Dear SS family,
I'd like to share my thoughts/predictions on this pandemic. It will be very different to the mainstream media propaganda.
You're welcome to disagree with me. We have the freedom to make up our own minds. At the end I shall try to provide info that you all can look into yourselves to form your own opinion x
I don't really know where to start, so I will come out first and say - Covid19 is a lab-created virus deliberately released with the story that it originated in the wet markets of Wuhan. Covid19 is a contagious coronavirus with a very low mortality rate. It has spread around the world and has created fear and paranoia over something we can't see and feel we have no control over.
Question - But why would someone do this? What is the reason?
Answer - Because the virus is just a tool to spread fear. The virus is just a tool for the hidden agenda.
Question - But what is this agenda?
Answer - Ok this will sound mad, but please stick with this - but the agenda is gradual and eventually complete global control over the people. Once this has been achieved the virus will have served it's purpose.
That sounds mad doesn't it? Well please research ID2020.
ID2020 is the business model for a global digital Identification system.
here are some details from their website -
ID2020 founding partners are:
Gavi The Vaccine Alliance
The Rockefeller Foundation.
Here are some quotes from their website:
"digital ID offers access to vital social services and enables them to exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy"
digital ID "lives with you from life to death"
On implementing digital ID "No government, company or agency can solve this challenge alone. Setting the future course of digital ID and navigating the associated risks is a challenge that requires sustained collaboration and global partnership".
My take on that last quote - getting the entire population to accept digital ID is bloody difficult and near impossible (the associated risks being that nobody would willingly sign up to accept digital ID). But to implement global digital ID requires "sustained collaberation and global partnership". My take on that is a global coming-together of governments, organisations and agencies to promote and spread fear of the Covid19.
Question - But how will Covid19 be used to implement global digital ID?
Answer - It will happen gradually over time and we won't even realise it's happening. At first people will welcome it
And here's how it will begin to be brought in...
It will begin by Covid19 testing. Take a covid test and be issued with an all-clear identification. Introducing mandatory Covid tests to prove you are all-clear of the virus. A health passport if you will.
*observe the news and media in the coming weeks/months. There will be a gradual increase of stories talking of a potential Covid testing program to allow people to prove they are all clear of the virus and allow them to "get back to normal". This is all part of the agenda/plan/script.*
This will allow people to be able to go to the cinema/gym/restaurants and other freedoms.
This ID will give people their freedom back. More and more people will sign up to this because they too want freedoms. And after months of lockdowns and Covid19 restrictions people will be eager to accept anything that allows them to "get back to normal".
Question - Ok, but how will a digital ID mean that we will all be controlled in a totalitarian state?
Answer - Because once we have all willingly accepted global digital ID to give us freedoms, we will soon learn that for all the freedoms it allowed, it also has the ability to deny us.
We will be forced to tow the line for fear of losing our freedoms and benefits.
Quoting the ID2020 website - Digital ID will be "Necessary to access essential services" "enables them to exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy".
For all those things it allows us to do, it will also have the power and ability to deny us those freedoms and benefits.
A global Totalitarian state.
And many people won't even realise it even when living in it as it will be introduced so subtly.
For your own research -
ID2020 (the global digital ID plan, founded by Microsoft, Gavi, Rockefeller Foundation)
Dr Li Meng Yan (the chinese virologist stating the Covid19 was created in a laboratory)
Event 201 (October 18th, 2019, a "hypothetical" scenario based on the global effects of a coronavirus pandemic)
Event 201 The Global Pandemic Exercise, held on October 18th, 2019 by the Center For Health Security. A non profit organisation. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Finally I'd like to add this site. A movement of people who feel the same as me about this bigger ultimate agenda. They are UK based but really seem to be gaining momentum.
We are the people, and we are free-thinkers. Please research my take on this, compare it to what you think and form your own free judgment. Don't just believe/trust/accept the global media narrative/propaganda.
I may edit this to include websites etc
Thank you for reading. Love to you all.