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i used to be. i'm scared of pretty much everything, and the fear of not-knowing paralyzed me every time i would try to ctb. but I've done some research, most people who are brought back say that it was just- nothingness, eternal slumber. considering how i regret waking up every morning, i'm not so scared anymore. the alternative is continuing on as myself, and as there's little chance i can change my personality or brain chemistry, that's faaar scarier to me.
Being on the edge of death 2-3 times in my life, I'm not afraid of it. We all die some day, sometimes screaming, sometimes in our sleep. One thing for sure is that death doesn't discriminate and he/she will embrace you with open arms. When I cross the street, I like to lock my eyes on the driver coming towards me to see if he's the one to end me.
dropdeadfred, Spiny Lobster and purplesmoothie
It really depends on my mood, sometimes I am and sometimes I'm not. It's a bit strange.
Also, being here makes me more accustomed to it by seeing all these goodbye threads, though they make me a bit emotional as well.
dropdeadfred, Spiny Lobster, purplesmoothie and 1 other person
I am fucking terrified, because it is death. I cannot cope with the fact that my timr has run out and I have to do it by my own hand. Would infinitelt prefer painful disease like cancer to this.
greyhound, foxdie, Spiny Lobster and 5 others
No. The more I suffer, the farther I am. It's quite a paradox. I guess I am so angry, I refuse to leave the scene before something nice happens to me...
voyager, foxdie, Spiny Lobster and 1 other person
I'm really not afraid of death. In my mind we only fear it and think about it because we're alive and can consider it as an alternative to being alive.
But once you're dead there is nothing, you no longer exist and can no longer think or contemplate or imagine things - so once you're dead and you have no consciousness or awareness anymore, there is literally nothing.
Not nothing like we imagine it would be to experience nothing, but really nothing because you have no sight, hearing, taste, smell, or touch, or the ability to imagine those things.
You just cease to be and so everything else ceases as far as you are concerned too.
Everything goes from something to zero.
dropdeadfred, Spiny Lobster, pthnrdnojvsc and 1 other person
The only things that have stopped me from CTB in the past have been 1) the fear of my friends/family getting traumatized and 2) the fear of death. I can't even sleep at night, I'm so afraid of death. Falling asleep to me is like falling asleep in an eternal slumber, even if I know it's just for eight hours. As much as I don't want to exist, the idea of not existing scares me. What happens when we die? No one knows. Do I want an afterlife for me or not? Not even I know the answer to that question.
It's all too much; I think if I learn not to be afraid of death, I'll be one step closer to my goal of snuffing my life off the face of this Earth.
So what is your take on all this? Why or why should one not be afraid of death?
i would like to feel like to live, having a good mental health
but i dont,so if i have been living like that so far, i obviously think nothing is going to change in my mind, in my life, in my routine, in my habits...
in conclusion, being like that i prefer killing myself
but, another important thing it is when you think about people who really care you, people who are going to suffer your death
it is not easy live but it is difficult die
The only reason I am afraid of death is that fucking religions have poisoned my mind with threats of everlasting suffering etc.
Even though I know it's a load of manmade bullshit to control and manipulate people, the fact that I've been made aware of those ideas plays on the irrational parts of the mind.
Hello, mortuary science student here! Part of my courses is the psychology of funeral service and fear of death comes up very often. I have personally accepted death a long time ago through my own experiences but I know others who have gone through terrible things and are suicidal yet they are afraid of death. It's 100% normal to be afraid of death; I'd be rather disturbed if 99.99% of the people in the world wasn't afraid of death.
Mortuary science! That's fascinating. I've always wondered how mortuary students, morticians, embalmers, etc. can stomach such a career. I wonder if you could elaborate on your experience in the field. Does it desensitize you? I wonder what would be the thing to desensitize me...
I'm really not afraid of death. In my mind we only fear it and think about it because we're alive and can consider it as an alternative to being alive.
But once you're dead there is nothing, you no longer exist and can no longer think or contemplate or imagine things - so once you're dead and you have no consciousness or awareness anymore, there is literally nothing.
Not nothing like we imagine it would be to experience nothing, but really nothing because you have no sight, hearing, taste, smell, or touch, or the ability to imagine those things.
You just cease to be and so everything else ceases as far as you are concerned too.
The way you described this could scare the bajeezus out of a lot of people, but it really calmed the hell out of me. Sounds so blissful... like floating, but not.
I am nervous about what's on the other side (if anything), I guess the idea of nothingness is pretty unnerving, but then when I think about the idea of just sleeping forever and the "nothingness" of sleep it's a lot more appealing.
I'm really not afraid of death. In my mind we only fear it and think about it because we're alive and can consider it as an alternative to being alive.
But once you're dead there is nothing, you no longer exist and can no longer think or contemplate or imagine things - so once you're dead and you have no consciousness or awareness anymore, there is literally nothing.
Not nothing like we imagine it would be to experience nothing, but really nothing because you have no sight, hearing, taste, smell, or touch, or the ability to imagine those things.
You just cease to be and so everything else ceases as far as you are concerned too.
No. The state of death is the same as that of before birth. We cannot perceive the billions of years before our birth, and neither will we be able to perceive the billions of years after our death. But like some others have said, making the decision to step into death is daunting, at least for me.
Jean Améry, Spiny Lobster and pthnrdnojvsc
No. The state of death is the same as that of before birth. We cannot perceive the billions of years before our birth, and neither will we be able to perceive the billions of years after our death. But like some others have said, making the decision to step into death is daunting, at least for me.
I'm not afraid of death itself, I got to experience it really briefly, and it was kind of peaceful. No more pain, no more struggles, just nothingness. Plus, it's just one of those facts of life, I have to go through it eventually. I don't really have a lot to leave behind either.
I'm more scared of what my death might do to other people, especially whoever finds me.
Mortuary science! That's fascinating. I've always wondered how mortuary students, morticians, embalmers, etc. can stomach such a career. I wonder if you could elaborate on your experience in the field. Does it desensitize you? I wonder what would be the thing to desensitize me...
There are plenty of funeral directors who are afraid of death. I think they're more desensitized to being around death rather than our own deaths. The reason why I'm not afraid is because of other things that have happened in my life. I was long desensitized before I chose this career path.
Not a little bit. There isn't nearly anything in my life, where I would have less fear. Only curiosity and a giant indescribable excitement, when the time may come
I'm just afraid of the fact that you won't know you're dead. It mind fucks with me because of being suicidal as we won't know if we succeeded in killing ourselves or not.
voyager, clown_17, Spiny Lobster and 1 other person
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