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Apr 22, 2018
does anyone hesitate because of their pet? i honestly don't want to leave my cat. she is very attached to me and i know she would be very depressed if i went.
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Sunflower Panda
Apr 6, 2018
Yeah. I had a cat. i gave him up as I got worse health wise though, couldn't take proper care of him and could tell he was unhappy. It weighed on me heavily, my ex friends hate me for it (not that I care now), but it was best for the cat. If I weren't as sick as I am though, I would've stuck it out for the cat's sake. Pets are a huge responsibility, their welfare is literally in your hands.
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Apr 22, 2018
Yeah. I had a cat. i gave him up as I got worse health wise though, couldn't take proper care of him and could tell he was unhappy. It weighed on me heavily, my ex friends hate me for it (not that I care now), but it was best for the cat. If I weren't as sick as I am though, I would've stuck it out for the cat's sake. Pets are a huge responsibility, their welfare is literally in your hands.
i'm sorry you had to give him up. it sounds like it was the right decision. i'm sure it wasn't easy to make.
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Sunflower Panda
Apr 6, 2018
i'm sorry you had to give him up. it sounds like it was the right decision. i'm sure it wasn't easy to make.

I'd known it was coming for a while, so I had time to mentally prepare. It's not that I miss the cat, really, I don't now. it's the worry of what will become of him with his new owners. Some people, well meaning as they can be, let their animals suffer unnecessarily. Like putting a sick animal through surgeries and such when they should just be put down. But, well, that's out of my hands now.

I think if one can help it, before they check out, they should make sure the animal has a good home to go to.
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Apr 22, 2018
yes, definitely. it's sad that in some cases the animals put through surgeries would indeed be better off not having to endure them. i know my roommate would take care of my cat because he loves her too, but she is so attached to me—almost always by my side. i love her so much and she knows that.
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This is as brave as I know how to be...
Apr 18, 2018
After my current dog dies I plan on getting into rats or insects as pets. I get the fun and companionship of a pet but without all the bigger responsibilities and long term commitment that go with a larger mammal.

Hissing cockroaches are apparently great pets. A film maker friend got some for a film and ended up keeping them as pets until they died.
They are safe to handle and don't hiss very often or very loud most the time. Although I've read of people owning pissy ones that yell at you whenever you fuck with em. I would enjoy that just as much tbh as I'd relate.
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Apr 22, 2018
i love all animals. i just googled hissing roaches the other day to see what they are like. there is something about animals that is missing in humans. (humans would see it the other way around.) i actually think we are like a cancer on the earth and it would be a beautiful place without us and our greed and self centeredness.
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Apr 23, 2018
Want to hear a funny story? Too bad I'm going to tell it anyway! :)

I basically always hated cats. They are skittish and just blah. One night about three years ago in my always-suicidal state, I was walking near a bridge contemplating the leap. This feral cat was off in the distance. I looked at it and did the proverbial "here kitty kitty" thing, thinking, like all cats, it would just ignore me. Sure enough, it just immediately comes walking towards me. I was like wow. I sat there talking to a cat for five minutes and it seemed to be listening. Anyway I left.

Three months later, again in my always suicidal state, I went and walked around my favorite bridge again. This time it was on a different side of the structure. Sure enough the same cat shows up and walks right up to me without prompting, as if it remembered me. It looked a little skinnier this time. It was way weird that this was happening anyway as this cat is obviously feral and wild. The chances of this happening were so small I decided to pick the cat up (hoping it didn't attack me) and take it with me.

I don't believe in caging ("owning") animals. I think its cruel IMO. So everyday when I'm home I leave a window open so if the cat wanted to leave, it could. He hasn't left in three years. He's low maintenance. He just wants his food (costs me like $20 for three months worth) and likes to hang out with me when I'm home. He also seemed to immediately know that I don't really like cats. He'll climb out the window, leave for a while, and come back. I believe he's using the bathroom outside because he seems to know I don't like cleaning that litter box and that I like him more when there's never anything to clean in it.

Anyway I still hate cats in general. But this little guy (I just call him Stripe because of the stripe on his belly) is cool. Had him for three years now. He lived on his own before I met him, so I'll have no problem leaving him when the time comes. Plus I'm not even supposed to have animals in my apartment, so I've already went out on a limb for him.
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Apr 22, 2018
Want to hear a funny story? Too bad I'm going to tell it anyway! :)

I basically always hated cats. They are skittish and just blah. One night about three years ago in my always-suicidal state, I was walking near a bridge contemplating the leap. This feral cat was off in the distance. I looked at it and did the proverbial "here kitty kitty" thing, thinking, like all cats, it would just ignore me. Sure enough, it just immediately comes walking towards me. I was like wow. I sat there talking to a cat for five minutes and it seemed to be listening. Anyway I left.

Three months later, again in my always suicidal state, I went and walked around my favorite bridge again. This time it was on a different side of the structure. Sure enough the same cat shows up and walks right up to me without prompting, as if it remembered me. It looked a little skinnier this time. It was way weird that this was happening anyway as this cat is obviously feral and wild. The chances of this happening were so small I decided to pick the cat up (hoping it didn't attack me) and take it with me.

I don't believe in caging ("owning") animals. I think its cruel IMO. So everyday when I'm home I leave a window open so if the cat wanted to leave, it could. He hasn't left in three years. He's low maintenance. He just wants his food (costs me like $20 for three months worth) and likes to hang out with me when I'm home. He also seemed to immediately know that I don't really like cats. He'll climb out the window, leave for a while, and come back. I believe he's using the bathroom outside because he seems to know I don't like cleaning that litter box and that I like him more when there's never anything to clean in it.

Anyway I still hate cats in general. But this little guy (I just call him Stripe because of the stripe on his belly) is cool. Had him for three years now. He lived on his own before I met him, so I'll have no problem leaving him when the time comes. Plus I'm not even supposed to have animals in my apartment, so I've already went out on a limb for him.
thanks for sharing this story. i enjoyed it. i think the appearance of stripe those two first times was no mistake. cats have perceptions that we can't even begin to understand. he has probably played some part in keeping you going. i think cats are in tune with sadness—not that they are sad, but somehow understand it. i'm glad you don't hate all cats. i love them for their independence and intuitive ways. my cat is actually very cuddly and doesn't have that need to keep a distance that most cats do. wishing you guys the best.
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Apr 23, 2018
thanks for sharing this story. i enjoyed it. i think the appearance of stripe those two first times was no mistake. cats have perceptions that we can't even begin to understand. he has probably played some part in keeping you going. i think cats are in tune with sadness—not that they are sad, but somehow understand it. i'm glad you don't hate all cats. i love them for their independence and intuitive ways. my cat is actually very cuddly and doesn't have that need to keep a distance that most cats do. wishing you guys the best.

That would be interesting to see...a cuddly cat! I can certainly understand why you'd feel bad leaving your cat behind. But like you said, they are independent by nature, so he/she will be ok.

You might be right in Stripe helping take my mind off things. He does this silly thing where he sits outside the bathroom while I'm showering. When I open the door, he'll be sitting there; then rolls over on his back, and makes this funny face that makes me laugh; like he knows it makes me laugh. Sometimes he varies it and hangs from a plant pot in the wall by his claws upside down and make the face as I'm exiting the bathroom. Its like he knows I'm going to work at that shithole all day so he makes me laugh in the morning before I leave.

I can't quite figure out his breed. He was definitely feral though. He crawls like he's sneaking; like he's creeping up on something all the time. I read that is a sign of a feral cat. He also never walks with his tail up, and sometimes brings dead mice back from his short trips out the window, as if he's giving me a gift. Its gross, but he's a cat so I understand. I don't have people over often, but when I do, I never see him. He hates other people (another feral sign). I've even taken him back to the bridge just in case he was part of a pack or something. I let him lose when I get there and he doesn't leave.
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This is as brave as I know how to be...
Apr 18, 2018
That would be interesting to see...a cuddly cat! I can certainly understand why you'd feel bad leaving your cat behind. But like you said, they are independent by nature, so he/she will be ok.

You might be right in Stripe helping take my mind off things. He does this silly thing where he sits outside the bathroom while I'm showering. When I open the door, he'll be sitting there; then rolls over on his back, and makes this funny face that makes me laugh; like he knows it makes me laugh. Sometimes he varies it and hangs from a plant pot in the wall by his claws upside down and make the face as I'm exiting the bathroom. Its like he knows I'm going to work at that shithole all day so he makes me laugh in the morning before I leave.

I can't quite figure out his breed. He was definitely feral though. He crawls like he's sneaking; like he's creeping up on something all the time. I read that is a sign of a feral cat. He also never walks with his tail up, and sometimes brings dead mice back from his short trips out the window, as if he's giving me a gift. Its gross, but he's a cat so I understand. I don't have people over often, but when I do, I never see him. He hates other people (another feral sign). I've even taken him back to the bridge just in case he was part of a pack or something. I let him lose when I get there and he doesn't leave.

You're relationship with this cat is fucking adorable and I'm glad you 2 found each other.

Having an asshole cat that hates everyone but you is one of the highest levels of respect we can hope for in this world.
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Apr 25, 2018
Yeah. I had a cat. i gave him up as I got worse health wise though, couldn't take proper care of him and could tell he was unhappy. It weighed on me heavily, my ex friends hate me for it (not that I care now), but it was best for the cat. If I weren't as sick as I am though, I would've stuck it out for the cat's sake. Pets are a huge responsibility, their welfare is literally in your hands.

I am sure your kitty is happier now and your friends just don't get it. I have a dog that I love and she is all that's keeping me in this pathetic world. I am still able to care for her, for now, but money is getting tight. I would rather put her down than ever neglect her.
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Apr 25, 2018
After my current dog dies I plan on getting into rats or insects as pets. I get the fun and companionship of a pet but without all the bigger responsibilities and long term commitment that go with a larger mammal.

Domestic rats are great pets. I had 2 of them as a child. Just get a baby and raise it, they can even be affectionate at times. One of mine took naps with me sometimes. We had one that loved his toys. If we threw his toys out of his cage onto the floor, he would run and bring them back, one by one. A fetching rat. They make way better pets than hamsters.
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Sunflower Panda
Apr 6, 2018
I am sure your kitty is happier now and your friends just don't get it. I have a dog that I love and she is all that's keeping me in this pathetic world. I am still able to care for her, for now, but money is getting tight. I would rather put her down than ever neglect her.

I wish I'd never gotten a pet too. Had I known I was going to get hurt (hurt my legs badly) and make my condition worse I wouldn't have. But I stupidly thought if I was careful my condition wouldn't get too bad. Optimism bias at it's worst. I probably should have put the cat down, he'd likely be better off than with the silly people I used to know. Honestly, most pet owners are not that great.
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This is as brave as I know how to be...
Apr 18, 2018
Domestic rats are great pets. I had 2 of them as a child. Just get a baby and raise it, they can even be affectionate at times. One of mine took naps with me sometimes. We had one that loved his toys. If we threw his toys out of his cage onto the floor, he would run and bring them back, one by one. A fetching rat. They make way better pets than hamsters.

Hahaha I would love a fetching rat! Whichever I decide on I plan on building a playpen on my desk so we can just hangout all the time while I'm on the computer.
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^best order at Micky-D's ever
Apr 27, 2018
Want to hear a funny story? Too bad I'm going to tell it anyway! :)

I basically always hated cats. They are skittish and just blah. One night about three years ago in my always-suicidal state, I was walking near a bridge contemplating the leap. This feral cat was off in the distance. I looked at it and did the proverbial "here kitty kitty" thing, thinking, like all cats, it would just ignore me. Sure enough, it just immediately comes walking towards me. I was like wow. I sat there talking to a cat for five minutes and it seemed to be listening. Anyway I left.

Three months later, again in my always suicidal state, I went and walked around my favorite bridge again. This time it was on a different side of the structure. Sure enough the same cat shows up and walks right up to me without prompting, as if it remembered me. It looked a little skinnier this time. It was way weird that this was happening anyway as this cat is obviously feral and wild. The chances of this happening were so small I decided to pick the cat up (hoping it didn't attack me) and take it with me.

I don't believe in caging ("owning") animals. I think its cruel IMO. So everyday when I'm home I leave a window open so if the cat wanted to leave, it could. He hasn't left in three years. He's low maintenance. He just wants his food (costs me like $20 for three months worth) and likes to hang out with me when I'm home. He also seemed to immediately know that I don't really like cats. He'll climb out the window, leave for a while, and come back. I believe he's using the bathroom outside because he seems to know I don't like cleaning that litter box and that I like him more when there's never anything to clean in it.

Anyway I still hate cats in general. But this little guy (I just call him Stripe because of the stripe on his belly) is cool. Had him for three years now. He lived on his own before I met him, so I'll have no problem leaving him when the time comes. Plus I'm not even supposed to have animals in my apartment, so I've already went out on a limb for him.

Awww. That's so cute


^best order at Micky-D's ever
Apr 27, 2018
To answer OP, I have to keep on chugging for a few more years until I pay some debts. If I have to move out of state for a job, I'm going to ask to take one of our dogs. I'm thinking it will keep me from doing anything rash. I have to stick to the plan. Having some companion, even an animal one, is also better than nothing.
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Apr 25, 2018
Hahaha I would love a fetching rat! Whichever I decide on I plan on building a playpen on my desk so we can just hangout all the time while I'm on the computer.

Nice. At least a rat would hang out with you alot. A hissing cockroach would not know you exist, except to get away from you maybe. What a buzz kill. lol


Apr 23, 2018
After my current dog dies I plan on getting into rats or insects as pets. I get the fun and companionship of a pet but without all the bigger responsibilities and long term commitment that go with a larger mammal.

Hissing cockroaches are apparently great pets. A film maker friend got some for a film and ended up keeping them as pets until they died.
They are safe to handle and don't hiss very often or very loud most the time. Although I've read of people owning pissy ones that yell at you whenever you fuck with em. I would enjoy that just as much tbh as I'd relate.

A hissing cockroach? I have no idea what that is, and will not look it up, as it sounds horrifyingly gross!


Apr 24, 2018
My dog mari keeps me alive she loves me and i love her
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This is as brave as I know how to be...
Apr 18, 2018
Nice. At least a rat would hang out with you alot. A hissing cockroach would not know you exist, except to get away from you maybe. What a buzz kill. lol

It could just be owner's bias but I've heard multiple accounts of them having little personalities of their own. I also feel like they'd understand the connection between the hands they crawl around on being the same ones that give the food and water.

Its important to note they aren't your standard cockroach. First of all they don't fly, that'd be a deal-breaker. They are also much larger, a bit more courageous, and even display social hierarchies with the males fighting for dominance.
(Plus the hissing is a unique wonder of nature. No other insect uses their spiracles to produce sound.)

I understand your point, rats are much smarter and would obviously be capable of more traditionally fun pet stuff. But I've always been a bit of a bug guy and usually root for the underdogs. So being the freak that owns pet cockroaches just seems fitting.

Hopefully I got a couple years left with my dog until I have to decide.
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This is as brave as I know how to be...
Apr 18, 2018
Holy shit, I just found 2 people that have actually killed themselves in live cockroach eating competitions.

They have a bit of a neurotoxin that numbs your mouth and throat, so mix that with hard exoskeletons and spiky limbs and you got yourself a decent choking hazard!

Y'know in case anyone is looking for new ideas here ;D
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Apr 25, 2018
I understand your point, rats are much smarter and would obviously be capable of more traditionally fun pet stuff. But I've always been a bit of a bug guy and usually root for the underdogs. So being the freak that owns pet cockroaches just seems fitting.

Hopefully I got a couple years left with my dog until I have to decide.

Call me weird, but I don't think I could touch a roach. It's a girl thing. lol I certainly could never kiss it. I am grossing out over the thought...but then, guys probably would not worry about that. I bet most girls would not kiss a rat either, so I guess I am weird.
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Apr 22, 2018
Holy shit, I just found 2 people that have actually killed themselves in live cockroach eating competitions.

They have a bit of a neurotoxin that numbs your mouth and throat, so mix that with hard exoskeletons and spiky limbs and you got yourself a decent choking hazard!

Y'know in case anyone is looking for new ideas here ;D
live cockroach eating competitions? really?


Apr 22, 2018
Call me weird, but I don't think I could touch a roach. It's a girl thing. lol I certainly could never kiss it. I am grossing out over the thought...but then, guys probably would not worry about that. I bet most girls would not kiss a rat either, so I guess I am weird.
i would kiss a rat if it was my pet and i knew where he had been.


Mar 31, 2018
Yes. My beloved dog is the one thing standing between me and hopefully nonexistence. I can't leave her behind. It is not fair. It is true life isn't fair, it wasn't and still isn't for me, but that doesn't excuse leaving my dog behind. She is far too attached to me.
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Apr 25, 2018
Want to hear a funny story? Too bad I'm going to tell it anyway! :)

I basically always hated cats. They are skittish and just blah. One night about three years ago in my always-suicidal state, I was walking near a bridge contemplating the leap. This feral cat was off in the distance. I looked at it and did the proverbial "here kitty kitty" thing, thinking, like all cats, it would just ignore me. Sure enough, it just immediately comes walking towards me. I was like wow. I sat there talking to a cat for five minutes and it seemed to be listening. Anyway I left.

I have never hated cats, nor have I found them skittish, once loved by someone. I have called out to a supposed feral cat only to find it was just waiting for the right (friendly) person. I did enjoy your story though. :-)
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Apr 25, 2018
Yes. My beloved dog is the one thing standing between me and hopefully nonexistence. I can't leave her behind. It is not fair. It is true life isn't fair, it wasn't and still isn't for me, but that doesn't excuse leaving my dog behind. She is far too attached to me.

I have decided that if I cannot wait for my dog to die someday, I will have her put down, as hard as that will be. The more I look at animal owners, including the one who would get this dog if I left...the more I am disgusted with them.
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Mar 31, 2018
I have decided that if I cannot wait for my dog to die someday, I will have her put down, as hard as that will be. The more I look at animal owners, including the one who would get this dog if I left...the more I am disgusted with them.
I can't tell you what to do or what to not do, but I wouldn't kill (or pay for someone to kill) my dog. It is her life, not mine. I don't have the right to cut it short just because I don't want to live my own life. So my only option is to live until she stops breathing.
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Apr 22, 2018
Yes. My beloved dog is the one thing standing between me and hopefully nonexistence. I can't leave her behind. It is not fair. It is true life isn't fair, it wasn't and still isn't for me, but that doesn't excuse leaving my dog behind. She is far too attached to me.
exactly. i can relate. my cat brings me the little happiness that i have and i hope my depression doesn't weigh on her. she is cuddly and very clued in to me. when i am super down she comes and sits right next to me and looks me in the eyes with what i swear is compassion.
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