Thanks for all the responses and reactions to my post. I really appreciate it. I've been to several neurologists
@RoseyBird , and I've tried lots of meds both for the attacks and long term prevention meds. I've just met a new neurologist, and he kinda wants to start all over again. In some way it's nice to see that he takes me serious, but I'm feeling very down when it doesn't work. He works private so I can't afford to see him regularly, but he wants the hospital to take me as serious as him (which they don't unfortunately). I'm really struggling to balance uni (already really behind), work (need the money and experience) and a social life (which is the only thing that doesn't make me go insane). I wish I could function 100%. I know that my depression would be there anyway, but this is so discouraging. Sorry for ranting. I have not tried your suggestions
@Pharmaruined and
@Soul , but feel like I should try most things to just have given it a try. I've tried physical therapy
@tidalwxves , but I've not found the right therapist for me unfortunately.
I had a constant headache for two whole years and it eventually went away. It was diagnosed his new daily persistent headache and I didn't think it would ever go. In retrospect stress was a big factor. Our bodies can be strange and chronic pain can abate. I appreciate that doesn't happen for everyone
Oh god, I'm glad that it went away even though you had to struggle with it constantly for two whole years. It really is dreadful. I know that my condition is also worsened by stress, so I kinda need to do something in my life, but I don't really feel that I have the opportunity to do so. It has really peaked over the last two years, and now it's so dreadful I don't really wanna wake up the times I actually fall asleep.
Yes, my chronic pain is definitely one of the biggest reasons for me wanting to die. I've had this illness for almost 5 years now, and it's just drained everything from me. The majority of my opportunities have just vanished, and my life for the past several years has been nothing but me desperately trying to find something to distract myself from the pain. I don't even feel alive anymore.
I could have written this. I don't feel like a human anymore, just an accumulation of diseases and conditions and dysfunctions which cause me 24/7 pain, or at least discomfort to the degree I can't enjoy even basic things like eating, or sleeping, or taking a walk in nature, or reading - all things I used to love doing. Now all I can do is sit at home, watch movies if I can focus on them long enough to follow the story, and like you said, just find SOME way to distract me from the pain. I'm also chronically sleep deprived which doesn't help. This isn't living. This is suffering worse than an animal for over 20 years and I'm done. So although I had issues that made my life difficult and sad before getting so many chronic health problems and pain, I could cope. Now, no. It's probably 95% of the reason I am planning on CTB.
Yes I feel you I am in a similar situation like you but I had my pain since birth,and it got worse after the surgery,and I always felt like I was born to die since the age of 6.
I'm so sorry that you all can relate, even though it's not the same condition. It feels so unfair, and I hate that I'm stuck with this. I'm trying so hard to keep up with everyone else's functioning level, and I'm feeling so put-down when I realize that I probably never will. I'm very private about my struggles, so people don't understand (and I don't think they would anyway). I can totally relate to finding distractions from the pain. Thanks again for sharing a little of your story. It means a lot to me. Thanks again
@whywere for sharing and relating.
It's 3 am now and I'm wide awake because of my migraine. I'm gonna take some meds to try and break the constant cycle I'm stuck in, but what's extremely frustrating about the meds is that you can't take them too much. I'm kinda relying on the meds to function, but it's so ironic that my headache actually gets worse from taking them too much. It really is a double-edged sword.
Thanks for reading.