As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
I can't tell if you're serious... the scary part is that you could be... I'm the kind of guy who would apply bleach to a wash rag in dire hopes to keep it clean. O.o
I can tell there's a joke here, but even with Google's help I'm wooshing.
I can't tell if you're serious... the scary part is that you could be... I'm the kind of guy who would apply bleach to a wash rag in dire hopes to keep it clean. O.o
I'm out on my morning walk. I'm walking and having a cigarette. I cough. The old-as-fuck woman that I didn't notice jumps, runs in the air like a fucking cartoon and bolts away in record breaking speeds while yelling at me to cover my mouth.
MissStarr, Susannah, Hollow Point and 4 others
I'm out on my morning walk. I'm walking and having a cigarette. I cough. The old-as-fuck woman that I didn't notice jumps, runs in the air like a fucking cartoon and bolts away in record breaking speeds while yelling at me to cover my mouth.
i'm really, Really not looking forward to see how the world turns after a few more months of quarantine. the disease itself may not have a high death rate for healthy and young people, but the economic impact that this will have is just terrifying and will affect almost everyone, specially on shitty countries like mine.
people are loosing their jobs everywhere, some don't have the money to make it through a week of quarantine, let alone whatever amount of time this outbreak will take.
feels weird that we are the generation that lives to see a worldwide pandemic outbreak, the jokes are funny and all, but not many people will be laughing when the virus and its indirect consequences come knocking at their doors.
WearyWanderer, FusRohDracarys, freya and 8 others
I wouldn't be surprised, honestly. I heard Putin somehow got his presidency annulled or some shit, so he's getting another run.
Israel? Well, we got Bibi (Benjamin Netaniyahu) over here all up our asses. He's EVERYWHERE, the bastard. Can't wait for him to die off. He's like an Israeli Trump.
Hollow Point, Inferdan, Shakespear's Brother and 2 others
I wouldn't be surprised, honestly. I heard Putin somehow got his presidency annulled or some shit, so he's getting another run.
Israel? Well, we got Bibi (Benjamin Netaniyahu) over here all up our asses. He's EVERYWHERE, the bastard. Can't wait for him to die off. He's like an Israeli Trump.
Yes, he nullified his term and technically will be able to rule until 2036. Damn, he could already chill on the beach and play golf, he is not a young guy any more.
All part of the plan lads...they rely on the idiotic sheeple that have been molded on facebook and twitter(social media) for the past few years now...damn shame.
I have nothing productive to add to the discussion, so I'm just going to go off on a rant here...
My college decided that it wanted zero responsibility for the students, and thus decided to send the approx 2k students on campus (2k out of 5k who had not decided to take the week off and go home because it contained a holiday) home. We're being moved from a secluded area with no recorded cases to areas with a bunch of recorded cases, and forced to go through places like airports, train stations and bus terminuses where catching the virus is more likely. More importantly, this landed me back home, a place where I don't want to be, especially right now.
At this point, I wish I had caught the virus and died of the secondary pneumonia...
Susannah, Hollow Point, Green Destiny and 2 others
while I am writing this rambling (I like this word) post I am hearing Boris Johnson on TV saying that all schools will be closed from Friday.
And after that. The spaniard prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, saying "The hardest moments have not came yet".
I've been trying to tell people for years about the scientifically proven disastrous mental health consequences of isolation. This is an unfortunate way for everyone to learn for themselves. On the bright side, I suppose, we will be gaining more members here in the months to come
FusRohDracarys, Susannah, Hollow Point and 1 other person
I despise all the vertical IG videos on the news of people "socially distancing" or celebrities singing Imagine and saying "we are all in this together".
Get ready for the cringy feel good #quarantinechallenges and #other_stupid_hashtags.
I have no job and I'm "socially distant". At last, I fit in! Maybe I should get an IG and document my mundane existence.
Get a bidet! Chances are people that hoard all the TP and the makers of TP memes have dirty asses. What the fuck is wrong with us Americans?
The first 18 seconds of this video convinced me
I said good day.
Hollow Point, Worthless_nobody and I_love_to_bake
I despise all the vertical IG videos on the news of people "socially distancing" or celebrities singing Imagine and saying "we are all in this together".
Get ready for the cringy feel good #quarantinechallenges and #other_stupid_hashtags.
I have no job and I'm "socially distant". At last, I fit in! Maybe I should get an IG and document my mundane existence.
Get a bidet! Chances are people that hoard all the TP and the makers of TP memes have dirty asses. What the fuck is wrong with us Americans?
Actually, when I was a plumber I worked on quite a few bidets. They are more popular than you'd think, atleast in my area of America. Plus, with modern technology, we don't even need an independent fixture for the bidet like that video says. It's weird because the video then goes on to mention bidet seat attachments... Which, as depicted in the video, don't require any more space or fixtures than just another supply line hose. The "old style" I guess is having a fixture with just the bidet, and having an entirely separate supply line and waste line for the toilet itself. But it seems more practical to just use the toilet seat attachment, and that style was the more popular I'd say.
Certainly a good time to invest in bidet companies!
Susannah, Hollow Point and Throwawaysoul
Someone from my university organization just told us today that he has the virus. He's not even at middle age yet. I'm now seriously worried about my friends and my other classmates.
Someone from my university organization just told us today that he has the virus. He's not even at middle age yet. I'm now seriously worried about my friends and my other classmates.
Loads of young people get it, but almost none die from it. Unless you or your friends have serious immune issues, you'll almost certainly survive it if you get it.
FusRohDracarys, Susannah, Hollow Point and 1 other person
I wonder if the huge hit the economy is going to take, coupled with the huge unemployment numbers, loss of loved ones, etc., all that kind of stuff – if it will make prolifers a little more empathetic when more people inevitably begin to CTB as a direct result of the pandemic.
FusRohDracarys, Amber1974, I_love_to_bake and 2 others
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