

Its a hard knock life
Jan 18, 2020

I know my question can bring arguments and fighting. If you aren't Christian who would like to discuss their Views or seek answers, then this thread isn't for you to comment. Please keep my thread a discussion thread than a arguement. I want to discuss others on this topic and not have it closed, please be respectful to one another and kind:heart:

After my failed attempt with SN, I'm gonna try again soon, but being a Christian, I have thoughts of where I'll end up. It haunts me. But the Bible doesn't give out a clear answer or does anyone have one. I don't know where I'll end up. I have points on why a Christian shouldn't end up in hell but then I have point on why they should. I'm confused and seek out others views.

what do you think? Where would you end up if you are christian and took your life.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
I don't know if I can be considered a Christian anymore, I don't consider *myself* one...but I was raised Catholic, Catholic school and all. We were always told that suicides go to the same part of hell as murderers. But really, you have to think about the state of current Christianity...we don't actually know what the original Bible said. The Romans purged much of it and changed around the things they left. There were a lot of reasons they did it, but even if you believe in Christianity, its important to keep in mind that the texts aren't the same or even very similar to what it was when it began. The whole "suicides go to hell" thing could just as easily be a fabrication of the Roman government to keep slaves and low class workers from killing themselves as it is likely to be the actual word of God. We just don't know, and personally I go with my gut feeling on this one. *If* there's a loving God who predetermined your life before you were born (but also you have free will, somehow? Always was a bit confused on that one), why would he punish someone for doing what He predestined them to do? If he made you who you are and you want to take your own life, does it feel right or logical that you'd be handed eternal torment after it's over?
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I try to be funny...
Jan 14, 2020

I know my question can bring arguments and fighting. If you aren't Christian who would like to discuss their Views or seek answers, then this thread isn't for you to comment. Please keep my thread a discussion thread than a arguement. I want to discuss others on this topic and not have it closed, please be respectful to one another and kind:heart:

After my failed attempt with SN, I'm gonna try again soon, but being a Christian, I have thoughts of where I'll end up. It haunts me. But the Bible doesn't give out a clear answer or does anyone have one. I don't know where I'll end up. I have points on why a Christian shouldn't end up in hell but then I have point on why they should. I'm confused and seek out others views.

what do you think? Where would you end up if you are christian and took your life.

Same place as the Jews, muslims and atheists.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
After my failed attempt with SN, I'm gonna try again soon, but being a Christian, I have thoughts of where I'll end up.
Even though its not really relevant to your question...would you mind saying why your SN attempt failed? As someone who's chosen this method, I'd love to hear firsthand information on it, especially a failed attempt. I'd really appreciate it, but also would understand if you want to decline. =)
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Jul 9, 2020
I was raised Catholic and I don't consider myself devoted anymore. I was taught and conditioned to believe that God shows eternal love and forgiveness to everyone as we are all made in His image; as well as him always being with us and finding him in all things. That's why to a certain extent, I'm open to the beliefs of other religions and ideologies including to that of taking one's life. I don't think he would send you to suffer eternally just because of feeling weary and giving up, at least compared to other people who have committed even "worse" sins. However, I think he would still forgive all of us anyways, as we all have our own experiences and backgrounds which makes us do the things we do.

I don't really like using the bible as reference as it feels like God is kinda inconsistent in his behavior (old and new testament, etc.). I used to like just taking the good lessons and try to apply them in my life to develop my character.
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Jul 14, 2020
At the risk of being blasphemous, you could argue that Jesus committed a form of suicide.
I mean, he didn't technically kill himself, but he willingly went to his own death to free humanity of sin.
Judas committed suicide, and there in nothing in the bible about him ending up in hell forever. I'm sure Jesus forgave him.

And also, I don't think Jesus actually said anything about suicide. At least, it's not recorded in the new testament.
As far as I know, there is nothing in the Bible that says suicide is an unforgivable sin.
Anything in Christianity about suicide is probably a later invention of the church.
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Jan 8, 2020
All men are good, we are the same, we all love, we all cry, we all laugh, we all fight, and kill, and steal if needed. The pain is the thing that makes u to choose the others to suffer instead of urself. Is not ur fault, its not even unfair to kill to defend ur family, or yourself (if u want to live...joke) or a friend, or an unknown person who needs ur help.
if u punch someone, he may doesnt fall and nothing happends, or he may fall and hits with the head to the ground and die. U did the same, just one punch, destiny is who decided if he should live or die. From the other perspective, if there´s destiny, and in my opinion there´s, no1 is guilty from anything.

Is a Brain damaged serial killer responsible from his acts? Is a wolf responsible to guilty to kill a lamb to eat?

My friend, read the post i have just made, and forget Christianism...Love
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May 8, 2019
You know the funny thing is I didn't believe in god until a week ago. I hope so, because I don't want to continue suffering after I'm gone.


Its a hard knock life
Jan 18, 2020
Even though its not really relevant to your question...would you mind saying why your SN attempt failed? As someone who's chosen this method, I'd love to hear firsthand information on it, especially a failed attempt. I'd really appreciate it, but also would understand if you want to decline. =)
I made a thread about it, you can find it in my profile
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Jul 19, 2020
Since you asked a theological question, I will provide a purely theological answer. This is not my opinion, but is the official view of the Catholic Church. (I am Catholic and used to teach at a Catholic school, so that is my background. Bring a married gay man should tell you how I feel about some Catholic doctrine in general...)

Your life does not belong to you. It belongs to God. The Catechism states:
Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.

Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God. (2280-2281)

So, taking a life is a mortal sin, and since it is the final act of the person who commits suicide, they are unable to repent, and therefore damned to Hell. HOWEVER...

The Catechism also says this about suicide:
Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide. (2282)
In other words, a person who commits suicide likely was not in their right mind when committing the act. For something to be a mortal sin, the individual must be fully aware of the sinful nature of the act. Someone who is not of sound mind cannot fully comprehend the gravity of their action, and this cannot commit a mortal sin.

The final word in the Catechism on suicide is this:
We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives. (2283)

These changes were made to the Catechism in 1992. Older generations would have been taught that suicide leads directly to Hell, and sometimes funerals were even denied for those who took their own lives. That is no longer the view of the Catholic Church.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I'm a Christian and I tend to go by what the Bible says. The Bible doesn't teach the idea of hell, it teaches eternal punishment. Non existence is a form of eternal punishment since it's forever. Here are some verses that reveal the truth:

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Note that life is a gift, not a punishment. If you were to be tortured in hell, you would have to be ALIVE to feel it.

Romans 6:7 "For the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.
Here the Bible is in no way vague about the reality of death. Once you die you're acquitted from all your sin. What would be the purpose of more punishment?

Ecclesiastes 9:5 - The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered.
This says the dead know nothing. It's a common message in the Bible about dead people having no awareness. Remember how we say "to know suffering?" how can you be tormented if you don't even know it?

Think about the resurrection promise. What would the purpose of resurrection be if people immediately went to heaven or hell upon death? They would already have received their due, right? It's another clue that being dead is literally nothingness from which you must be brought back.

Revelation talks about a lake of fire, but death is thrown in the lake to be tormented forever. Death is a concept or event, not a person that can feel pain. This shows that the lake is a symbol of eternal destruction.

Hell is a human concept created to instill fear and make people obey the church. You don't need to fear this lie. Hope this helps.
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Jul 30, 2020
Hi, I don't know if this will directly answer your question, but The Bible Project has been a great resource for me over the past few months. They did a series on Heaven and Hell on their podcast ,which may help answer some of your questions. I'm really not trying to force these views on you! I know you didn't ask for something this broad, but I just thought it might help if you're tackling these questions. Nothing but love and acceptance whatever you believe. https://bibleproject.com/podcast/series/heaven-hell/ (haha I'm just really worried about being that guy)
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Aug 2, 2020
Hell is here and now. Why would you consider suicide while being Christian? Talk to your priest, your church community. They'll tell you what to do. :/
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Jul 21, 2020
Several years ago, Dr. Charles Stanley of First Baptist in Atlanta said that as long as you're saved, have accepted Christ, you will be OK.

I'm sure it made some people very unhappy for him to say that, but I accept it.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Hell is here and now. Why would you consider suicide while being Christian? Talk to your priest, your church community. They'll tell you what to do. :/
This is insulting. Do you mean to say that suicide is exclusive to atheists, agnostics and the like? Like somehow you have a better claim to ctb because you're not a Christian? Like you're better than me? Give it a rest, we're all human.
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Aug 2, 2020
This is insulting. Do you mean to say that suicide is exclusive to atheists, agnostics and the like? Like somehow you have a better claim to ctb because you're not a Christian? Like you're better than me? Give it a rest, we're all human.

I'm sorry for insulting you. If you're a full-time Christian suicide is no option for you because your religion forbids that. I'm not better than you, I''m an anti-villain scum. Putting it very simple, Christianity says that the world is the Lord's creation and there's nothing wrong in it. So no need to suicide if you're not a baddie.
Garbage Person

Garbage Person

Eating snowflakes with plastic forks
Jan 17, 2020
I'm not religious myself so maybe I shouldn't be here, but I'm not here to be disrespectful. Wouldn't this depend somewhat on what denomination of Christianity you follow? For instance, Catholicism would rule suicide as a violation of the commandment "do not murder". Rather or not that determines some sort of punishment, I have no idea. I would think that someone who follows any Christian belief would be pursuing more hopeful endeavors through the power of their faith and the church. I'm pro choice, but from a spiritual viewpoint, I think it depends on the reason someone is making that decision. I believe that in most cases it's a selfish act that displays hopelessness, boredom, and/or abandonment which all go against almost any common religion's principles and should be resolved within the community of those that should be lifting you up and giving you said hope.


Apr 4, 2020
Nope. God wouldn't make His own creation suffer once they're inside His Kingdom.
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Suicide is self expression
Dec 31, 2018
Biblically: no (Psalm 32:1-2, and a video from a Bible believer).

Denominationally: It's whatever your pastor or priest says. But you shouldn't believe man above God.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019

I'm sorry for insulting you. If you're a full-time Christian suicide is no option for you because your religion forbids that. I'm not better than you, I''m an anti-villain scum. Putting it very simple, Christianity says that the world is the Lord's creation and there's nothing wrong in it. So no need to suicide if you're not a baddie.
No harm no foul, we're all potential travellers here. I misunderstood your post to suggest that ctb is not for Christians but now I get it. Alas, if only it was enough, I wouldn't be here. My ctb has more to do with exhausting mental problems.
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Feb 10, 2020
God says that all sin against man is equal. Jesus died to save us from all our sins. The idea that suicide is an unforgivable sin is just different church denominations' beliefs. It's not mentioned in the Bible. Actually the Bible says many times that the one unforgivable sin is to not believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I made a post yesterday about my fears of the judgement after death when you see all your past sins and God decides whether you go to Heaven or Hell. It does sound kind of scary, but then again the tiniest things give me anxiety so it's probably not as bad as I picture it, and thinking about it now, I believe that it is also a last chance to ask for forgiveness for your sins. So yes, I fully believe that people who commit suicide can go to Heaven.
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The cause of suffering is the desire to exist
Jul 27, 2020
When I was Christian, I came to the conclusion that no one goes to hell.
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Aug 21, 2019
Well, I admit I'm not christian BUT I think I could make a good case for why suicide wouldn't be forbidden in your faith. The old testament says "Thou shalt not kill," which you could argue that is including of oneself. However, because Jesus died on the cross, your sins were forgiven and all you have to do to be saved is to believe in his sacrifice. So, following that logic, you shouldn't need to worry about hell. The church in the middle ages forbid suicide for practical reasons rather than theological (like so many other things.) The bible even features suicides!
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
After my failed attempt with SN, I'm gonna try again soon, but being a Christian, I have thoughts of where I'll end up. It haunts me. But the Bible doesn't give out a clear answer or does anyone have one.
It seems to me if the guide book to religion is the Bible and it does not mention hell then you don't have much to worry about. I'm not sure where the idea of hell came from.

Since Christians believe Jesus saves, I assume that means saved from the eternal damnation of hell so as a Christian you have been saved from that. I was never clear what "saved" actually meant. I was raised as a Christian but things like being "saved" didn't make sense to me. IF God doesn't want us to suffer and he is really God why doesn't he just do away with things like "damnation", hell, punishment in the first place.

I was supposed to make sense of the idea God loves us, does not want us to suffer, but made hell, punishes us, then saves us from that punishment? I never got clear answers.
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Its a hard knock life
Jan 18, 2020
Hell is here and now. Why would you consider suicide while being Christian? Talk to your priest, your church community. They'll tell you what to do. :/
I'm scared to talk to them, I have a record of being suicidal
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Aug 2, 2020
I;m s=orry to hear that. You can tal,k to me. I'm noSatanist or Pagan, I'm agnostic.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
You can look at the sacrifice of Christ as a suicide since he knew what was going to become of him, and being the Son of God could have stopped it. He didn't technically take his own life, but he willingly let others end it.
God knows we don't live up to the Ten Commandments. He knows how much we suffer. Why would he do something like let us burn in eternity because we couldn't take it here?

Who here has lived up to the Ten Commandments anyway? Something as basic as coveting is beyond our own control yet we are told not to covet. Covet means "yearn to have something". We can't control that.
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Never play cards with a magician.
Apr 19, 2020
I was raised Christian, and still consider myself that way. I still feel conflicted about this, so I'm interested to see other opinions.
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Apr 8, 2020
I don't think suicide in itself will damn anyone, let alone a Christian, to Hell. God shows a bit more grace and mercy than many of us may think.
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