There is part of me that thinks I should've ended things back in 2011 when my second depression started. Shortly after my first girlfriend broke up with me. My life has just gotten so much worse since then.
But overall... no.
In 2022 I met my previous girlfriend and we were together through most of 2023. I'd never been in a relationship that was so happy, supportive and healthy. And I had so many genuinely happy moments with her. And I'm really glad to have had her in my life and to have experienced those moments. So I'm genuinely glad that I didn't die before I got to experience that.
That being said, I kind of wish I'd killed myself before she broke up with me. I know that's selfish, but I did think about it sometimes at the time. But I never did it because she gave me a reason to stick around. Now though I just wish I'd been able to die while having at least something happy in my life. Someone to mourn me.
I won't deny, it's probably better as it is now. She won't have to suffer if I kill myself at this point and I acknowledge that's good. But like I said, selfishly I do wish I'd killed myself a few months ago when I was still with her. Preferably right after she left after coming over. Because then I would've died feeling loved. Now I just have to die feeling miserable, heartbroken and alone.