- Mar 20, 2023
- 58
I can tell you have deep empathy for those who are in pain. I believe the only real meaning in life, is the meaning we ourselves create. In prison, there's this saying - "Do your own time." Don't do everyone else's. Be there for friends, of course. But the burdens of those around you, aren't your burdens to carry. If you try to carry it all, it'll crush you.Asking this because my normie non depressed friend keeps trying to say "find a meaning to live then" but I feel that the only thing I get really emotionally ripped apart by is thinking of other depressed people going through the same thoughts as me……
Personally, i would wish that quality (ie from doctors) therapy was more accessible (ie cheaper AND could be accessible like once a week or twice a month at least) for everyone who needs it. When I was a student, cost was a major prohibitive factor for me to seek therapy (basically my parents didn't care, and while my school had free therapy, the waiting list was horrendously long. Plus this mental health record will be accessible to faculty in the school, oh joy.) but ofc I'm just saying and have no clue how to even go about this because of capitalistic society, how economies work and yada yada
Tldr: title.
I think it's better to lose something in the pursuit of something, than to lose everything in the pursuit of nothing. For me, I live for the little moments. I have a dream of genuine love. To love, and be loved. I've come close at times, but loss after loss weighs heavily upon my heart. Still, I want to try. I want to reach that dream. Until I do, I keep myself occupied. Games to play, movies to watch, books to read. I go out with friends on occasion, but I'm introverted and mostly spend my time in other worlds.
In an ideal world, therapy would be accessible and affordable. Sadly, this world is not ideal. That doesn't mean we can't partake in activities that are therapeutic for us, and help us break free from all the monotony.
A relationship won't outright fix the state of our minds. It isn't a cure for depression, just something that aids in mending loneliness. Still, it makes life more bearable. Suicidal thoughts can be a lifelong struggle, but having someone to struggle with? That can make all the difference.i'm in a relationship with someone i love and who loves me back and treats me right, but im still suicidal.