An it's true, because the world has sacrificed far too much for this. It has the mortality rate of a baby fart. You were all duped! The current death toll stands near 150K and that many people die from unrelated shit every single day.
I don't know that I'd go as far as saying it's a baby fart, haha. For the over 65 crowd and for people with lung issues, it sounds a nasty way to die. But how we're handling it disproportionately favors the over 50 crowd:
Ages 0 - 18 --
* Half of Chinese school aged kids that tested positive had no symptoms.
* We could be depriving an entire generation from developing immunity against the disease.
* We ARE depriving an entire generation of a quality education by shutting down schools.
* We are going to be sending our kids into a devastated economy with impacts that will last who knows how long.
* We are depriving these kids of sunlight, fresh air, and exercise. My state has gone so far as to fill skate parks with sand to stop kids from skating.
Ages 18 - 22 (College kids) --
* Being burdened with astronomical school loans isn't enough. Now they have to take on substandard education at the same prices because schools are only doing online classes and also not refunding tuition even partially.
* May not have a home to go to because on campus housing is being closed and they may not be allowed back home to potentially infect their elderly/at risk parents.
* They're in the age group most likely to be laid off or experience wage or hour cuts.
* Also being sent to work in a devastated economy.
Ages 22 - 30 --
* Also in the age group most likely to be laid off or see hour or wage cuts.
* Also probably the least likely age group of working adults to have enough savings to live off of for any time
* Under represented in the home ownership stats. For the ~50% of those who were getting ready to buy a house, will now have to put it off since they may need to use those savings to get by for god knows how long.
Ages 30 - 50 --
* Probably in slightly better financial shape than the 22-30 group but many still live paycheck to paycheck
* Also slightly more at risk than the 22 - 30 group but not by much
Ages - 50 - 65 --
* Perhaps moderate health risk, especially with prexisting conditions, but still relatively low to 65+
Ages 65+
* Most likely to be affected by the virus lethally
* Most likely to be retired and not need to work
The older you get, the more favorable the quarantines are for you. No surprise, seeing as most government leaders are well over 50...