Are you vaccinated against COVID

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 71.3%
  • No , but I will get vaccinated

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • I will not get vaccinated

    Votes: 20 25.0%

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Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
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Feb 3, 2022
do we have anti-vaxxers here?
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Dec 10, 2021
do we have anti-vaxxers here?
of course we do. most people here are mentally unstable and imo mentally unstable people are particularly vulnerable to misinformation and the kind of stuff anti-vaxxers push.

i'm gigavaxxed and had zero side effects apart from not catching covid even once.
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A Fatal Mistake
Jan 14, 2021
yes, I have three doses of vaccine, here in Italy only the vaccinated can have a job.
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Sep 3, 2021
I got my third shot a few months ago.
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Jun 26, 2020
I am in the U.S. and I have had all 3 shots so far. My lungs were damaged greatly when I was young with pneumonia and if I got any form of Covid I would be gone in a flash.

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lobster salad

lobster salad

overcooked :(
Aug 27, 2020
I had two shots; the required amount my govt promised it's citizens to be considered fully vaccinated. I caught the virus after but recovered in a few days. There were sayings that the vaccine increases your chance of catching the virus...

Fast forward, now in my country I need to get a 3rd shot or I'll be considered unvaccinated in just 10 days time. So I put 'no' as my answer. Anyways I don't want to get the third shot, had enough already
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
I don't involve myself in politics, but I do want to comment about this. I'm not anti-vax, and I know the effectiveness of vaccines. I'm skeptic about the entire situation around these covid-vaccines, in particular. For example, covid-19 is generally more a danger to the elderly folk, the oldery with existing comorbitities, and people with comorbitities. Why do children need the vaccine? Children whom have the equivalence of dying to lighting as they do dying to covid-19. Secondly, Fauci himself during the first administration of the vaccines, said that the vaccines would prevent further spread of covid-19, and that they are 90% effective. We know now that doesn't matter if you're vaccinated, you can still spread covid-19. The first vaccines were actually 30% effective and we require two shots and boosters (there's rumoured to be more boosters later during the year). Additionally, in an interview, I think during January but I may be mistaken, a representative of the government said that people didn't need to spend as much time in quarantine if they were in recent contact with covid-19 as they did in previous years. The reason they didn't shorten it initially was (to the effect of) "We wanted to see how much people were willing to coordinate with the government". The recent protests in Canada administrated by truckers are peaceful, coordinated protests against the tyrannical Canadian government. Why is it that the news describes them as white supremacists, and radical alt-right activists? Why is it that YouTube censors content regarding this event (except if its made by a news company)? And why, for godsake, are the actual origins for covid-19 still a conundrum, after 3 years. Like I said - I'm not against vaccines. But I don't know how anyone can look at this, and not feel an inkling of suspension.
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Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die

A wise man can always be found alone.
Jan 12, 2022
My personal observation from my place of work, not a scientific study, just my eyes lol.

I've had 2 moderna shots. I won't get anymore. I got myocarditis from it, which was more uncomfortable than anything. I had trouble breathing at night and had weird chest pains and bruises on my chest. It went away after about 3 to 4 months. I work in Healthcare for the elderly and got it to keep them safe. I've seen 40 to 50 people where I work get covid. Only 1 had to be hospitalized. I've seen 4 different coworkers (all vaccinated) get covid twice. I've seen at least 20 people over the age of 70 get covid (all had 2 or 3 dose vaccine) all had mild symptoms and were better in a few days. Vaccinated and unvaccinated coworkers seem to catch covid regardless. I've seen no difference in recovery times or symptoms for these coworkers.

It depends on how you look at things. The flu kills more children than covid. Yet we don't have flu vaccine mandates for children.

I personally would get 2 doses if I hadn't already, but I'm not going to take a yearly booster for the rest of my life.
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Feeding Pigeons

Feeding Pigeons

Aug 5, 2021
I'm not going to get into a debate, because its meaningless, but I'm not vaccinated, nor shall I get it. What it boils down to is that the way COVID played out and how fast and hard they pushed vaccinations and made them mandatory to do some things just makes me really suspicious. My instincts tell me that something is wrong and I feel like I'm being lied to.

I don't trust it, simple as that.
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Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die

A wise man can always be found alone.
Jan 12, 2022
This is a passionate topic for a lot of people. I respect everyone's choice and personal beliefs. I respect their freedom to choose as they see fit. Just as I respect their choice about life.
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
It has nothing to do with doctors or medical practitioners. It has everything, instead, to do with the government and those in higher positions effectively dictating everything.
there have still been children who have died from covid. a child dying is terrible, so even there isn't that high of a risk, if it can be prevented, we should prevent it
I want to preface this by saying I got my information from a source who got their information from a study - it's up to you why her or not you consider this valid. The chances of getting struck by lightning are one billionth. If we entertain the idea that this statistic is false, the probabilities are still low. While it's great to dedicate efforts to completely reduce deaths due to diseases and illnesses, why are more resources dedicated to a virus that is far less catastrophic than the common flu?

-the vaccine doesn't totally stop spread but it definitely reduces transmission while also reducing the severity of the illness if you do get it. the reason cases still rise is because the virus mutates and the vaccine wasn't made when e.g. omicron was around
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the concept of a vaccine is to prevent ever getting infected with a disease. Your point of it reducing transmission rings true, but it doesn't reduce the severity of the disease because vaccines are supposed to prevent you from getting it in the first place. On the point of cases, I don't want to group all medical practitioners, but a significant few wrongfully place the deaths of people as a result covid-19. And when Omicron was initially discovered in South Africa, doctors within South Africa advised governments against overreacting because the virus is less severe than covid-19, and yet they didn't agree and decided to one: close their borders once more, and two: suggested that the nature of omicron is "unknown" and is (I may be twisting some words here. Apologies) to the same degree of harm as covid-19. And we can see how the doctors weren't wrong today, because the general consensus is that omicron is highly transmissible, but less severe. My point with this story is that it's bizarre how governments, at any chance they get, will detain their citizens regardless of the threat of the actual disease. And while your point about cases rising rings because of mutations, to what extent are cases because of the disease itself, and instead because of government incompetency, negligence, or God-forbid thirst for power over their citizens? I don't know.

sure the truckers literally had swastikas at their protest?
Show me. I hate to come off as pretentious and aggressive but with something such as the truckers protests that I've watched extremely closely, I have never seen a swastika, nor have I heard any racist sentiments about anything. I believe it would be because this protest far in large has absolutely nothing to do with race and gender politics, and everything to do with the mistreatment Trudeau over his country - so much so that he even reportedly hid in his safe house not so long ago just because of these protestors, possibly from guilt.

Everything else you've said that I have not mentioned, I agree with to an extent. Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not against doctors or medical practitioners. I'm just skeptic about the entire state of things.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm vaccinated but I regret it because I still got Covid anyway and everyone who told me it wasn't going to hurt lied to me. I literally told them that I'm a little bitch who hates needles but people kept trying to pretend it doesn't hurt or they just couldn't realize that what doesn't hurt them could still hurt me.

People also tried to tell me that doing so was guaranteed to get me laid which I never believed but now that I've got it, those same people just stopped talking to me. Ffs, at least admit you lied to me just to appease your ego. I hate this sort of disgusting fakeness. So much for pro-vaccination people being all about facts.

Maybe if people hadn't been so eager to lie about how painless something is just to push their own agenda I would have taken it sooner or at least put up less resistance to it. I only took it because I said I would if I got into Veteran Rank in Pokémon Unite. To be clear, I'm not saying it's going to hurt for everyone just that it definitely hurt me because shots always hurts for me no matter how I try to distract myself while getting stabbed with a fucking needle. The only difference now is that a lollipop isn't enough to entice me anymore.

At least my side effects were alright. The first dose had me sore for a few days and basically was like a mini version of getting Covid itself. The second dose wasn't as bad but the jab itself was still painful and for some reason I had an extremely rapid heartbeat for a few hours after receiving it and for some reason I got extremely irritable and rageful right afterwards. Not sure why but it wore off after I slept.

I guess I'm also proof that the vaccine won't brainwash you or force you to stop thinking subversive thoughts since I'm still fully intending on killing myself this year and didn't really change any of my other opinions anyway.
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Sobriety over everything else • 30 • Midwest
Mar 24, 2021
I did, but I wish I hadn't. I worked at a pharmacy when the first vaccines were rolling out, and they had extra vials of the J&J vaccine to give out to employees who wanted them at the end of the day. I said, "why not" and got jabbed, because I was told it was the right thing to do.

Then news starts coming out about people who died from the J&J vaccine, and I had a full-blown panic attack. I spent months wondering what the hell it could be doing to my body, and my paranoia reached an all-time high. They even had skits on SNL about how people who got the J&J vaccine are to be avoided, and that made my heart race knowing that other people were looking at the J&J recipients and thinking they could drop dead at any moment.

I put my blind trust into the government, but I never will again. Sometimes I still get phantom pains from where the needle went in, and I have nightmares about dark blue veins going down my arm and killing me slowly. Maybe it prevented me from getting Covid, but it wrecked my mental health.
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Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die

A wise man can always be found alone.
Jan 12, 2022
This is a photo from the tucker protest

Can you post your source for this image? I can't find anything about it beyond an Israeli news site and a Reddit post.
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Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die

A wise man can always be found alone.
Jan 12, 2022
Yeah, that is the only Canadian source that has this photo. Out of thousand and thousands of photos from the rally. I'm guessing it's not from the the rally or there would be more than 1 single Canadian article with the photo.
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May 20, 2018
Just to clarify, the mRNA vaccines were around 95% effective at preventing infection when they were first released, but new variants have since emerged that have made them significantly less effective. They are still highly effective at preventing severe infection and death, however, and the risk/reward for getting vaccinated is not really a close call. Of course I realize that facts do not matter and people will believe whatever they want anyway, so please disregard this and have fun with your life. :)
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Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die

A wise man can always be found alone.
Jan 12, 2022
risk/reward for getting vaccinated is not really a close call
That was my personal deciding factor to get it.
After I told our director of nursing that them trying to force a needle in my body to inject fluids in me was rape 🤣. But I am still glad I got it, even after the myocarditis.
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Aug 31, 2020
I already want to die, my mindset is why get the jab when theres that tiny small chance covid could kill me. Couldnt less about politics, and Im almost never around people to infect them anyways, so honestly who cares. Ironically that means ill probably not catch it.
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
i mean, i do think it has to do with medical experts because most governments action is based on the assesment of those experts
To an extent. For example, Anthony Fauci has multiple accusations against him for unethical practices in regards to science. I can't recall them at the top of my head so here is a video:

Secondly, vaccine mandates, although against your human rights, are being forced upon in hospitals. Here's a video about that too. While the source is heavily in support of my general narrative, so there's obviously cherry picking and no nuance, I hope you can see past that and see the general message:

.. that it's more than likely governments in control of hospitals, even if hospitals have experts. I don't think hospital staff would refuse to operate on a baby just because their parents are unvaccinated (I hope).
i would say it's also because children can transmit the disease e.g. to their grandparents and the vaccine has the potential to prevent this.
I said in my previous posts that vaccinated people still spread the virus. Even if vaccinated people couldn't spread the virus, the flu affects everyone. So, logically, the flu is more of a danger to everyone whilst covid is just a danger to the elderly (on average).

i disagree. the concept of a vaccine is to protect people from diseases. protecting can mean many things that range from reducing transmission to reducing how severely ill people get. it's true, omicron is usually less severe and I agree you could say the south african government overreacted. I think it's just about being careful overall. it's better to overreact than to underestimate something and risk a lot of people dying
There's a vaccine against measles. The vaccine prevents you from getting measles. It doesn't reduce the symptoms. That's a cure, or medication. If you have measles, you aren't then given a vaccine. How a vaccine generally works is that it has a portion of the virus that is inactivate, and/or a small portion incapable of causing great harm. This is introduced into your body, so your white blood cells can create antibodies to detect the virus, and learn to eradicate them. Then, if the virus in fully-fledged form is introduced to your body again, your white blood cells are prepared and hence you eradicate the virus from your body. The reason this is needed is because it a virus is given to your body with no prior preparation, that's what results in you succumbing to the virus because you were unprepared. No, the South African government didn't overreact - the borders I was referring to was the neighbouring countries of South Africa, and the United States and other locations. The idea of "better safe than sorry" cannot apply here anymore, because the economic sector of many counties are terrible to the point where people may just die from homelessness, unemployment and therefore suicide. You can see it on this very same forum.
i mean, what would the government get out of "detaining" their citizens? it just makes the government unpopular & the economy is fucked because of covid restrictions. it's about preventing deaths. I don't get what you mean by your last sentence. Why would a rise in cases be due to government incompetency/negligence, I was under the impression that you thought the government shouldn't interfere and shouldn't impose covid restrictions? What should the government do in your opinion?
I personally don't think everything I say here is true, but I will say there's a lot of evidence out there pointing toward a narrative that we may not he able to see. The definition of the extreme right is Nazis, and white supremacists and xenophobes. I hope we can agree on that. History repeats itself over and over again, and many popular ideologies are often pushed to their extreme before some retaliation. Look at nazi Germany. Look at the cold War and socialism (we will be referring back to this soon). Look at Zimbabwe before they gained independence from Britain. My idea is that the popular narrative right now is the leftist ideology - not feminism, not the LTGBQ+, but the far left. Groups such as Antifa, or the extreme side of black lives matter, or in general, Marxists. 1984 by George Orwell, and general history into events where one idea ruled the population of a country, show that the limiting of speech limits thought. And the limiting of the free will of the people, and making them dependent on the government reduces the likelyhood of rebellion because rebels are likely to be shunned by their community and the government themselves. I'm not saying US government is heading in that direction, but the signs are in place - limiting free speech can be seen in "buzzwords" such as transphobe, abelist, fatphobe etcetera. Not because they were invented recently but because they're used to invalidate arguments without even needing to prove the accusation. You can call anyone racist, and instead of you proving it, they have to show that they are innocent. This is because people dare not ask the question "How was he racist?" because of reasons you can infer. While this sounds out of proportion, and it is because at most this is a problem that plagues Western society, its true. A great example would be about Kyle Rittenhouse, someone, in laymans terms, who shot and injured and/or killed three white criminals in self defence is deemed as a white supremacist, or was said to have killed black people, and no one can question that narrative. I would go into further detail but this post is getting too long. The other aspect, about citizen-government dependacy, I would like to explain with reference to nazi Germany. Germany at the time after the first World War were economically depressed, made even worse by the peace treaty signed forcing them in debt with the other nations, and reducing their military presence. Hitler rose to power because he promised a better economy for the Germans, while inserting his anti-human beliefs into politics. How this makes a connection to modern day America, is that the continuation of covid-19 will more than surely cripple the economy. There are already studies proving how America is on-par economically with the Great Depression (again, maybe an exaggeration). What the government can gain from this exploitation is near complete control over a population. I don't wish to compare the ideas given by hitler, and say those ideas are running today. I'm not against transpeople, nor am I a racist. I just want to demonstrate the patterns between different social structures in history. Will the government do as I said in this post? Maybe or maybe not. There are many variables that go into societies. These are just my ideas. The main take away I want from this post is for people to challenge the ideas fed to them. Very often, you are not in control. George Carlin, one of the greatest comedians of all time, would say something to the effect of "You're not in control. You're told how to think, what to do, how to act, what words to say, what words you can't say..." etcetera.

To finally answer your question, I believe that the initial response to covid-19 was justified, but governments internationally should have prepared more adequately for a national disaster of any kind. They should have listened to their medical experts begging for lock downs much sooner, and they should have. However, they shouldn't have lied about the effectiveness of the vaccines. They shouldn't have lied about the extended quarantine that people didn't need. They shouldn't have completely focused on the preservation of people's health of immediate concern, before the economy, because a broken economy will lead back to the threatening of the health of the people in more devastating ways. They should have scrutinised the pharmaceutical industry for creating ineffective vaccines initially. They should have redirected the unnecessary factions of resources given to covid-19 and other faculties, and instead to funded where the outbreak came from, and supporting the citizens of their own countries financially. They should have never made a vaccine or mask mandate to further divide tensions around the country. They should have never pushed a narrative that people skeptic of the government should be seen as idiots. They should have never devoted themselves to one political narrative. The government should have remained as a group of people elected by the people, for the people, instead of a group elected by a faction of people to serve only them. I don't want to entertain an argument like this any further because I fear this argument isn't productive, but here's a quote that I'm quite fond of:
"A government fearful of people is democracy. A people fearful of the government is tyranny".

Apologies for any spelling or grammatical mistakes. I did see your picture about the Swastika in the truckers protest, and I'm sorry. I genuinely did not see any, but my sources regarding that may have been incorrect.
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Sep 28, 2020
Yes, not because I wanted to but because the government imposed it on me. I can't even eat at McDonald's without showing the national QR reader showing I have had it, the last 3rd dose I took it one week again. Told the nurse, you are administrating something that I don't believe it. Despite all the vaccines cases are rising, how do you feel about it, she didn't really, asked me to go to the recovery room which I exited without even being noticed, hell yeah I would be there sitting down for 30mn. Just waked away no one chased me. Rock on!
do we have anti-vaxxers here?
I am but had to take it or wouldn't be able to work or even go to McDonald's. They have scanning machines all over the places….
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paranoia bae
Dec 21, 2021
did i get the vaccine?

absolutely not lmao
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I had to if I wanted to keep going to my girlfriends house and attempting to have a life
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Dec 16, 2021
Got the vaccine and am pro mandate lol. This is one of the rare instances where the best interests of the people and best interests of ruling class align.
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Dec 10, 2021
i need to remember never to engage with political threads, it just makes me even more depressed
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Jun 14, 2019
I got the two vaccines for work at a hospital and won't be getting any more.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I had covid a couple of times, no big deal. Can't exercise when I have it, that's about it. Don't have any solid reasons against taking the shot, people in my family took it without any real issues (for now, at least). My stance is for whoever wants to take it, to take it, with emphasis on helping those in risk groups get the twenty shots or however many there are now. If the risk groups are vaxxed, then the rest of us shouldn't be forced to get protection against this joke of a virus.

The draconian stuff doesn't make any sense after the risk groups are already vaxxed, just fucking lol.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
I'm proudly vaccinated 3x. :heart:💉 I'll update my vaccine if it's time.
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Rabbits on the Moon
Dec 3, 2020
No, I haven't received any vaccinations, mostly out of laziness, since I spend my time locked up and isolated, there is not much point in standing in a long line for something I won't use.
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