Give-up-itis? No just a person using his brains and realizing that
life is a business that does not cover the costs.
It's so simple, why don't normies get it.
1. Not being alive is better than living a life of suffering.
2. Some people can't get the life they want. They have to settle because of the circumstances. They don't just wrongly think that because according to society they're crazy and can improve or achieve whatever they need, they really can't. A person with terminal cancer or someone who wants to ctb because of philosophical reasons for instance (like the fact that the negative experiences in life outnumber the positive ones, which is a proven fact)
3. Those people in the end kill themselves. Even if you don't want them to or call them crazy, because 1. they don't care about stigma or status quo 2. they don't care about your opinion.
That label