A highschooler could probably come to understand basic quantum mechanics, even if he isn't a physicist.
But not with an example of sex. So you admit that some things can be understood while others you have to feel them?
Devil's proof. So if rationality fails, we are to rely on something which defies all forms of logical enumeration?
I mean thats what it is by definition. Something that defies all logic. Science has gone so far as to define all phenomenon it cannot understand or describe as "coincidences" for instance when in reality tbere is much more going on in a metaphysical level that is causing them.
key signature concept in Jung's vision of the world, synchronicity was defined by Jung as an acausal connecting principle, whereby internal, psychological events are linked to external world events by meaningful coincidences rather than causal chains. While of profound theoretical significance, anecdotal clinical evidence served as primary descriptive examples in Jung's writing. Perhaps the most well-known case involved a patient's dream of being given a piece of gold jewelry in the shape of a scarab beetle being told as a knocking on Jung's consulting room window drew his attention to a scarabaeid beetle (a rose-chafer) seeking entry. Jung caught the beetle, handed it to the patient which had a positive, transformative impact on the case, as it broke through her defensive rationalism according to Jung (1960, 2"
The connection of internal to external suggests a principle that cannot be confirmed or explained through scientific understanding and yet it still exists.
Well. If you care to read about it they have their science. The western world has one type of science and they have their science that involves combining the spiritual body of a human to that of one in the physical realm. And they are quite good at it. In fact there is about 70% rehab success rate at one of the rehab centers that serves ayahuasca. Let alone the studies we have showing its effect on depression etc. way better outcomes than our modern science has done with anti depressants. So if you look purely outcomes than those shamans seem to be knowing the world better than we do and it shows.