i've already verified my account do i buy btc or bitcoin cash?
then after that it will be in my wallet right?
then i can send it to an address that a will provide?
Have you already purchased? Sorry just re-read and saw you are verified.
I suggest Coinjar over Coinbase. This may only be due to Australian restrictions.
You have a few crypto options to buy in Coinbase. I wouldn't buy btc cash, but that's just my opinion. Not sure now is the right time to buy though, it's just had a spike.
The crypto you purchase will be held in your account on Coinbase, then yes you can transfer to an address you provide.
I am in Australia, so the only crypto currency we can transfer out is bitcoin. Not sure the transfer set up in other countries.
Hope this helps.
Just thought, I wrote this from the point of view of someone trying to make money, not buy N.
All still applies, just the timing of when you buy doesn't matter.