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never interfere with a lifespan reaping
Feb 12, 2022
And yet - perhaps that path may build a sense of peace toward my exit.
What do you mean by this? I know you said you lost track of how long you've been without sleep also, but I'd be curious to hear estimates how long you end up going without it.

The way you write is so many things for me. Mainly comforting and enjoyable.
Anyhow seeing or rather focusing my vision is becoming more and more difficult, especially regarding electronics / artificial or harsh light. Posting this before I stubbornly force myself to finish everything I can still recall wanting to express and end up accidentally exiting the tab without hitting post.
I have a feeling getting schoolwork done isn't going to get any easier...
The internet and other anxieties are keeping me from sleep so I'll need more time to digest the information on nausea, thank you for it and the link, I'm looking forward to when I have time to read it. Unfortunately I'm very unsure when said time will be since most free time I try to be in my optimal state of being- unconscious.
If anyone has actually read this entire post I will be quite an impressed buffoon - as opposed to my usual state of nonimpressed buffoonery.
Also this was just brilliant writing, made me laugh.

Having some doubts and pesky survival instinct thoughts this afternoon. What if it doesn't work? Do I truly want to do this? I can always change my mind at the last minute - although it'll be a mighty pain in the arse to cover my tracks once I've destroyed my phone and computer and sent out the email - might just skip that since I'm doing the fast, looking over my writing it is all cringey whining and I doubt any of them want to read that shite.
These doubts are the worst, especially the first question. I hate to consider surviving since it means accepting a future I do not want to live. At what point are you going to destroy your computer/phone? Other than the obvious reasons why do you want to go to the trouble of destroying them? Though what I mean by obvious might not be obvious to you, don't worry about the question if it's too confusing/dumb. I'll leave it at that as I don't get smarter proportional to how tired I am, works the opposite usually.

Please, god, give me cancer. Let me die in an accident. Trade my soul for one whose body is decaying yet wants to live and has a chance at life. Anything but this hellish purgatory for years to come. If I don't do this now (last summer, this winter, I thought - but the supplies weren't ready because I didn't try hard enough) - this summer - next winter - next spring - next summer - when will I? Drag this tired heap of tattered rags of a spirit through 'just four more months' yet again, keep moving the goalposts because I'm too cowardly to commit to a single god damn thing. Obviously I mustn't really have depression nor want to die if this is my thought process. I'm just weaving edgy stories for attention like the little bitch whore I am. Fuck.

I hate to say any of this to anyone for fear they will try to convince me one way or another - or worse, be frustratingly vague and neutral and say things like 'only you can decide for yourself what to do' - no duh it is my choice; thanks, that helps me loads. But what the fuck. It's going on the internet now, suckers. If anyone will respond aside from reacting, I challenge you to avoid the three aforementioned. Is it even possible? I'm having a hard time finding supportive things to tell myself too - but then again I suffer from perspective bias - but don't we all? Isn't being human fun?
Honestly, sometimes I wish someone would just make the decision for me, tell me to live or die and what's better for me. Hypothetically, it takes out the pain of indecision. But I'm scared of asking such a question for fear of the answers as well, for me mainly I'm scared to be told I should keep living and then I have no way out. Since you framed it as a challenge I really wanted to not fail, but I am after all a failure. I can't in good conscience tell anyone to live or die, especially when I don't know all the reasons or background or circumstances. If I knew those then I might say what I would do in said circumstances though. But also I'm very biased for leaving this world, so. "Is it even possible?" To avoid the 3 aforementioned ways of answering, I'd say very hard, not entirely impossible though. But for anyone to tell another to live or die puts some responsibility on them (unless their character is very questionable), and that type of responsibility is heavy especially when we're often struggling to decide what to do for ourselves as well. Being human is so so so much fun. Anyways I can't give a concrete answer. I'd want to know more about your life quite honestly which probably shouldn't be posted as freely here. I need to overcome my anxiety and message you sometime if you wouldn't mind lol
Without the full picture of your life though and figuring that the amount of suffering life has dealt to you is worse than what you subject yourself to currently, I would lean towards what I'm biased towards. But again, I'm lacking the full picture. I'm also inclined to support you towards what you want, which would seemingly be somewhat explicitly stated prior to these questions. Anyways I rambled enough I apologize if anything doesn't make sense. I might still reply further but for now I need to be unconscious. I wish you the best in your day today, whatever it takes you through.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Will respond later @CommitSudoku - I'm not ignoring you, just overwhelmed and stressed with everything I keep shoving onto my to-do list and being too tired to even bother crossing off the simplest things.

Update: 120h, ketones 40mg/dL, 55.2kg. Feeling exhausted and physically drained despite sleeping for around 10 (interrupted) hours in total. Zero motivation to do anything yet creeping anxiety/paranoia that I will be found out, that no matter how hard I try I am too far behind to catch up now. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up. Forcing myself to at least somewhat stick to the protocol and not just slam the 3g in my room - no impulsivity here, folks - despite survival instinct conflict with desire to be done with everything forever.

Forcing myself too to take supplements and maintain skincare for scars and track marks. Eyes less dry but still blurry. I'm just so fucking tired. Today is the beginning of the test run protocol - sober from everything for three days, even trazodone, suvorexant, lisdexamp, caffeine.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Notes: the cocaine was primarily a physical experience. Not surprising considering it's a SNDRI, and I'm pretty sure my serotonin and dopamine receptors are fucked beyond repair so the only effects I felt were those of the norepinephrine - and hence the lack of euphoria. At this point, yes, I probably do have a chemical imbalance - chemically induced, anyhow - and also depression is inflammatory just like fat is, so mental illness and obesity are very difficult to fix due to their self-reinforcement. The songs I've been listening to these recent weeks that I also listened to during the high were stuck in my head the rest of the day even after the high wore off - but especially tokyo drift by dj kantik - the opening resembles the bellringer, albeit exponentially weaker.

I kept thinking someone was behind me or hearing people say things they didn't. Vision also got weird toward the end but already mentioned that.

Much of the appeal is the adrenaline rush - but the subsequent anxiety about ill effects (okay, that's on me for not properly filtering) and paranoia about being caught or found out, going crazy/deaf/blind etc aren't worth it. I know it's not high purity, but even so - however the fuck people get addicted to this shit is beyond me. I've got a bit left so I'll use it up, but I much prefer euphoric highs rather than physical and anxiety inducing ones.

What do you mean by this? I know you said you lost track of how long you've been without sleep also, but I'd be curious to hear estimates how long you end up going without it.
I mean treating myself kindly in my final weeks. Not necessarily trying to feel happy or anything - as my desperate pursuit of anything remotely dopaminergic does - but more so simply taking care of myself. Not beating myself up in my head for being weak or whatever. Going to sleep at a decent hour every night, doing hygiene things, hydration, vitamins. Nurturing that inner child, if you will. I hate that phrase but can't think of any better way to describe what I mean.

I fell asleep about two hours after that post so probably 52. The longest I went without sleep was about 72 hours (again lost track) in 2016-2017. Forget the year lol. That was before I ever did drugs including marijuana. I stayed up only with the help of endless entertainment on the internet.

I'm glad you find my writing amusing. Hope you got some rest yourself.

These doubts are the worst, especially the first question. I hate to consider surviving since it means accepting a future I do not want to live. At what point are you going to destroy your computer/phone? Other than the obvious reasons why do you want to go to the trouble of destroying them? Though what I mean by obvious might not be obvious to you, don't worry about the question if it's too confusing/dumb. I'll leave it at that as I don't get smarter proportional to how tired I am, works the opposite usually.
That's the last thing I will do before I set off. I don't want my family or anyone else going through my things, and if I remove my data from the devices, they're still usable by others or can be sold for parts etc.
I can't in good conscience tell anyone to live or die, especially when I don't know all the reasons or background or circumstances. If I knew those then I might say what I would do in said circumstances though. But also I'm very biased for leaving this world, so. "Is it even possible?" To avoid the 3 aforementioned ways of answering, I'd say very hard, not entirely impossible though. But for anyone to tell another to live or die puts some responsibility on them (unless their character is very questionable), and that type of responsibility is heavy especially when we're often struggling to decide what to do for ourselves as well. Being human is so so so much fun. Anyways I can't give a concrete answer. I'd want to know more about your life quite honestly which probably shouldn't be posted as freely here. I need to overcome my anxiety and message you sometime if you wouldn't mind lol
Without the full picture of your life though and figuring that the amount of suffering life has dealt to you is worse than what you subject yourself to currently, I would lean towards what I'm biased towards. But again, I'm lacking the full picture. I'm also inclined to support you towards what you want, which would seemingly be somewhat explicitly stated prior to these questions. Anyways I rambled enough I apologize if anything doesn't make sense. I might still reply further but for now I need to be unconscious. I wish you the best in your day today, whatever it takes you through.
This is all very true and thank you for taking the time to write such an in-depth response. It makes quite a lot of sense. And even if you did know about my life you would still have your own biases. Ooh, maybe I can ask AI? I'll report back on that. It is ultimately my decision - words on a screen can only do so much in either direction. I'm feeling less conflicted today and more sure of myself.

For what it's worth, the bot also said this. 1645147850218
Then I tried another AI and got this. Entertaining at the very least. Much better than the suicide hotlines lmao.

1645148546942 1645148569227 1645148604047 1645148728009

Update: Physically feeling weak and fatigued to my bones. Biked to and from class and did a set of pull ups for the hell of it, but that was it. Spent the rest of the day sitting or in bed (I don't usually do the latter). Mentally feeling fine aside from the whole 'everything is pointless' - the peace that arises from accepting death is unrivalled. No more stress (social, familial, financial, academic), overwhelm (about aforementioned stressors which I am ill equipped to deal with), panic/paranoia, frustration, gender dysphoria etc. I am in a fantastic mindset to make my death happen. Too bad I have to wait another three-odd weeks.

After a certain point, tap water and potassium salt taste like the sweetest nectar. Once they taste bad again and I have to force it down I know I'm good - means body doesn't need any more. Haven't drank enough water today though which is probably why it's so appealing when I do remember to force myself to swallow a mouthful every now and again. Post liquid-shit-commencement it's a nuisance to keep hydrated simply because of the bloat/gurgles and GI rumbling yet threat of soiling oneself in public should one attempt to dispel some of the air. And I'm also terrible at drinking enough in general. Takes up valuable stomach space that could otherwise be spent on hyperpalatable parafood products that will potentially tease out some dopamine into the shrivelled synapses.

I've decided I won't send the document. No one needs to see that cringe and anyway all my negativity will probably make them feel worse. I'm already around 135 hours through of 168 so will just do the fast.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Update: 148.5h. Took 3 antacids around 145h. Struggling today. Plan to end the fast at 149h. Admittedly, I got lazy today and neglected to drink as much salt water (or regular water) as I ought - perhaps 1.3L so far. Food obsession has set in - later than typical for long fasts, but then again I've never used stimulants on long fasts before. Don't feel like manufacturing an excuse - family always eats dinner together Friday nights - and anyhow can't distract myself with drugs due to the three-day sobriety period prior to the trial run. I'm most of the way through day 2 out of 3. Being without my usual comforts/distractions - binge eating, drugs, cutting - is not a fun time.

All things considered, this is better than I thought I'd do - I've lost track of the times I decided to do a long fast and then quit within 24h - and have broken my previous record of 144h, which was the goal. But still a disappointment as I was aiming for 168h. Whatever.

I've already planned out what I will eat for the next week. Did an early shift at work, after which I spent two hours comparing prices for pizza and collecting details in my mind as to which items I shall purchase when. Then returned to living space, where I took an exam and a quiz, for both of which I watched the lectures tested immediately beforehand. Likely did poorly; don't care. I've just over three weeks left of this bullshit. I certainly don't intend to stay long enough to voluntarily forfeit my hard earned income to the political slave drivers who run this country. If I was sure my family or surviving estate would not be responsible for paying my debts, I would take out as much of my credit as possible just to fuck with the system. But as it is, I'm not, and I don't want to do that to them.

Eyes hurt - blurry, dry - brain is foggier than usual too. Need to get some fucking sleep (got about 6h last night and 10h the night before). I can't tell what's the reason for anything anymore - the fast, poor sleep, drugs, sobriety, genetics, depression, anxiety, psychosomatic drama whoring?? Who fucking knows.

Blood pressure was 90 systolic over 60 diastolic. Normal for me is around 110-120 over 70. Heart rate was 65 beats per minute; down significantly from usual 80-90. At GP visit, told him I was still having difficulty sleeping. I now have a hydroxyzine 30 day supply. He actually said if this doesn't work, we will have to use 'real drugs' ie zopiclone, zolpidem etc. Too bad I didn't start the process of asking him for insomnia help sooner - I might have had something actually useful for the plan by now. Ah, well - what I have ought to work just fine.

Ended fast at 149.25h and 54.8kg. Overate as I predicted/expected - could have done without a second large piece of banana cake. Had stomach gurgles during the meal; immediately afterward I had a liquid shit - hopefully the last one. Slight flushing and increased heart rate but otherwise feel fine.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Slept about 9 hours; awoke 55.3kg and with stomachache due to the next-day hunger that always follows a night of overindulgence. Will test hydroxyzine this upcoming week; perhaps it merits inclusion. Now that the fast is over I've been neglecting hydration and supplements. Oops.

Bored and lonely but don't want to burden anyone with my negativity. Everything is empty. Ate pretty much from the moment I woke up til now - uncomfortably full but purging takes effort that I don't feel like expending yet. Day two of Sobriety TM in preparation for the trial run, and cutting requires too much energy and clean up - so stuffing myself like a (can't think of the word - intended to be slaughtered for food) pig it is!

Time is passing interminably slowly. Saturdays are the worst days of the week yet every week I get through it by counting down the days til I get a break from school and work etc. Ohoho the irony. Tomorrow plans: work - morning shift, yay - pick up the script, kill a few hours and perhaps pretend to prepare for the upcoming organic chemistry exam next week, then test run and document post hoc. Hopefully I fall asleep quickly tonight and tomorrow night - morning shift Monday too. Debating making pancakes even though I'm still stuffed and ought to go to sleep.

I am with food as the infamous selfish child is with toys - even if I'm not hungry, I'll eat things I don't want others to eat - preventing others from taking 'my' things even though they aren't actually mine, I just claimed them in my head as such because I like them and want them later. If I don't trust that they will be around later I will just eat it all at once. So anyway I did that with roasted yams and a Korean chicken-veg dish - when still full from lunch (which I ate when still full from the morning cake, cookies, and milk) - would feel bad purging healthy food. But sugar salt fat pancake dopamine! Smh grow up @ self we don't live in the Holocaust anymore. Maybe just eat pancakes anyway and be doubly stuffed? I'd take aeons to fall asleep either way even if I wasn't full. Fuck. I'm tired all the time yet somehow when it's sleep-hours I don't go to unconsciousness land. Three more weeks of this stupidity.
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never interfere with a lifespan reaping
Feb 12, 2022
I know it's not high purity, but even so - however the fuck people get addicted to this shit is beyond me. I've got a bit left so I'll use it up, but I much prefer euphoric highs rather than physical and anxiety inducing ones.
I liked how you put this, I feel the same about alcohol and I come from a family with some history of alcoholics. I don't know how anyone could get addicted with the side effects/downfalls. I can understand sometimes the feelings produced are worth it, but still can't understand how anyone could overcome the negative effects (or for me, how awful alcohol takes) to become full-blown addicted.
Ooh, maybe I can ask AI? I'll report back on that. It is ultimately my decision - words on a screen can only do so much in either direction. I'm feeling less conflicted today and more sure of myself.
View attachment 86913

For what it's worth, the bot also said this. View attachment 86914
Then I tried another AI and got this. Entertaining at the very least. Much better than the suicide hotlines lmao.

View attachment 86915View attachment 86916View attachment 86917View attachment 86918
Seems like you did manage to get a consensus from the AI lol Entertaining conversations there. Entertaining and chaotic.

I've decided I won't send the document. No one needs to see that cringe and anyway all my negativity will probably make them feel worse. I'm already around 135 hours through of 168 so will just do the fast.
As someone who supported you sending it, I still would say I lean towards that option. Maybe you could just revise who you send it to? Negativity doesn't make everyone feel worse, in fact it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone and I am understood by others even if just on the internet in these forums. Songs that express my feelings can be some of my few excapes, they express them better than I do.
At GP visit, told him I was still having difficulty sleeping. I now have a hydroxyzine 30 day supply. He actually said if this doesn't work, we will have to use 'real drugs' ie zopiclone, zolpidem etc. Too bad I didn't start the process of asking him for insomnia help sooner - I might have had something actually useful for the plan by now. Ah, well - what I have ought to work just fine.

Ended fast at 149.25h and 54.8kg. Overate as I predicted/expected - could have done without a second large piece of banana cake. Had stomach gurgles during the meal; immediately afterward I had a liquid shit - hopefully the last one. Slight flushing and increased heart rate but otherwise feel fine.
Honestly was good to hear that about the GP visit, I've always had a fear I'll confide something in a doctor and get nothing of it. If I make it to my next doctor appointment, I'll see if I can get prescribed anything. Any suggestions on how to ask? Like how did you bring it up about how you were having difficlty sleeping and did you ask if you could be prescibed anything or did he suggest on his own?
I wanted to say, "congratulations on the fast lasting so long," but that doesn't seem quite the right response lol Good job getting through it and breaking your personal records, it's impressive how long you got through, and thank you for documenting along the way.
Bored and lonely but don't want to burden anyone with my negativity. Everything is empty.
Do you ever get to the point where you even don't want to burden this site/people on it? Just curious. I can get anxiety about coming on here too lol Ah what a life it is~

Time is passing interminably slowly. Saturdays are the worst days of the week yet every week I get through it by counting down the days til I get a break from school and work etc. Ohoho the irony. Tomorrow plans: work - morning shift, yay - pick up the script, kill a few hours and perhaps pretend to prepare for the upcoming organic chemistry exam next week, then test run and document post hoc. Hopefully I fall asleep quickly tonight and tomorrow night - morning shift Monday too. Debating making pancakes even though I'm still stuffed and ought to go to sleep.
Same, I really relate to what you said about Saturdays, they seem the worst for me as well. But Sunday has the dread/anxiety for the upcoming Monday which Saturday doesn't have. But Saturday has more anxiety for wasted possibilities. I also count down the days till Saturday, but hate the day when it comes.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Notes about test run:

Gave away my cimetidine and dimenhydrinate last week without checking I had taken the few needed for the test. Thus the plan will incorporate some untested elements; namely, the aforementioned two as well as potentially the hydroxyzine. Picked the latter up today. Will test tomorrow night and upcoming week to determine where it fits in the sequence.

Overate on rubbish til 1430, drank less than 150mL water in total - only various milks - today. Drank 200mL about 5 min prior to T-80 - used that to mark where I ought to pour the juices. Result was sloshy stomach - conducive to vomiting, thereby failure. Work out timing - begin 10 min earlier, leave 4h gap between last food...? Feel bloated and yuck.

Felt nervous (perhaps irrationally so - going blind, crazy etc - although found limited information as to the toxicity of IPM) about the brownie (due to past dysphoric experiences with edibles) and 8mL isopropyl myristate (155mg quetiapine if it dissolved and the maths check out - tried to include some of the powder but some stayed stuck inside the syringe). May remove those two from the plan. Drinking that much IPM was unpleasant, to say the least - mildly nauseating, too. T+65 feel like I need to shit - thinking IPM is the culprit.

Rubbed the glutathione cream on my stomach so as to leave limbs available for the saline shot.

Further anxiety about the aftermath - I've work early tomorrow morning. Reminder to self, this is why I did it now and not an hour or three later.

Online blood alcohol calculators gave 0.13% to 0.23% for 150mL 80 proof, most closer to 0.13% - say it's 0.15% for roundness. Swallowing pills with vodka is no fun. Fuck. I forgot how bad it tastes.

About to take the pressed xanax - 6mg altogether, but who knows how much of anything is actually in them. Posting now in case I black out - will edit further as I go.

Biked in the cold earlier - nose more congested than usual and dry coughing - symptoms now being a nuisance. Feeling a bit fuzzy but not impaired - feel reasonably confident about the shot in 3 min. Few typos.

Used basilic (?) vein of left arm. Face now feels warm / flushed, vision lagging, dry eyes. From start to finish the IV took under 100 seconds - the actual push took about 30 if I had to guess. Starting to feel drowsy so will be off to sleep now. More updates later.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Update: Should have started the test run six or seven hours earlier - slept through my alarm yesterday and now my employer wants to 'have a chat'. Apparently I was so out of it my parents called the cops. I vaguely remember there were three of them (?). Of course the assholes found my stash (0.75g crack, two dimes coke, a bundle, five trazodone, six suvorexant, maybe 10 ephedrine, two dp 30s, one crushed b974 in an amp salt capsule, and six pharma xr 15mg amp salts). The fucking irony is that two of those were prescribed to me, one is OTC, and one is legal and I bought it from someone who had a script. But pills drugs. Drugs bad. Hurr durr drugs go bye bye.

And I kept the 28 valerian 200mg in a separate bag but stored nearby and the bastards took that too. So now the plan is somewhat ruined. That's fine, I'll skip the valerian. The irony is they didn't find my weed, edibles, needles, syringes, cathinones/a-PVP/PMMA/I have no fucking clue what that shit is. Time to use those ASAP so they can't steal that too! I didn't go to class yesterday and I don't plan on it for the rest of the week. I'm done even trying to pretend to be functional. I want to get out of here. The longer I stick around, the more time they have - and the more likely they will be - to do an Intervention. Fuck that noise.

They didn't find the real stash, thank fuck. I still have that and am planning to use it sooner. But just the little things to tide me over til then - those are gone. At least I have food now that the fast is done but it's not quite the same. My teeth and stomach hurt constantly and now my legs too, probably from being sedentary. Insert more first world complains here etc etc.

Also apparently in my blacked out state I told my parents that I sucked dick to get the drugs and thanks to them getting rid of the stash I would now have to do it all over again. Very clever of me; yes, you may now applaud. Their response was that I'm banned from using the car and must adhere to a strict timetable regarding work and classes.

Starting the green tea and grapefruit juice protocol now.
I liked how you put this, I feel the same about alcohol and I come from a family with some history of alcoholics. I don't know how anyone could get addicted with the side effects/downfalls. I can understand sometimes the feelings produced are worth it, but still can't understand how anyone could overcome the negative effects (or for me, how awful alcohol takes) to become full-blown addicted.

As someone who supported you sending it, I still would say I lean towards that option. Maybe you could just revise who you send it to? Negativity doesn't make everyone feel worse, in fact it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone and I am understood by others even if just on the internet in these forums. Songs that express my feelings can be some of my few excapes, they express them better than I do.

Honestly was good to hear that about the GP visit, I've always had a fear I'll confide something in a doctor and get nothing of it. If I make it to my next doctor appointment, I'll see if I can get prescribed anything. Any suggestions on how to ask? Like how did you bring it up about how you were having difficlty sleeping and did you ask if you could be prescibed anything or did he suggest on his own?
I wanted to say, "congratulations on the fast lasting so long," but that doesn't seem quite the right response lol Good job getting through it and breaking your personal records, it's impressive how long you got through, and thank you for documenting along the way.

Do you ever get to the point where you even don't want to burden this site/people on it? Just curious. I can get anxiety about coming on here too lol Ah what a life it is~

Same, I really relate to what you said about Saturdays, they seem the worst for me as well. But Sunday has the dread/anxiety for the upcoming Monday which Saturday doesn't have. But Saturday has more anxiety for wasted possibilities. I also count down the days till Saturday, but hate the day when it comes.
Yep, I hate the taste of alcohol. I only use it when there's nothing better around. Which now, thanks to my idiocy, there now isn't.

I don't have any idea who else to send it to, and worst case scenario they get to it before I'm gone which = interference. It's truly just inane ramblings of a lunatic. Nobody needs to see that. I do understand about the songs. But what one song means to me may mean something completely different - even irrelevant and foolish - to someone else. I want to share but I daren't trust that they shall receive and interpret the message unscathed.

It took many months, partly because he is an incompetent snail and takes many weeks to get back to you on test results and such. I first told him I was having trouble sleeping around October - should have done this months sooner. So he gave me a 30 day trial of trazodone. I come back and tell him it just makes me fuzzy and slow from the time I take it til next morning but still can't fall asleep. Same visit, I request a genetic test so we can find which medications will be more likely to work. He says he will check and comes back to tell me they don't have any at hand. I come back in November about the test again - finally he has one, take it and come back in December.

I do some research into meds for eating disorders, depression, etc - including ones I was recommended as a minor but my parents declined - lisdexamfetamin, naltrexone, bupropion. I present the information and my reasoning and this clown says 'I feel more comfortable giving you topamax'. He actually admitted he hadn't a clue about the medications I suggested nor how to spell the chemical name of the very drug he was prescribing me. I had to spell it for him.

I swear the drug reps from Big Pharma push doctors and psychiatrists to prescribe a certain quota every quarter or something. So off I go with 30 days of 'dopamax' - thusly nicknamed because it makes you stupid and clumsy. I finally get the genetic test results in January, which are shockingly unhelpful - I already knew something was wrong with me because I don't process many drugs normally - turns out it's that pesky CYP2D6 that's functioning at 50% capacity to normal. Discontinue topiramate and try a shiny new drug suvorexant - again, he only knew this one by its trademark name belsomra - and, hey, let's finally listen to the patient who's looked at the literature and knows their condition best and just might have the slightest idea of what meds might help. So here we leave off with 30 days of 10mg lisdex and yet another bullshit pill that makes me slow. I can feel part of my brain turning off 30-60 min after I take it, every time like clockwork. Yet still sleep eludes me.

February visit and I tell him the suvorexant is unshockingly unhelpful, and that I didn't find the lisdex all that useful either (had to take 40mg to feel any effect whatsoever) - would rather focus on fixing sleep first and then perhaps other issues would attenuate on their own if not at least lessen in severity. He gives me hydroxyzine. Yes, an antihistamine you can get OTC in many countries. I tell him I have tired diphenhydramine to no avail. He shrugs and says try the hydroxyzine anyway. If that doesn't work, we'll have to move on to 'real drugs'; i.e. zolpidem (which my father, a JD and PhD of chemistry, recommended I ask the GP about when I told him in September I struggled with insomnia - I did and the doctor immediately dismissed it, saying I was too young for something so strong - when I was already self medicating with street drugs because the things that could have helped were inaccessible. Thanks, DEA. Shove it up your ass). How, dear universe, how is this man a medical doctor with a medical degree from a medical school? How is this the world we inhabit?

Sorry for the rant there. To answer your questions: Unless your GP is a real pill pusher with a particular agenda to be made - usually from a single drug company or cocktail du jour - you have to practically beg for it. Probably depends what part of the world or country you are in, also. Don't be afraid to be assertive - even the kindest doctor in the world can't read your mind. Let them know what you've already tried (sleep hygiene, melatonin, l-theanine, valerian, chamomile, antihistamines, anticholinergics etc) so you don't waste their or your time on that. All the better if you look into what drugs family members have responded favourably to - or yourself, if you previously had a script - and mention those.

No - everyone online is just words on a screen, however poignant and relatable they may seem, they can never offer the same solidarity as an in-person connection. It just doesn't seem fully real to me. That's probably the wrong answer but whatever.

As to that last point - more and more I find myself losing track of the days. I hardly know what day it is anymore. I can't wait for this to be over.
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Reactions: Huntfish34, CommitSudoku, waitingforrest and 1 other person


Isolated Loner
Dec 17, 2021
@myopybyproxy You write, think and speak like me. I left this site day before yesterday, thought I had till March23 before I was going to leave, then day before yesterday was told my court date was yesterday not on March 24 and all this weird paranormal shit kept happening. Decided I was either going to be in jail and go there or just go, so I deleted my account.
First, let me set the record straight, I am NOT a blow sunshine up your ass going to call the cops on you for trying think you just have to live because I don't want you to die.....but, I am a horrific griever who misses everyone and everything, chronic depression treatment resistant griever and someone that life has kicked over and over and over right in the cunt and always as I am already down and still reeling, so I am a true suicidal and not just some asshole on here trying to get this site shut down, I am here because I really want, and need to be here because I belong here, though I will not be here for much longer...
I did my Archangel Protection Ritual yesterday morning before leaving for court, my own real ritual that I specifically wrote for myself, not something out of a book, it is more powerful than sometimes I realize. Got to court, papers given to me had been wrong, do NOT have to be to court until March 24, but because we showed up they gave us all the papers with all the correct information on them, since they had neglected to do so when they released me and all the bullying the cops put me through about if I do not show up they will come arrest me again is bullshit, I do not even have to show up for court, my lawyer can go on my behalf. What true bullys they are...anyway, a Lawyer, that happens to have an autistic child called us back yesterday and agrees what was done to me is wrong, is getting us hooked up with the ACLU and others places like that.
Paranormal shit stopped happening then I found your post and had to log in to save my account to speak with you.
Update: 103h. 55.9kg this evening, ketones were 15-40 this morning. Took my supps today, hooray for self care. And then fucking shot up in the bathroom right before class. Was late and didn't pay attention to much. Lonely. Tired. Much internal tantruming from the little part of me that's scared and small and just wants to be comforted - how I fucking despise myself for indulging in it. And yet - perhaps that path may build a sense of peace toward my exit.

Approx 1.2mL cocaine solution (prepared 1.5 but because I went in so slowly the train started up at 1.2 and I figured that was fine. Rather be unimpressed than suffer a seizure or some other effect. Put the unused .3 back into solution for later use). Because of not sleeping for 50ish hours (idk, lost track) my eyes feel like sand. Smoked a bit of weed - perhaps .03g - and ate a few bits that fell as I flicked the ash away. Was hoping that would allow me to experience a longer lasting high than smoking but without the dysphoria that my edibles have been causing me these days. The dryness from that is not helping lmao.

Other physical effects - 'train' aka strange sound perception (semideafness / metallic monotimbre of surroundings), increased heart rate (110-130? lost count, didn't bother retaking pulse), physical smallness / tension in muscles and hunching of posture - overly accepting my lower centre of gravity despite never really acclimating to it and finding it an odd nuisance to deal with (link to below anxiety also experienced as visceral discomfort within my current human form - however some drugs sensitise physical and emotional sensations so exacerbated what I was already feeling; ie brought it from the subconscious to my awareness. Or is this 'awareness' simply transient stimulant psychosis/delusions?), full body and head buzz. Oddly enough not as much mydriasis as was expecting. Restless mouth/jaw but I automatically chew on my mouth and cheeks sober - been a bad habit for over a decade. Same with scratching at my skin, especially the face.

Expand in furture posts: ignored/repressed anxiety - using 'nothing matters' as a way to calm the constant internal panic. I never thought myself to be an anxious person - and obviously to some extent the drugs cause paranoia etc fuck man wish I had some good xans - but as I dissect my reluctance to go, I realise that SI is the steel grip of anxiety unfurling itself from within its hidey-hole inside me. I have some more things I want to say but I took 20mg suvorexant 1.5h ago and forcing myself to focus on the screen and comprehend and produce words is not it right now. I'll write more in the morning. If I can even remember what I wanted to say. Have been careless about my updates to social media where students from my uni saw them.

Also had moment of hope (? not sure what the word was but I knew this would happen to some extent as it always does during fasts whereby I can actually see my feet without craning my neck out past my stomach) whilst scrutinising body in mirror - saw the possibility of sculpting this physical form into a less repulsive habitat. Need to remind myself that the possibility is so low and out of reach it is essentially impossible. No matter how far I go with focusing on the good, the skeletal structure with its ridiculously close to the ground and forward centre of gravity and hip/buttock region contrast to the rest of the appearance - no matter how much muscle I gain or fat I lose, that hip-waist ratio and bone structre will still be there - especially due to the protrusion where the tailbone would be in a human - constant feeling that my curves are trying to sprout and become even worse (to my view).

Anyhow seeing or rather focusing my vision is becoming more and more difficult, especially regarding electronics / artificial or harsh light. Posting this before I stubbornly force myself to finish everything I can still recall wanting to express and end up accidentally exiting the tab without hitting post.
all these symptoms you are talking about, this is my normal life, how I feel all the time, only I do not do anything but weed and barely that now as I am terrified of problems even though it is legal here now, but all these symptoms are my life!
Update: Should have started the test run six or seven hours earlier - slept through my alarm yesterday and now my employer wants to 'have a chat'. Apparently I was so out of it my parents called the cops. I vaguely remember there were three of them (?). Of course the assholes found my stash (0.75g crack, two dimes coke, a bundle, five trazodone, six suvorexant, maybe 10 ephedrine, two dp 30s, one crushed b974 in an amp salt capsule, and six pharma xr 15mg amp salts). The fucking irony is that two of those were prescribed to me, one is OTC, and one is legal and I bought it from someone who had a script. But pills drugs. Drugs bad. Hurr durr drugs go bye bye.

And I kept the 28 valerian 200mg in a separate bag but stored nearby and the bastards took that too. So now the plan is somewhat ruined. That's fine, I'll skip the valerian. The irony is they didn't find my weed, edibles, needles, syringes, cathinones/a-PVP/PMMA/I have no fucking clue what that shit is. Time to use those ASAP so they can't steal that too! I didn't go to class yesterday and I don't plan on it for the rest of the week. I'm done even trying to pretend to be functional. I want to get out of here. The longer I stick around, the more time they have - and the more likely they will be - to do an Intervention. Fuck that noise.

They didn't find the real stash, thank fuck. I still have that and am planning to use it sooner. But just the little things to tide me over til then - those are gone. At least I have food now that the fast is done but it's not quite the same. My teeth and stomach hurt constantly and now my legs too, probably from being sedentary. Insert more first world complains here etc etc.

Also apparently in my blacked out state I told my parents that I sucked dick to get the drugs and thanks to them getting rid of the stash I would now have to do it all over again. Very clever of me; yes, you may now applaud. Their response was that I'm banned from using the car and must adhere to a strict timetable regarding work and classes.

Starting the green tea and grapefruit juice protocol now.

Yep, I hate the taste of alcohol. I only use it when there's nothing better around. Which now, thanks to my idiocy, there now isn't.

I don't have any idea who else to send it to, and worst case scenario they get to it before I'm gone which = interference. It's truly just inane ramblings of a lunatic. Nobody needs to see that. I do understand about the songs. But what one song means to me may mean something completely different - even irrelevant and foolish - to someone else. I want to share but I daren't trust that they shall receive and interpret the message unscathed.

It took many months, partly because he is an incompetent snail and takes many weeks to get back to you on test results and such. I first told him I was having trouble sleeping around October - should have done this months sooner. So he gave me a 30 day trial of trazodone. I come back and tell him it just makes me fuzzy and slow from the time I take it til next morning but still can't fall asleep. Same visit, I request a genetic test so we can find which medications will be more likely to work. He says he will check and comes back to tell me they don't have any at hand. I come back in November about the test again - finally he has one, take it and come back in December.

I do some research into meds for eating disorders, depression, etc - including ones I was recommended as a minor but my parents declined - lisdexamfetamin, naltrexone, bupropion. I present the information and my reasoning and this clown says 'I feel more comfortable giving you topamax'. He actually admitted he hadn't a clue about the medications I suggested nor how to spell the chemical name of the very drug he was prescribing me. I had to spell it for him.

I swear the drug reps from Big Pharma push doctors and psychiatrists to prescribe a certain quota every quarter or something. So off I go with 30 days of 'dopamax' - thusly nicknamed because it makes you stupid and clumsy. I finally get the genetic test results in January, which are shockingly unhelpful - I already knew something was wrong with me because I don't process many drugs normally - turns out it's that pesky CYP2D6 that's functioning at 50% capacity to normal. Discontinue topiramate and try a shiny new drug suvorexant - again, he only knew this one by its trademark name belsomra - and, hey, let's finally listen to the patient who's looked at the literature and knows their condition best and just might have the slightest idea of what meds might help. So here we leave off with 30 days of 10mg lisdex and yet another bullshit pill that makes me slow. I can feel part of my brain turning off 30-60 min after I take it, every time like clockwork. Yet still sleep eludes me.

February visit and I tell him the suvorexant is unshockingly unhelpful, and that I didn't find the lisdex all that useful either (had to take 40mg to feel any effect whatsoever) - would rather focus on fixing sleep first and then perhaps other issues would attenuate on their own if not at least lessen in severity. He gives me hydroxyzine. Yes, an antihistamine you can get OTC in many countries. I tell him I have tired diphenhydramine to no avail. He shrugs and says try the hydroxyzine anyway. If that doesn't work, we'll have to move on to 'real drugs'; i.e. zolpidem (which my father, a JD and PhD of chemistry, recommended I ask the GP about when I told him in September I struggled with insomnia - I did and the doctor immediately dismissed it, saying I was too young for something so strong - when I was already self medicating with street drugs because the things that could have helped were inaccessible. Thanks, DEA. Shove it up your ass). How, dear universe, how is this man a medical doctor with a medical degree from a medical school? How is this the world we inhabit?

Sorry for the rant there. To answer your questions: Unless your GP is a real pill pusher with a particular agenda to be made - usually from a single drug company or cocktail du jour - you have to practically beg for it. Probably depends what part of the world or country you are in, also. Don't be afraid to be assertive - even the kindest doctor in the world can't read your mind. Let them know what you've already tried (sleep hygiene, melatonin, l-theanine, valerian, chamomile, antihistamines, anticholinergics etc) so you don't waste their or your time on that. All the better if you look into what drugs family members have responded favourably to - or yourself, if you previously had a script - and mention those.

No - everyone online is just words on a screen, however poignant and relatable they may seem, they can never offer the same solidarity as an in-person connection. It just doesn't seem fully real to me. That's probably the wrong answer but whatever.

As to that last point - more and more I find myself losing track of the days. I hardly know what day it is anymore. I can't wait for this to be over.
I went through this shit with the ignoramouses that call themselves doctors when I was a teen adn then again over 25 years ago. It had been determined when I was a child that I am allergic to almost all medications, cannot even take pennicillin, cannot take opiodes and every single medication they tried me on gives me horrible side effects that are simply intolerable.
It sounds like you are on a keto diet, it is the same diet they put me when I was a child and first diagnosed with apergers, several food allergies and allergies to processed food additives like red dye and such. I also seem to have the same eating disorder as you, if food is there and I even think I want it, I will eat it, no matter how sick I know in advance it will make me. Reading your posts have been quite informative and have helped me feel like I am not the only one. I fully realize that you cannot help me and I cannot help you so really any of this communication is pointless, but I still felt compelled to contact you. I thought of leaving a thread like this that lays out my end, not sure anyone would have been interested. But I thank you for yours, as I have been interested and hope to talk with you soon.
@myopybyproxy You write, think and speak like me. I left this site day before yesterday, thought I had till March23 before I was going to leave, then day before yesterday was told my court date was yesterday not on March 24 and all this weird paranormal shit kept happening. Decided I was either going to be in jail and go there or just go, so I deleted my account.
First, let me se the record straight, I am NOT a blow sunshine up your ass going to call the cops on you for trying think you just have to live because I don't want you to die.....but, I am a horrific griever who misses everyone and everything, chronic treatment resistant griever and someone that life has kicked over and over and over right in cunt and always as I am already down and still reeling, so I am a true suicidal and not just some asshole on here trying to get this site shut down, I am here because I really want, and need to be here because I belong here, though I will not be here for much longer...
I did my Archangel Protection Ritual yesterday morning before leaving for court, my own real ritual that I specifically wrote for myself, not something out of a book, it is more powerful than sometimes I realize. Got to court, papers given to me had been wrong, do NOT have to be to court until March 24, but because we showed up they gave us all the papers with all the correct information on them, since they had neglected to do so when they released me and all the bullying the cops put me through about if I do not show up they will come arrest me again is bullshit, I do not even have to show up for court, my lawyer can go on my behalf. What true bullys they are...anyway, a Lawyer, that happens to have an autistic child called us back yesterday and agrees what was done to me is wrong, is getting us hooked up with the ACLU and others places like that.
Paranormal shit stopped happening then I found your post and had to log in to save my account to speak with you.

all these symptoms you are talking about, this is my normal life, how I feel all the time, only I do not do anything but weed and barely that now as I am terrified of problems even though it is legal here now, but all these symptoms are my life!

I went through this shit with the ignoramouses that call themselves doctors when I was a teen adn then again over 25 years ago. It had been determined when I was a child that I am allergic to almost all medications, cannot even take pennicillin, cannot take opiodes and every single medication they tried me on gives me horrible side effects that are simply intolerable.
It sounds like you are on a keto diet, it is the same diet they put me when I was a child and first diagnosed with apergers, several food allergies and allergies to processed food additives like red dye and such. I also seem to have the same eating disorder as you, if food is there and I even think I want it, I will eat it, no matter how sick I know in advance it will make me. Reading your posts have been quite informative and have helped me feel like I am not the only one. I fully realize that you cannot help me and I cannot help you so really any of this communication is pointless, but I still felt compelled to contact you. I thought of leaving a thread like this that lays out my end, not sure anyone would have been interested. But I thank you for yours, as I have been interested and hope to talk with you soon.
I actually rejoined the ss site just to communicate with your thread here. I am sorry you are having to feel the way you do and be treated the way you have been. I am hugging you. I personally do not like to be touched unless I know you and feel comfortable with you, but I love the hugs my husband gives, so I am thinking of that when I think of hugging you.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
@myopybyproxy You write, think and speak like me. I left this site day before yesterday, thought I had till March23 before I was going to leave, then day before yesterday was told my court date was yesterday not on March 24 and all this weird paranormal shit kept happening. Decided I was either going to be in jail and go there or just go, so I deleted my account.
First, let me set the record straight, I am NOT a blow sunshine up your ass going to call the cops on you for trying think you just have to live because I don't want you to die.....but, I am a horrific griever who misses everyone and everything, chronic depression treatment resistant griever and someone that life has kicked over and over and over right in the cunt and always as I am already down and still reeling, so I am a true suicidal and not just some asshole on here trying to get this site shut down, I am here because I really want, and need to be here because I belong here, though I will not be here for much longer...
I did my Archangel Protection Ritual yesterday morning before leaving for court, my own real ritual that I specifically wrote for myself, not something out of a book, it is more powerful than sometimes I realize. Got to court, papers given to me had been wrong, do NOT have to be to court until March 24, but because we showed up they gave us all the papers with all the correct information on them, since they had neglected to do so when they released me and all the bullying the cops put me through about if I do not show up they will come arrest me again is bullshit, I do not even have to show up for court, my lawyer can go on my behalf. What true bullys they are...anyway, a Lawyer, that happens to have an autistic child called us back yesterday and agrees what was done to me is wrong, is getting us hooked up with the ACLU and others places like that.
Paranormal shit stopped happening then I found your post and had to log in to save my account to speak with you.

all these symptoms you are talking about, this is my normal life, how I feel all the time, only I do not do anything but weed and barely that now as I am terrified of problems even though it is legal here now, but all these symptoms are my life!

I went through this shit with the ignoramouses that call themselves doctors when I was a teen adn then again over 25 years ago. It had been determined when I was a child that I am allergic to almost all medications, cannot even take pennicillin, cannot take opiodes and every single medication they tried me on gives me horrible side effects that are simply intolerable.
It sounds like you are on a keto diet, it is the same diet they put me when I was a child and first diagnosed with apergers, several food allergies and allergies to processed food additives like red dye and such. I also seem to have the same eating disorder as you, if food is there and I even think I want it, I will eat it, no matter how sick I know in advance it will make me. Reading your posts have been quite informative and have helped me feel like I am not the only one. I fully realize that you cannot help me and I cannot help you so really any of this communication is pointless, but I still felt compelled to contact you. I thought of leaving a thread like this that lays out my end, not sure anyone would have been interested. But I thank you for yours, as I have been interested and hope to talk with you soon.

I actually rejoined the ss site just to communicate with your thread here. I am sorry you are having to feel the way you do and be treated the way you have been. I am hugging you. I personally do not like to be touched unless I know you and feel comfortable with you, but I love the hugs my husband gives, so I am thinking of that when I think of hugging you.
I'm glad you were able to find some solace and solidarity in my words, and that your situation has sorted itself out to some extent. It is evil what some in power do to keep that power. I have a hunch - that is their high, the way we eat or self harm or research methods. It makes them feel safe and in control. What sad lives they must lead to project that onto innocent people such as yourself.

Isn't all communication pointless really? We're all just shouting into the void, aching for a wisp of attachment only for it to be whisked away by the wind. The sender, the interim, the receiver, intonation, intention, interpretation - so many factors that the original message hardly ever reaches its target whole. It's a form of catharsis, how I see it anyway. The illusion of understanding, that perhaps I'm not quite as isolated as I feel - it leads me on moment to moment. That, at least, is why I journal - or shall I say - ramble.

I'm rather a huggy person so I'll eagerly embrace you should you consent. Many hugs to you as well. I've been told I hug like a boa constrictor, so hold your breath - but I don't intend to hurt anyone. I just don't want to be the first to let go.

I have tried to go keto several times, but I can never stay below the carbs limit - I like fruit too much, and after long enough I start craving carrots and starchy veg! Though I am sure if I could just fix my diet a lot of my problems would be greatly minimised. Unfortunately all the pieces are far too entangled at this point for me to be hopeful. Have you found the diet helpful for your ailments?

Even if no one else reads or comments on the thread, it can be helpful for you to sort out your own thoughts on the matter, and keep track of the days as they pass. That's been my finding with this thread, anyhow. Although I do appreciate the interaction - thank you to all those who have done so thus far. :)

Can't get your drugs confiscated if you've already used them all! Now in anxiety that they will discover all the rest - or worse, interfere with the plan - I have already IVed a bit of the aforementioned crushed orange b974 (it didn't all fit in the capsule so I kept the remainder in a paper fold) as well as a filtrand of an 'ecstasy' pill I washed with IPA a few months back. Most of it was water insoluble, leading me to believe the lot was filler. I did waste a lot, though, trying to do it all in one cook - spent 9mL trying to dissolve it all - licking the drops that invariably teetered off the spoon. Got about 6mL in total, rest was lost to the cotton and floor. Feel nothing much but the panic when my mother walked in to check on my schoolwork progress. I scrabbled together some lies and got her to fuck off.

Nowhere is safe.

The good news about the theft is that now I have one less excuse to drag along this sorry mess of a human through space-time. Just 100mg lisdexamphetamines, the 90 hydroxyzine, 300mg dextromethorphan, 1.5g naproxen sodium, and a bit of weed. I can be done with those in a day or two if I'm diligent. Unfortunately though there are prior arrangements for next week made by my parents in attempt to help me. Still not completely satisfied with the note, though I doubt I'll ever be.

I've got school in an hour, one more filtrand to get rid of, and zero viable veins that I can see. I ought to have exercised and stayed hydrated these last few months - this is what you get for being a lazy little bitch. Stuck myself five times (25g, no less - practise makes progress!) just for the aforementioned two successful hits. And they were both underwhelming. Whatever. Better that than have a seizure and unable to hide the truth. Then my plans would be well and truly fucked. Going to try again with the other one.
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Reactions: CommitSudoku, Foresight and Rabhen


Isolated Loner
Dec 17, 2021
I'm glad you were able to find some solace and solidarity in my words, and that your situation has sorted itself out to some extent. It is evil what some in power do to keep that power. I have a hunch - that is their high, the way we eat or self harm or research methods. It makes them feel safe and in control. What sad lives they must lead to project that onto innocent people such as yourself.

Isn't all communication pointless really? We're all just shouting into the void, aching for a wisp of attachment only for it to be whisked away by the wind. The sender, the interim, the receiver, intonation, intention, interpretation - so many factors that the original message hardly ever reaches its target whole. It's a form of catharsis, how I see it anyway. The illusion of understanding, that perhaps I'm not quite as isolated as I feel - it leads me on moment to moment. That, at least, is why I journal - or shall I say - ramble.

I'm rather a huggy person so I'll eagerly embrace you should you consent. Many hugs to you as well. I've been told I hug like a boa constrictor, so hold your breath - but I don't intend to hurt anyone. I just don't want to be the first to let go.

I have tried to go keto several times, but I can never stay below the carbs limit - I like fruit too much, and after long enough I start craving carrots and starchy veg! Though I am sure if I could just fix my diet a lot of my problems would be greatly minimised. Unfortunately all the pieces are far too entangled at this point for me to be hopeful. Have you found the diet helpful for your ailments?

Even if no one else reads or comments on the thread, it can be helpful for you to sort out your own thoughts on the matter, and keep track of the days as they pass. That's been my finding with this thread, anyhow. Although I do appreciate the interaction - thank you to all those who have done so thus far. :)

Can't get your drugs confiscated if you've already used them all! Now in anxiety that they will discover all the rest - or worse, interfere with the plan - I have already IVed a bit of the aforementioned crushed orange b974 (it didn't all fit in the capsule so I kept the remainder in a paper fold) as well as a filtrand of an 'ecstasy' pill I washed with IPA a few months back. Most of it was water insoluble, leading me to believe the lot was filler. I did waste a lot, though, trying to do it all in one cook - spent 9mL trying to dissolve it all - licking the drops that invariably teetered off the spoon. Got about 6mL in total, rest was lost to the cotton and floor. Feel nothing much but the panic when my mother walked in to check on my schoolwork progress. I scrabbled together some lies and got her to fuck off.

Nowhere is safe.

The good news about the theft is that now I have one less excuse to drag along this sorry mess of a human through space-time. Just 100mg lisdexamphetamines, the 90 hydroxyzine, 300mg dextromethorphan, 1.5g naproxen sodium, and a bit of weed. I can be done with those in a day or two if I'm diligent. Unfortunately though there are prior arrangements for next week made by my parents in attempt to help me. Still not completely satisfied with the note, though I doubt I'll ever be.

I've got school in an hour, one more filtrand to get rid of, and zero viable veins that I can see. I ought to have exercised and stayed hydrated these last few months - this is what you get for being a lazy little bitch. Stuck myself five times (25g, no less - practise makes progress!) just for the aforementioned two successful hits. And they were both underwhelming. Whatever. Better that than have a seizure and unable to hide the truth. Then my plans would be well and truly fucked. Going to try again with the other one.
Yes, shouting into the void knowing the totality of the core message permeates with water coloring and missing elements. Hieroglyphic ramblings that may have only been nothing more than advertising billboards taken as gospel while truths and facts long dissipated forever elude.
Yes, shouting into the void knowing the totality of the core message permeates with water coloring and missing elements. Hieroglyphic ramblings that may have only been nothing more than advertising billboards taken as gospel while truths and facts long dissipated forever elude.
Man my heart spins for you. I am one of those that CANNOT take any medications and am terrified to do so. Every single medication they give me makes me sicker. I do not like drugs or alchohal and how they effect my body, I will have the occasional drink, but I cannot stand to get drunk ad get hangovers from sugar, do not want any from drinking, however, I will smoke a fucking boatload of weed. Anyhow, when I read how much meds you take and self medicate with, my heart hurts, you are one strong mother fucker, I could not take all that shit, could not would not, you are strong, fucking ass strong.
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Reactions: Huntfish34, CommitSudoku and myopybyproxy


flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Yes, shouting into the void knowing the totality of the core message permeates with water coloring and missing elements. Hieroglyphic ramblings that may have only been nothing more than advertising billboards taken as gospel while truths and facts long dissipated forever elude.

Man my heart spins for you. I am one of those that CANNOT take any medications and am terrified to do so. Every single medication they give me makes me sicker. I do not like drugs or alchohal and how they effect my body, I will have the occasional drink, but I cannot stand to get drunk ad get hangovers from sugar, do not want any from drinking, however, I will smoke a fucking boatload of weed. Anyhow, when I read how much meds you take and self medicate with, my heart hurts, you are one strong mother fucker, I could not take all that shit, could not would not, you are strong, fucking ass strong.
Thanks, but I actually don't do all that much compared to most. Probably less than 250 uses of all drugs throughout my entire life. It's just the overdramatic and detailed way I describe it that leads to that impression.

It's not all that fun and roses, to be honest. Life sucks but it sucks a little less when I'm not sober. The euphoria has been long gone. But you are the canary in the coalmine - your body knows the poison. Listen to it. Truth and profit cannot coexist.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Had a strange trip during the night. Took an edible 1730, ate a meal 1900, then 2130 took 30mg CBD, 150mg hydroxyzine, and 400mg magnesium - and after waking and not falling back asleep after maybe half an hour - 20mg CBD at 0420. Previously 100mg hydroxyzine and weed didn't do anything. It's been eight hours since the last dose of anything and I still feel foggy and out of it - and not in a recreational way. Vision is more blurred today - despite closed-eye rest for over eight hours - which scares me. Although I've yet to shoot lemon juice or vinegar, I've used ascorbic acid - and use only nonsterile cottons to filter - so am sure there are some particles floating about where they shouldn't be.

In this trip, I felt all the disgust, hatred, evil, gore imagery - everything aversive and loathsome overcame me as if in some 3D film - my mind raced and I had the sensation of perpetually falling backwards, eternal vertigo to accompany the horror. I decided to welcome it instead of cower in terror and self pity. I lay on my back, arms extended to either side and palms facing upward, legs dangling off the bed. A rotting hand pocked with volcanic craters reached out toward me and smothered me. After several moments - that felt far longer than their true duration - of standing my mental ground and not fleeing as I was bombarded with darkness, a crack of light began to shine through it and widen like a door opening. I felt an incredible sense of calm and peace, and the knowledge that all that evil was only one reality with this particular avatar. I was able to step out of my own consciousness for awhile and observe my body's existence from afar. More clearly than ever, I felt at ease with death. I readjusted my position and at some point I fell asleep.

Vertigo mildly continuing now and I'm wondering if edibles are somehow different from smoking weed, or perhaps the interactions with everything I took - who knows. Anyway feeling rather shakey and paranoid in addition to the dizzy nausea so I will not do any coke today.

Much of the appeal is the adrenaline rush - but the subsequent anxiety about ill effects (okay, that's on me for not properly filtering) and paranoia about being caught or found out, going crazy/deaf/blind etc aren't worth it. I know it's not high purity, but even so - however the fuck people get addicted to this shit is beyond me. I've got a bit left so I'll use it up, but I much prefer euphoric highs rather than physical and anxiety inducing ones.
Every time I do coke I acknowledge how disappointing and unimpressive it is. And yet I continue to purchase it to the extent my card is now declined by the ATM - can't withdraw any more cash. Why the fuck am i like this.

I mean treating myself kindly in my final weeks. Not necessarily trying to feel happy or anything - as my desperate pursuit of anything remotely dopaminergic does - but more so simply taking care of myself. Not beating myself up in my head for being weak or whatever. Going to sleep at a decent hour every night, doing hygiene things, hydration, vitamins. Nurturing that inner child, if you will. I hate that phrase but can't think of any better way to describe what I mean.
Not exactly following this to the letter, either. Just barely scraping by with the mental and emotional side of things - the physical self care is more haphazard.
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Feb 25, 2022
I enjoy reading your writings. Your story would make a good book or movie. The way you self medicate is something a lot of folks can relate too. So many are trying to find the magic substance that will cure their issues. I look forward to reading your updates and I will miss them when your story ends.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Blacked out or fell asleep this morning after doing a coke shot (0.4g in 1.4mL). i don't know what happened. Woke up three hours later on the bathroom floor. I think I had a seizure - my tongue is numb and discoloured as if I'd bitten the tip right off.

I want to be dead. But I don't know if I have the guts to actually make it happen. I'm just so tired.
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never interfere with a lifespan reaping
Feb 12, 2022
Blacked out or fell asleep this morning after doing a coke shot (0.4g in 1.4mL). i don't know what happened. Woke up three hours later on the bathroom floor. I think I had a seizure - my tongue is numb and discoloured as if I'd bitten the tip right off.

I want to be dead. But I don't know if I have the guts to actually make it happen. I'm just so tired.
I'm so tired too. I wish I had better words but they don't do much if anything anyways. Thank you for still posting.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Tongue still swollen.

Feeling desolate, utterly alone. Slight trepidation when I consider my options. My grip is tenuous.

Please, God, give me cancer. Let me die in my sleep. Please. I can't do this. Living, dying. I'm too weak, too cowardly for either.

I've given up on maintaining outward appearances. Didn't go to class today. My parents are understandably angry at me. I only need to make it through two more weeks. If I can get someone to take my shift on 06 March, I could go then. It's much too soon and simultaneously much too far away.

I could theoretically skip the entire plan and just shoot the 3g in the comfort of my own bed right now. But family is around; I don't know what sort of sounds I would make and my door doesn't lock. If you truly exist and are as kind and merciful as everyone's always saying, then please, God, let me drop dead. Spare my poor family some of the humiliation that will arise from their child being a failure. Give the body this spirit inhabits cancer and spare the body of a spirit that is actually compatible with its surroundings.
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Feb 27, 2022
Tongue still swollen.

Feeling desolate, utterly alone. Slight trepidation when I consider my options. My grip is tenuous.

Please, God, give me cancer. Let me die in my sleep. Please. I can't do this. Living, dying. I'm too weak, too cowardly for either.

I've given up on maintaining outward appearances. Didn't go to class today. My parents are understandably angry at me. I only need to make it through two more weeks. If I can get someone to take my shift on 06 March, I could go then. It's much too soon and simultaneously much too far away.

I could theoretically skip the entire plan and just shoot the 3g in the comfort of my own bed right now. But family is around; I don't know what sort of sounds I would make and my door doesn't lock. If you truly exist and are as kind and merciful as everyone's always saying, then please, God, let me drop dead. Spare my poor family some of the humiliation that will arise from their child being a failure. Give the body this spirit inhabits cancer and spare the body of a spirit that is actually compatible with its surroundings.
I know this feeling so well. It's suffocating. To me it feels like I'm going to burst or like I'm locked in a cage while also in pain. Not only am I hurting, but I'm trapped and scared with no way out.
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Feb 25, 2022
Tongue still swollen.

Feeling desolate, utterly alone. Slight trepidation when I consider my options. My grip is tenuous.

Please, God, give me cancer. Let me die in my sleep. Please. I can't do this. Living, dying. I'm too weak, too cowardly for either.

I've given up on maintaining outward appearances. Didn't go to class today. My parents are understandably angry at me. I only need to make it through two more weeks. If I can get someone to take my shift on 06 March, I could go then. It's much too soon and simultaneously much too far away.

I could theoretically skip the entire plan and just shoot the 3g in the comfort of my own bed right now. But family is around; I don't know what sort of sounds I would make and my door doesn't lock. If you truly exist and are as kind and merciful as everyone's always saying, then please, God, let me drop dead. Spare my poor family some of the humiliation that will arise from their child being a failure. Give the body this spirit inhabits cancer and spare the body of a spirit that is actually compatible with its surroundings.
When this thread started and up to your most recent post. The store of your life was adventurous and exciting. It reminded me of high school days. Your story is not about recreation or experimentation, but real suffering. Your pain is apparent and undeniable. I wish there was something I could do to help or someway I could ease the pain you feel. I will pray for God to relieve your suffering. I hope God does so in a way that will allow you to continue to tell your story.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
I know this feeling so well. It's suffocating. To me it feels like I'm going to burst or like I'm locked in a cage while also in pain. Not only am I hurting, but I'm trapped and scared with no way out.
Exactly. Two nights ago I couldn't sleep and I took 350mg hydroxyzine since 300 the night prior didn't seem to help. Accidental OD but maybe it was my subconscious survival instinct trying to sabotage me. Now my family knows I'm struggling. They still don't know the extent. I had tinnitus for a few hours and I have never wanted to die more than I did then. Knowing that there are people who live with that for years is humbling and terrifying. You all are so strong to have made it this far.

I have never known anxiety like this. I hate it so much.

I'm scared. I feel like something snapped in my brain and I'm going crazy. There are little zaps that feel like static electricity. My brain just doesn't feel right. I'm dissociated from everything and kind of want to cut to fix that. But I already cut 'too deep' a few days ago and it's still an inconvenience to bend down, walk, use the restroom. I felt like I was going to explode and so I cut deeper than I ever have before. Now I understand why they call it 'beans'. The depth itself wasn't the problem. The problem was I liked it. I wanted to go even deeper. That was what scared me.

Tongue still numb. Feels like a dead worm in my mouth. My surroundings are a movie set. Nothing feels real. I don't want to go out like this but I guess this is the push I needed to do it. I'm just so tired of being so alone and broken. That song 1x1 describes how I'm feeling exactly.

I still don't feel ready. I don't know if I'll ever be. I could procrastinate for the next eight decades and still not be ready. Because of my recent tardiness and unreliability, I was taken off the schedule this Sunday. In less than two days I could be dead. I feel horrible for doing this to my family. I try to tell myself I can delay it til whenever but the fear that I will miss the opportunity provokes me to act sooner rather than later. It was supposed to be next Sunday but I don't think I could get through that long without causing a scene. I've caused enough scenes these last few weeks. I feel on the brink of something, and if it isn't death then it's something worse like developing more mental disorders or being locked up 'for your own good'. I'd rather take matters into my own hands.

I would rather live but the more I think about it, the more impossible it seems. I don't like the uncertainty of what comes after. But existing in this society is no longer bearable. On a individual scale, I've fucked myself over these last few weeks anyhow. I'd have to retake all my courses. I need to be dead before April so I don't have to deal with taxes. And waiting any more will only precipitate more madness. This last week has been more than enough.

Didn't drink as much tea and grapefruit juice as per plan nor for as long as it was supposed to be but I did come across some methadone accidentally in the process of trying to obtain methamphetamine. Figured I may as well try the latter once before I die - I've always been curious about the hype. But knowing me, I would have liked it enough to stay alive to do more of it. Universe has a way of working things out. I will take the methadone about 30 min before the fentanyl.

I grieve for the possibility I eschew. To consider the fact that every human has an inner world as cratered as mine or more - how can the world contain so much suffering? I just want it to end. I don't want to feel this alone and numb and disconnected and terrified anymore. Make it stop. Please. I hate how self centred I am. Almost every sentence starts with 'I'. Why am I like this.

I could try psilocybin or LSD or MDMA (whether as therapy adjunct or nonsupervised/recreationally) but I'm scared of what I will encounter. The worst outcome would be that I'd have an aversion to death but increased suffering. My problem is that I'm looking for a magic pill to fix me. There is no panacaea.

And once again I am struck by the pointlessness of it all.
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Feb 25, 2022
I could try psilocybin or LSD or MDMA (whether as therapy adjunct or nonsupervised/recreationally) but I'm scared of what I will encounter.
These will give a very different perspective on life. For the first two just don't look in a mirror.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
These will give a very different perspective on life. For the first two just don't look in a mirror.
Noted. I already find it difficult to look in the mirror sober. I don't recognise myself. The creature that stares back at me seems deformed.

Took about 2.5mL of the methadone exactly one hour ago. Will update as to its effects.
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Feb 25, 2022
Noted. I already find it difficult to look in the mirror sober. I don't recognise myself. The creature that stares back at me seems deformed.

Took about 2.5mL of the methadone exactly one hour ago. Will update as to its effects.
Wishing you the best.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Didn't notice much two nights ago so I took another 2.5mL and still nothing. Took 5mL the next morning (yesterday) and felt a bit itchy and drowsy. No euphoria but wasn't expecting that. It's still got me a bit slower than usual, over 24h later. I assume it's the 1mg/mL but it seems to be diluted slightly, so all total I've taken around 7-9mg.

Reading conflicting information about interaction with other opioids. For instance, methadone blocks the high, but can still have additive CNS depressant effects? I'm also nervous that the long half life will raise my tolerance. If anyone has information about the effects of combining methadone with alcohol, fentanyl, and benzos, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Didn't do it today, obviously. I told myself I will wait til next week, as per the plan.
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Feb 25, 2022
Didn't notice much two nights ago so I took another 2.5mL and still nothing. Took 5mL the next morning (yesterday) and felt a bit itchy and drowsy. No euphoria but wasn't expecting that. It's still got me a bit slower than usual, over 24h later. I assume it's the 1mg/mL but it seems to be diluted slightly, so all total I've taken around 7-9mg.

Reading conflicting information about interaction with other opioids. For instance, methadone blocks the high, but can still have additive CNS depressant effects? I'm also nervous that the long half life will raise my tolerance. If anyone has information about the effects of combining methadone with alcohol, fentanyl, and benzos, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Didn't do it today, obviously. I told myself I will wait til next week, as per the plan.
If you're not having withdrawals the methadone is doing it's job. What happened to Starbucks? That no longer a thing? I know the struggle and I wish you the best.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
If you're not having withdrawals the methadone is doing it's job. What happened to Starbucks? That no longer a thing? I know the struggle and I wish you the best.
I'm not habituated to opiates, as I've been determined to avoid them (as tempting as it's been to try it once more) ever since deciding it would be my method. Total experience with opioids now has reached a total of twice in my entire life including the prior few days; almost a year ago I snagged three 5mg leftover percocets from my father's surgery that expired in 2016.

I actually got a write-up for my multiple tardiness and no-call no-shows. If I do it once more, I'm out. I told my manager that I'm struggling with insomnia and she suggested talking to HR about getting a temporary accommodation or reduction of hours. As it is I've already reduced my hours from 25-30 to 10-20 per week and still I manage to fuck it up. I feel bad for what I will do to them but I can't very well give in my two weeks' notice out of the blue like this.

I feel awful about what I will do to my family also. They don't deserve this. I'm just so tired. I didn't ask to be born.
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Feb 25, 2022
I'm not habituated to opiates, as I've been determined to avoid them (as tempting as it's been to try it once more)
My advice is to avoid them. They will grab hold and it's an addiction that few ever recover from.
I told my manager that I'm struggling with insomnia and she suggested talking to HR about getting a temporary accommodation
The job accommodation is a good option. It will allow you manager extra leeway to give you a pass for health issues.


flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
My advice is to avoid them. They will grab hold and it's an addiction that few ever recover from.

The job accommodation is a good option. It will allow you manager extra leeway to give you a pass for health issues.
I know. I'm not going to use them because I don't want to develop a tolerance to my method.

Going about getting it seems too difficult - takes too much energy. I'm so tired of this purgatory.


Feb 25, 2022
I feel awful about what I will do to my family also. They don't deserve this.
I read in another post that your family was supportive with your recovery. Give it go, things could improve.
I'm just so tired. I didn't ask to be born.
I can relate to this feeling. But there are other times when I enjoy life and have fun. But the bad days are really bad and they suck!


flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
I read in another post that your family was supportive with your recovery. Give it go, things could improve.

I can relate to this feeling. But there are other times when I enjoy life and have fun. But the bad days are really bad and they suck!
I guess so...only I've fucked myself over by not keeping up with schoolwork this last month. I'd have to retake my courses and face my parents' disappointment. And the times when I enjoy life are so fleeting and few and far between that I wouldn't say it's worth all the bullshit.
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