as possible since that was the only thing that could ease the pain. I think I have the opposite of an addictive personality.


Jun 16, 2024
Alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine, ketamine, mdma, lsd, 2cb, cannabis. MDMA was my drug of choice, my happiest moment in life was the first time i used it.


hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
Weed, mdma both rock and pills (also heroin laced a few times before) ketamine, lsd, shrooms, 2CB, cocaine, xanax, valium, speed, meth (got spiked tho), codeine, and some other psych meds. I currently only drink and smoke regularly now to avoid all that


I use a translator
May 24, 2024
If I limit myself to illegal drugs, yes, but few.
Hallucinogenic mushrooms (microdoses)


Apr 15, 2024
I don't care what kind of drugs you're taking/ have experienced.
From Nicotine to some designer ABC-methyl-Meo123 Drug everything is a drug and fine to post.
That also includes legal long term pharma stuff like Sertraline / Quetiapine / …
What was your experience ?

I've tried magic mushrooms ( 1,2g lemon tekk ) because it's said that some users cleared their depression. It did not do anything positive longtime for me… maybe a second time and higher dose should work.
colors were pretty and stuff was moving gently around and I got very introspective. It was interesting.
In order of what I've tried first and last, and what I think about them:

Morphine: After a surgery, wonderful bliss in high doses
Alcohol: School parties and whiskey and rum at home, feels nice the first few hours, but then nausea and headaches
Cannabis oil: Tiredness in small doses and anxiety, paranoia and distortion of time in high doses
Sleeping pills (Z-drugs): Wonderful sleepiness drifting away
Sertraline: No effect
Agomelatine: No effect
Tramadol: Barely any effect
LSD (supposedly): Gave me anxiety
Oxycodone pills: My favorite (like morphine), but had to stop due to price and tolerance buildup and trapped into experiencing horrible withdrawals after just a week of daily use
Buprenorphine: To treat opioid dependency, feels slightly calming a few hours when getting refill doses, but otherwise no effect
Benzos: Bodily tiredness, not so much the mind though
Pregabalin: Weird tiredness and in high doses feeling like the world is a video game and walking feels like floating
Quetiapine/Seroquel: Feels like a weak benzo, nothing else
Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
Just caffiene if it counts, I have never done meth, cocaine, heroin and that other stuff which is illegal where I am.
лост ин спасэ

лост ин спасэ

Jun 16, 2024
I did Codein with Promethazin and morphine, Tramadol, Butanediol, LSD, weed, alcohol, Xanax and Ativan.

Tramadol helps me a lot in day to day life, especially with my back and heart pain but it doesnt get me high or anything, however it does improve my mood and lowers my heart rate.

Xanax helped me so so much in school due to my anxiety (especially in presentations even tho i would be confused af) when I used them recreationally I would do some dumb shit so i would really watch out at higher doses.

I did LSD twice with one being a bad Trip where i had to fight my inner demons and the other one was really fun and exciting (mixed with weed)

Lean wasnt as good as I expected and it was hella expensive, although the morphine was probably the cleanest high I ever had.

Butanediol was just my ctb attempt, very weird substance overall in terms of effects when not used to ctb.


I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
May 12, 2024
I've never even drank. I don't intend to partake, because I have a grab bag of mental disorders that not only leave me barely functional at my best times, but also carry a high risk of developing substance abuse. Any potential relief I may feel from drugs or alcohol wouldn't be worth what comes after the buzz. My only exception may be psychedelics, since I've read they're not addictive and may even be helpful.


The number zero is feeling lonely...
Nov 30, 2020
I used to smoke weed to make "friends" that's until I had an onset of schizophrenia. Turns out it weed can trigger it, plus I have family with it. I worry about weed being normalized by young people. Sure it's safer than alcohol but alcohol can't hinder brain development on people younger than 25 and literally drive you crazy. Just saying weed is not as safe as most people think

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