
Jun 20, 2023
I exist in a dissociative anhedonic state. I don't have any relationships I'd consider meaningful and I'm pretty lonely. I'm moderately interested in some things but don't have any real ambitions or a strong enough sense of purpose for which to stay alive. The result is that I feel dead inside (cliched though that phrasing may be). Consequently, on an emotional level, dying honestly feels trivial to me. On another level, I recognise that it's a big deal to end one's life and that my death will have an impact on my family and to a lesser degree, my friends. On another level, it feels like it's my prerogative to die, and maybe my desensitization (though it may be unnatural) isn't totally irrational since death really is just a part of life, and if I did fear it that would only be because of how human neuropsychology evolved, and my death won't really mean anything in the bigger scheme of things.

I do feel guilty when I think about the emotional distress my death would cause my family but the only way I'd even have a shot at living a happy life would be if I burnt those bridges in the next couple of years anyway, and as immature as it may sound, it's not like I elected to be here in the first place.

I used to obsess over making the rational decision but there doesn't seem to be a rational decision anyway. Acting rationally means to make choices that result in the most beneficial outcome, with "benefit" defined by what one's objectives are. But I don't actually have many distinct objectives. Experience positive emotions isn't an objective of mine so much as don't experience negative emotions.

Living is a fucking chore. There's no feeling in this. There hasn't been for ages.

I barely studied for my last exam, because I didn't really feel like it. Or like it was important, even though it is pretty important in the scope of my education/life. It was an incredibly straightforward paper, but I didn't want to expend energy memorising the textbook. I'm awaiting my grades. A part of me hopes I fail so then I can kill myself and my parents will have something of an explanation (even though it would obviously be the wrong explanation and they'd have questions anyway, since as it stands they think I'm perfectly fine). TBH I don't even know how I've made it this far. Sometimes I think it's just luck. But that's running dry.

I'm only living because I don't feel like I have enough information to make a decision, but it's not like I'm ever going to get to a state of perfect information, so to speak. And I can't even get to a state of better information when I really don't feel like it's worth it.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
We're not supposed to compare ourselves to others, but we are obviously going to. Once you've gotten to a certain point you realize your worth and potential. After that ... Why fear death unless your life is something worth protecting?

I think of it like speed running a game. Once the run is sufficiently messed up, why finish?
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
We're not supposed to compare ourselves to others, but we are obviously going to. Once you've gotten to a certain point you realize your worth and potential. After that ... Why fear death unless your life is something worth protecting?

I think of it like speed running a game. Once the run is sufficiently messed up, why finish?
Is it me or am I misunderstanding that last time lol?😂 Maybe another way would be, "I suppose since you're not going to place in the race, you might as well turtle it to the finish line and enjoy the scenery. Wave to to the fans since it's your one and only race..."👋🐢
Because otherwise, I got, "You're not winning any medals, you might as well literally end the race before get any further to the finish line."🤣
Maybe it's my sleepiness or maybe I really do need a headcheck😳🤪🥺🙄
Very well said!
Goody two-shoes!😤
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Jun 19, 2024
Definitely my buds, when your existence is void of any joy whatsoever, killing your self seems very very feasible, I cant believe we are here and suffering as we are buds, we will never be understood, sorry people are struggling here ☹️
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
As a thought process, I completely get where you are coming from. From quite an early age, I started to see my own death as a kind of friend rather than something to be feared.

May I ask if you've ever attempted or been in a position where you feared for your life? I have this (horrible) feeling that when it comes down to actually doing it, SI will appear to ruin all that logic. I've never atrempted. I've never really been at risk of losing my life but, I am scared of fire and I witnessed a block of flats on fire from a distance once and, it scared the shit out of me. It was like looking at death in a way for me and it did stir up my self preservation tendencies. Do you feel like you'll be able to stay calm and focussed at the end?
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Is it me or am I misunderstanding that last time lol?😂 Maybe another way would be, "I suppose since you're not going to place in the race, you might as well turtle it to the finish line and enjoy the scenery. Wave to to the fans since it's your one and only race..."👋🐢
Because otherwise, I got, "You're not winning any medals, you might as well literally end the race before get any further to the finish line."🤣
Maybe it's my sleepiness or maybe I really do need a headcheck😳🤪🥺🙄
lol it's okay. I'll explain what 'kids these days' do.

Video game speed runners will try the same "run" (attempt at beating a game a certain way as fast as possible) over and over for months to get their time down. Say the world record for a game is one hour, and I've figured out that if I do everything perfectly I could theoretically do it in 55 minutes. But let's say 30 minutes into the run I've already made mistakes that I assume will add 10 minutes to the final time: I could keep going for the practice, but otherwise it's a waste and I might as well turn the game off to start over. That was my comparison.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
lol it's okay. I'll explain what 'kids these days' do.

Video game speed runners will try the same "run" (attempt at beating a game a certain way as fast as possible) over and over for months to get their time down. Say the world record for a game is one hour, and I've figured out that if I do everything perfectly I could theoretically do it in 55 minutes. But let's say 30 minutes into the run I've already made mistakes that I assume will add 10 minutes to the final time: I could keep going for the practice, but otherwise it's a waste and I might as well turn the game off to start over. That was my comparison.
Yeah I would have never have got that lol. Last game I played was mario N64...
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Yeah I would have never have got that lol. Last game I played was mario N64...
That's actually the game I was thinking of lol it's the only game I speedrun. I try to beat it on an ~1 hour flight I take a few times a year.
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Jun 20, 2023
As a thought process, I completely get where you are coming from. From quite an early age, I started to see my own death as a kind of friend rather than something to be feared.
I like how this poem by Langston Hughes encapsulates it.

May I ask if you've ever attempted or been in a position where you feared for your life? I have this (horrible) feeling that when it comes down to actually doing it, SI will appear to ruin all that logic. I've never atrempted. I've never really been at risk of losing my life but, I am scared of fire and I witnessed a block of flats on fire from a distance once and, it scared the shit out of me. It was like looking at death in a way for me and it did stir up my self preservation tendencies. Do you feel like you'll be able to stay calm and focussed at the end?
To answer the first question, I haven't. I think it quite possibly is impossible to know how one would really react when death is imminent. Psychologically, we think of far events more abstractly than near ones. So it seems natural that when death is still some distance away you could (wrongly) believe you'll be able to act purely on your principles.

Though personally when it comes to my attitude towards death it feels like logic is almost subsidiary to my emotion. Dissociating all the time gives life this air of unreality, which in turn makes it seem inconsequential. It's because of this that I'm often unnaturally calm in turbulent situations. So to answer the second question, assuming that remains constant, I do think I'll be able to take the SN.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Excuse me!?
Whoops. That somehow was not meant for you. My bad...
Did you ever not feel this way? Are you open to taking anything, natural to synthetic?
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Looking for fair winds and following seas
May 27, 2024
So, I thought I was pretty o.k. with the overall idea of shuffling off this mortal coil, until last night on my new e-bike. I was riding down a major road, where the speed limit is 50 miles per hour. Of course, everyone was doing at least 60. As I'm bouncing along on the grass at the side of the road, my heart was ripping at my chest as huge trucks flew by, and I was chanting out loud "Don't eat shit, don't eat shit, don't eat shit".

Once I got back in one piece, my brain told me it was a rational response to potential pain, and I was more worried about being permanently incapacitated vs. being unalive. However, I'm not sure about that. I'm starting to understand that, however irrational it is, I actually want to live, despite the inevitability of my situation.

I can't think of anything worse in this world than wanting to CTB but being physically unable to do so.
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Jun 20, 2023
Did you ever not feel this way?
Yeah, I haven't for most of my life. All of this (anhedonia and dissociation + various cognitive issues) only started about 5 years ago.

Are you open to taking anything, natural to synthetic?
Seeing a mental health expert to get a prescription would entail talking to my parents about things, something I find extremely (perhaps irrationally) hard to do. If I manage to reach financial independence I'd be open to experimenting, though.
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