Curious if this method would work, if I get a cannula into one or both of the veins in my arms, could I jus leave them open in a warm bath and bleed out. Any thoughts on whether this could work?
Yes, it can work and it's not a bad way to go, as long as you can deal with the image and get the equipment. The NHS won't help, they've sold all theirs.
Curious if this method would work, if I get a cannula into one or both of the veins in my arms, could I jus leave them open in a warm bath and bleed out. Any thoughts on whether this could work?
I have often thought of this. I worry about many things: that the blood might clot and clog the IV cannula. Also, I had a patient once that had a cancer eat through the femoral vein in her groin. She bled massively and then lost consciousness. However, there was just enough blood volume remaining in the venous system to keep her alive for several hours after that. There was no arterial pressure to defy gravity and expel the remainder. Thinking back now, I wonder why I didn't just tip her over and let it drain out. I was a very young, new nurse back then. I hope this information makes someone think twice before attempting it. Doesn't seem like a nice way to go.
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