If I was atheist, I would say that our world is the only reality. There's no need to think beyond. But what does exactly « reality » mean ?
Reality could be « what it is »
« The earth is round. »
What do people who are studying deeply a discipline understand ? That there exists limits which are tearing the reality.
Study astronomy and you won't be able to go beyond the event horizon of black holes, art and you won't be able to go beyond the death of the significant and the signified, quantum physics and you won't be able to determinate if the cat of Schrödinger is dead or alive before opening the box, philosophy and you won't be able to go beyond the frontier of insanity without falling down forever.
Of course we can sometimes break down the borders, but when it happens, the horizon is increasingly moving away from us. It sounds like the story of the oak island. To reach the treasure, we're digging deeper and deeper, we're crossing the levels, traps are activated, making the advance more and more perilous, condemning a little more each time the treasure.
It's a bottomless pit. Every serious scientist will tell you that, I mean not the condescending ones.
We could continue the quantum metaphor by saying that it exists frontiers in our world beyond which the form of the earth is just a potentiality, neither round nor flat, and that ultimately we don't even know if the earth exists. Maybe only insane people could see that.
Reality is relative, as time. That's a chimera, we will never determinate it. Reality is not set in stone.
The only concept which espouse the idea of stability is the nothingness, it is one, it don't move, it is eternal, it is perfect, there's no one to think it.
But unfortunately it is a nonsense, because this concept doesn't accept half-measure. We can of course experience the void in our world. We can say that there's no planet between earth and mars, that's there's nothing between elementary particles, that while you're meditating, at the precise time when there's no thoughts in your mind, hishiryo appears, that when you had general anesthesia you don't remember anything, but all of that is the idea of void inside something. All of that is a void where the potentiality exists, where our world emerged. Not the real nothingness.
If it exists a consciousness, whatever its nature, epiphenomenon of the material world or cosmic consciousness, even in a wing flap of a butterfly, then real void will never exist.
There is something...... for me