I'll be free soon 21/10
- Oct 3, 2020
- 24
Lol not advice I know so whatever helps you sleep at night mateTake your own advice. You clearly haven't read it properly
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Lol not advice I know so whatever helps you sleep at night mateTake your own advice. You clearly haven't read it properly
My experience of many Americans, not all of course and obviously not you, but it is this Entitlement they feel they have. This attitude they've been fed that they are the most important, that your President is the most important out of all world leaders, that your country is the most powerful and important in the world. There is no humility, no empathy, no consideration and no respect for anyone or anything but yourself. My rights, my beliefs, my opinions, all above anyone else. Your patriarchy is poisonous, your leader is poisonous, and the attitudes of many are poisonous. Your country is fucked, but so is mine, UK.Hello
My third thread about the virus. I don't advise reading this is if you have had enough.
If I talk enough my stupid brain gets cooled off so.
This isn't getting any better even though my school hasn't been locked up yet. 1900+ new cases this day and over 100k cases in total. I know it's nothing compared to the USA but the feeling that coronavirus is getting closer and closer to my house is highly unpleasant. And the fact that it's overlapping with common cold and flu makes it even worse. The fall has been rather warm until now but people are still getting sick. But why is it 1900+ cases? WHY ISN'T IT LOWER?!
People avoiding wearing masks in public whatever it takes. When you enter the supermarket the guard is staying. But there is no guard inside so you can take your mask off.
I'm just super fuckily annoyed by people who say that the virus isn't serious because it kills just a few percent of infected people. I am not well spoken I can write but I am only able to say "um, yeah, nah, k" or "go fuck yourself". I can't discuss with those people. It annoys me. I'm annoyed by that. I wish I could make them a bit wiser. The matter is simple. The more of us treat the virus seriously the faster we will come back to the "normal life".
But hey there is going to be a vaccine soon, isn't it? Wendower Productions recently posted a video that merely transporting the vaccine will be hard as hell. Merely transporting. What about making the recipe? Normally the vaccines aren't produced so quickly. What if it won't be a healthy vaccine? A few thousands will die from it and they will have to remake it. Or the production with the recipe. The demand is extreme. Creating 8kkk of vaccines is going to take a lot of time. What if everything goes well? If they create a good recipe, produce the product quickly and transport it properly? It's very unlikely but even if that happens we still need months. We need to survive months at best!
BUT HOW AM I ABLE TO SURVIVE SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS?! THEY HAVE HEALTHY RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS, THEY CAN SURVIVE IN A MASK FOR AN HOUR OR LONGER BUT THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT BEING IN A MASK FOR 20 MINUTES?! Yes, they are sick people who can't use a mask but they are a minority. I hate the argument "I don't want to wear a mask because it doesn't protect me it protects the others". It's rare to see someone brag about their cruelty and bitchiness, isn't it?
Maybe the demons of COVID-19 won't visit me. But the likelihood of that is being lowered every single day :(
Why are you so seemingly angry?What a load of horseshit, verbal diarrhoea at its runniest lol
There's likely to be some exploitation of the situation by some agents/agencies because it's in their very nature to do so in ANY circumstance, but to view the entire situation as a manufactured event is ridiculous and very easily debunked. Half of what you just said is just lifted from Black Mirror or some such Hell View into the future; me wearing a mask to protect vulnerable communities from fucking DYING and/or being scarred for life is a far cry from being microchipped and "cucked by the government"!
All these toys flying out of prams because people feel that their "rights are being infringed upon"; we are not fucking prisoners, do have any idea of how prisoners live?? How actual prisoners are being forced to live in close contact with NO CHOICE TO ISOLATE, bar getting put into punishment quarters? You might think they deserve it but they're not all murderers and child molesters!
So what's essentially just a childish temper tantrum about not being allowed to go see your friends or having to think of others (because the ones kicking off are the ones that would probably fare well with the virus), shock, horror, oh the injustice of it all, has to be given a bigger, more sinister face because ultimately, shitting your knickers and stomping your feet over these pissy little things is PATHETIC.
There'd soon be a different way of thinking if all these measures protected the individual, I guarantee it.
All you've done is go on a temper tantrum, which is ironic considering what you said in your post. No cogent argument, no data or proof, just anger.
It's very obvious the global pandemic response is manufactured if you do the research. Everything about it stinks of being pre-planned.
This has been planned for years.
What you call 'pissy little things' are actually the biggest government infringements on civil liberties since ww2.
They're testing the waters to see what they can get away with.
What we're witnessing now is the next phase in a global biopower program (the telecommunications phase).
I suggest you calm down, try to analyze the situation dispassionately, and look into things like agenda 21/2030, the history of the who, the bill gates foundation, the bilderberg meeting, event 201, ID2020, neuralink, amongst other things.
The concentration of wealth, power and influence in the world speak against this pandemic, the reaction and subsequent 'solution' to it, being just a random event which each nation is haphazardly trying to cope with for the good of the people. If leaders and governments were that interested in people's welfare and safety do you think we'd be living in the kind of world we do live in?
I might be cynical but at least I'm not naive.
One Hell of a Slippery Slope, there. It's not because of confinement that in 10 years EYE-CONTACT will be illegal. You gotta be nuts to think that's "common sense".All you people who are falling for and who believe all this, can you just answer one simple question (to yourselves) - how come this year THE EXACT SAME NUMBER OF PEOPLE in the world died as any other year?
If you don't believe this, do some research. The overall mortality rate is unchanged.
So if there was any new and threatening virus, dangerous enough to shut down the entire fucking world, to literally ruin small to medium businesses (which favors large corporations) - wouldn't you expect to have an explosion of deaths worldwide? Or at least to have a slight rise in the death rates?
But there is none. Absolutely no increase of deaths whatsoever. Nothing is happening out of the ordinary. They just renamed the cause of death to "Covid 19".
This is an extremely complicated issue. If I get into details, I will only lose you. But to simplify - the rich are making more money, the rest of the world population (95%) is losing its freedom (and due to the media orchestrated spread of panic and fear, people are OK with it), they're changing the entire human race's way of thinking, an unprecedented social engineering experiment is taking place... and we are, like cattle, voluntarily taken to the slaughterhouse.
OK, this is too much for you to accept.
But then just ask yourself again - how come the same number of people are dying like last year or 5 years ago?
When there was a REAL pandemics happening, like the bubonic plague (black death) or the Spanish flue around 1920, the death toll was skyrocketing.
Today, still more people are dying from the common flue, malaria, alcohol and numerous other causes including suicide - than from Covid 19.
Was this really a good enough reason to ruin the global economy? To shut down entire countries? To have all media channels talk about a single topic 90% of the time?
This is a fraud of unprecedented scale. If you have any self-respect left, you will know better than to believe everything you are being served.
There are no more people dying than any other year. This simple fact tells the whole story. It cannot be ignored. We are being scammed on a mass scale.
Our children will live in a society which prohibits kissing, hand-shaking, even direct eye-contact (this last one is not a joke).. and encourages social alienation, social distancing, fear of other people.
If y'all allow this to happen - it'll be ON YOU.
Use your common sense. Don't be fooled.
Yes, most of us from here are going to leave this world on our own terms, but in the process we will keep our human dignity and won't allow the fuckers to downplay our intelligence and play with our emotions. We will not be their cattle and sheep.
Worldometer - real time world statistics
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.www.worldometers.info
But you didnt answer his question why the same number of people have died this year as any other year.One Hell of a Slippery Slope, there. It's not because of confinement that in 10 years EYE-CONTACT will be illegal. You gotta be nuts to think that's "common sense".
The death rate of COVID has been shown to be between 3 and 4% (a number that you will not believe, of course, since it doesn't fit your conspiracy theory). Influenza has a death rate below 0.1%.
If EVERYONE in the US got COVID, it would make roughly 13,1 million deaths. You can't ignore this, but you will.
More people die of alcohol and suicide than COVID? Yeah, no shit, COVID appeared on the surface of the planet at the end of 2019. All those precautions are because it's contagious, which is NOT the case with ethylic comas and such.
By the way, if Democrats were "controlling" the US, y'all wouldn't have an obese Cheeto with a fake blond toupet as a president...
Finally, ironic to call people sheep when you clearly also got your point of view from other conspiracy theory nuts on the Internet.
Scientists have expected a pandemic of this magnitude for years. It comes as no surprise. If you know how viruses work, and look around at things like HIV, you will realize this pandemic is natural, and was long overdue.Why are you so seemingly angry?
It's obvious the global pandemic response is manufactured if you do the research. Everything about it stinks of being pre-planned.
This has been planned for years.
What you call 'pissy little things' are actually the biggest government infringements on civil liberties since ww2.
They're testing the waters to see what they can get away with before they roll out the big guns like microchips, biodigital tracking, a social credit system etc.
What we're witnessing now is the next phase in a global biopower program (the telecommunications phase).
Try to analyze the situation dispassionately, and look into things like agenda 21/2030, the history of the who, the bill gates foundation, the bilderberg meeting, event 201, ID2020, neuralink, amongst other things.
The concentration of wealth, power and influence in the world speak against this pandemic, the reaction and subsequent 'solution' to it, being just a random event which each nation is haphazardly trying to cope with for the good of the people. If leaders and governments were that interested in people's welfare and safety do you think we'd be living in the kind of world we do live in?
I might be cynical but at least I'm not naive.
@worried_to_death they did answer it, the number is just so small compared to the amount of people that the overall number doesnt change very much. also i highly doubt the exact same number of people die every year.The death rate of COVID has been shown to be between 3 and 4%
I have a theory that he might be faking it.. wouldn't put it past him.I have breathing issues and I still wear a mask for hours on end. People are just selfish. At least Trump's dumb ass finally got covid.
this just reminded me. i read earlier (and forgot to comment) someone said something about him playing it down or something. well theres a bunch of reports of him saying hes fine and his doctors are saying that hes actually doing really bad of course i also just found this: https://globalnews.ca/news/7378223/donald-trump-coronavirus-hospital-discharge-doctors/I have a theory that he might be faking it.. wouldn't put it past him.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was. School is back on the 13th. Let's see how fast kids and myself get covid. All that reclusive time about to go to waste lol.I have a theory that he might be faking it.. wouldn't put it past him.
Apart from that I'm surprised so many people here have an interest in covid, considering we are all supposed to be suicidal nihilists lol.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was. School is back on the 13th. Let's see how fast kids and myself get covid. All that reclusive time about to go to waste lol.
Yeah for sure, it's not like Minority Report or anything lol, but it still makes no sense to say masks are any form of control etc.It takes a lot of man hours to watch cameras of faces and run them through facial recognition software. It's used mostly for serious crimes so far, or to catch people with more than one name and identification.
It's a short term implementation to condition people into getting used to the goverment telling them what to.do.Would that make any sense if they wanted more control and to take away your rights? Just think
They're willing to.take a short-term hit for long-term gains via a great economic reset (no more small or medium independent businesses, no more liquid cash, all banking online, etc). The global elite are playing 4d chess, not coffeehouse checkers.The same goes for posts saying it's a conspiracy by our leaders to make money. By collapsing the world's strongest economies, industries and markets? Solid plan...
It's a short term implementation to condition people into getting used to the goverment telling them what to.do.
Government: wear masks and social distance because covid.
Population: yes.
Government: get vaccine because covid.
Population: yes.
Government: get digital tracking ID device because covid.
Population: yes.
Government: isn't this new social credit system wonderful? You'll all be much safer and the economy will be more efficient. Oh, and covid.
Population: yes.
Government: get microchips implanted because covid.
Population: yes.
Population: hang on a second...
Government: got something to say?
Population: no.
Government: that's what I thought.
They're willing to.take a short-term hit for long-term gains via a great economic reset (no more small or medium independent businesses, no more liquid cash, all banking online, etc). The global elite are playing 4d chess, not coffeehouse checkers.
It's a short term implementation to condition people into getting used to the goverment telling them what to.do.
They're willing to.take a short-term hit for long-term gains via a great economic reset (no more small or medium independent businesses, no more liquid cash, all banking online, etc). The global elite are playing 4d chess, not coffeehouse checkers.
Every time the question is asked "who benefits" in relation to the covid policies and future liberty-destroying possibilities, the answer is always the same elite persons, conglomerates, corporations, multinationals etc.Thank you, well said. I'm not usually engaged in conspiracy theories but Covid has me questioning lots of things. I'd add in big pharma, too. I don't trust that industry at all. They are solely focused on profits and the company that is first to generate a vaccine and get governments to mandate everyone getting it stands to make hundreds of trillions of dollars. While governments may not be able to force us to get vaccinated, they CAN put in stipulations. Want to fly on a plane? Show proof of vaccination. Want to renew your annual car registration? Show proof.
Every day I grow more at peace knowing I won't have to live through the inevitable tyranny,
Your situation sounds almost similar to how it is in California, at least the part I live in. People still wear masks but they also seem to care less and less about following any other precautions or preventative measures (I've even seen people not washing their hands when they should) all because they think a mask or face shield alone is all they need because they think they're better than people in other parts of the country. It's a form of hubris that they refuse to even go the extra mile and they just want to distract from their own failings by mocking other people. Like yeah, I get it. Some people won't wear a mask in Florida. Who cares? Wearing a mask here doesn't mean you're invincible and free to meet twenty of your friends every day (actual thing I've seen people do). I know we don't have it the worst but our cases and deaths are still relatively high numbers wise and our governor thinks it's okay just because he's not listening to Trump.Hello
My third thread about the virus. I don't advise reading this is if you have had enough.
If I talk enough my stupid brain gets cooled off so.
This isn't getting any better even though my school hasn't been locked up yet. 1900+ new cases this day and over 100k cases in total. I know it's nothing compared to the USA but the feeling that coronavirus is getting closer and closer to my house is highly unpleasant. And the fact that it's overlapping with common cold and flu makes it even worse. The fall has been rather warm until now but people are still getting sick. But why is it 1900+ cases? WHY ISN'T IT LOWER?!
People avoiding wearing masks in public whatever it takes. When you enter the supermarket the guard is staying. But there is no guard inside so you can take your mask off.
I'm just super fuckily annoyed by people who say that the virus isn't serious because it kills just a few percent of infected people. I am not well spoken I can write but I am only able to say "um, yeah, nah, k" or "go fuck yourself". I can't discuss with those people. It annoys me. I'm annoyed by that. I wish I could make them a bit wiser. The matter is simple. The more of us treat the virus seriously the faster we will come back to the "normal life".
But hey there is going to be a vaccine soon, isn't it? Wendower Productions recently posted a video that merely transporting the vaccine will be hard as hell. Merely transporting. What about making the recipe? Normally the vaccines aren't produced so quickly. What if it won't be a healthy vaccine? A few thousands will die from it and they will have to remake it. Or the production with the recipe. The demand is extreme. Creating 8kkk of vaccines is going to take a lot of time. What if everything goes well? If they create a good recipe, produce the product quickly and transport it properly? It's very unlikely but even if that happens we still need months. We need to survive months at best!
BUT HOW AM I ABLE TO SURVIVE SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS?! THEY HAVE HEALTHY RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS, THEY CAN SURVIVE IN A MASK FOR AN HOUR OR LONGER BUT THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT BEING IN A MASK FOR 20 MINUTES?! Yes, they are sick people who can't use a mask but they are a minority. I hate the argument "I don't want to wear a mask because it doesn't protect me it protects the others". It's rare to see someone brag about their cruelty and bitchiness, isn't it?
Maybe the demons of COVID-19 won't visit me. But the likelihood of that is being lowered every single day :(
its useless, reallyAll you people who are falling for and who believe all this, can you just answer one simple question (to yourselves) - how come this year THE EXACT SAME NUMBER OF PEOPLE in the world died as any other year?
If you don't believe this, do some research. The overall mortality rate is unchanged.
So if there was any new and threatening virus, dangerous enough to shut down the entire fucking world, to literally ruin small to medium businesses (which favors large corporations) - wouldn't you expect to have an explosion of deaths worldwide? Or at least to have a slight rise in the death rates?
But there is none. Absolutely no increase of deaths whatsoever. Nothing is happening out of the ordinary. They just renamed the cause of death to "Covid 19".
This is an extremely complicated issue. If I get into details, I will only lose you. But to simplify - the rich are making more money, the rest of the world population (95%) is losing its freedom (and due to the media orchestrated spread of panic and fear, people are OK with it), they're changing the entire human race's way of thinking, an unprecedented social engineering experiment is taking place... and we are, like cattle, voluntarily taken to the slaughterhouse.
OK, this is too much for you to accept.
But then just ask yourself again - how come the same number of people are dying like last year or 5 years ago?
When there was a REAL pandemics happening, like the bubonic plague (black death) or the Spanish flue around 1920, the death toll was skyrocketing.
Today, still more people are dying from the common flue, malaria, alcohol and numerous other causes including suicide - than from Covid 19.
Was this really a good enough reason to ruin the global economy? To shut down entire countries? To have all media channels talk about a single topic 90% of the time?
This is a fraud of unprecedented scale. If you have any self-respect left, you will know better than to believe everything you are being served.
There are no more people dying than any other year. This simple fact tells the whole story. It cannot be ignored. We are being scammed on a mass scale.
Our children will live in a society which prohibits kissing, hand-shaking, even direct eye-contact (this last one is not a joke).. and encourages social alienation, social distancing, fear of other people.
If y'all allow this to happen - it'll be ON YOU.
Use your common sense. Don't be fooled.
Yes, most of us from here are going to leave this world on our own terms, but in the process we will keep our human dignity and won't allow the fuckers to downplay our intelligence and play with our emotions. We will not be their cattle and sheep.
Worldometer - real time world statistics
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.www.worldometers.info
I have not worn a mask anywhere lol! But feeling great hehe!Hello
My third thread about the virus. I don't advise reading this is if you have had enough.
If I talk enough my stupid brain gets cooled off so.
This isn't getting any better even though my school hasn't been locked up yet. 1900+ new cases this day and over 100k cases in total. I know it's nothing compared to the USA but the feeling that coronavirus is getting closer and closer to my house is highly unpleasant. And the fact that it's overlapping with common cold and flu makes it even worse. The fall has been rather warm until now but people are still getting sick. But why is it 1900+ cases? WHY ISN'T IT LOWER?!
People avoiding wearing masks in public whatever it takes. When you enter the supermarket the guard is staying. But there is no guard inside so you can take your mask off.
I'm just super fuckily annoyed by people who say that the virus isn't serious because it kills just a few percent of infected people. I am not well spoken I can write but I am only able to say "um, yeah, nah, k" or "go fuck yourself". I can't discuss with those people. It annoys me. I'm annoyed by that. I wish I could make them a bit wiser. The matter is simple. The more of us treat the virus seriously the faster we will come back to the "normal life".
But hey there is going to be a vaccine soon, isn't it? Wendower Productions recently posted a video that merely transporting the vaccine will be hard as hell. Merely transporting. What about making the recipe? Normally the vaccines aren't produced so quickly. What if it won't be a healthy vaccine? A few thousands will die from it and they will have to remake it. Or the production with the recipe. The demand is extreme. Creating 8kkk of vaccines is going to take a lot of time. What if everything goes well? If they create a good recipe, produce the product quickly and transport it properly? It's very unlikely but even if that happens we still need months. We need to survive months at best!
BUT HOW AM I ABLE TO SURVIVE SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS?! THEY HAVE HEALTHY RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS, THEY CAN SURVIVE IN A MASK FOR AN HOUR OR LONGER BUT THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT BEING IN A MASK FOR 20 MINUTES?! Yes, they are sick people who can't use a mask but they are a minority. I hate the argument "I don't want to wear a mask because it doesn't protect me it protects the others". It's rare to see someone brag about their cruelty and bitchiness, isn't it?
Maybe the demons of COVID-19 won't visit me. But the likelihood of that is being lowered every single day :(
You get the gold prize for logic.too many people would have to be in a conspiracy in order to keep the nonexistence in secret.
All you people who are falling for and who believe all this, can you just answer one simple question (to yourselves) - how come this year THE EXACT SAME NUMBER OF PEOPLE in the world died as any other year?