@Suicidebydeath I think even washing it away from your skin with water could prove a problem because you very likely increase the chance it'll absorb into your skin more than just as raw powder. I think you'd have to use a brush or dry exfoliation pad to physically pull it off and away from the skin. @notevenhere
Thank you, reading the comments is making me realize how dangerous it is and can cause SN poisoning from just touching it.
I've already talked about the packaging to another user who ordered from the same company and they mentioned just how suspicious it looked. It's still in transit so I'm worried about explaining it but at this point, I'm too depressed and uncaring about what she thinks.
If she confiscates it, like how she normally does for everything despite it being bought by my money, then it'll be pretty stupid. She likes opening my packages, too. It's so hard to feel worried for her when she's abusive.
Now, I have to worry about my mother being SN poisoned. If she could just mind her own business and let me be, I could die in peace. Was planning to stay at a hotel for two days to carry on with this plan.
it's good to be warned the SN is just as dangerous in powder form. I'll make sure to not open the package until I have to test and use it. But now, I'll have to have a better excuse for her NOT to open or touch it. It's a pain, I can't think of any ideas.