I'm not sure, I think it's getting easier.
More information is available than ever before and thanks to things like the darkweb markets, most drugs are readily available.
Methods that actually work and get used will likely remain the same forever. Humans are ultimately killed by hanging, jumping, shooting or a small handful of toxic substances. Yes, there are countless other methods but the most common ones will never change and you can't 'restrict' access to them.
No, unfortunately not everything is available, including the dark web, N for example.
It seems to me, in SaSu forum, see pinned threads, that you came across the threads on the unavailability of N and the fact that there are only scams. Even the PPH ( Peaceful Pills Handbook, the CTB guide from Exit International, impossible to acquire when you are not at least 50 years old, but available for illegal download without necessarily being up to date) has removed all sources for obtaining N.
So SN is now an alternative, and even SN is getting harder and harder to get, a Canadian SN supplier was arrested in Toronto for selling SN to people who tried to CTB or successfully CTB. SN is a more painful method than N for CTB, although it is peaceful, but it makes you want to vomit and takes longer to work. And then, there has not been enough scientific hindsight when it comes to the reliability of the SN for CTB.
Then comes the Helium method, but when in the past the helium bottles sold to the general public were composed of pure helium, they are deesomaris composed of a minimum of 20% oxygen, so just keep the minimum quantity of O2 to be able to live, as in the atmosphere. Apparently nitrogen is a good alternative, there are pure bottles, but much more complicated and more expensive to obtain.
There is more and more monitoring of user activities on the internet, monitoring of searches such as on Google, the presence of artificial intelligence which automates and generalizes monitoring, which is increasingly intrusive and capable of automatically reporting to the authorities, suicidal users for example. All this is true, because technically possible. Soon, the surveillance cameras in the streets will have an artificial intelligence capable of analyzing any suspicious behavior of people, and therefore suicide attempts or suicidal behavior and call the police!
Here a pinned thread for unavailability of N:
Here a other thread similar of this thread: