this kind of thought comes up for me often in my daily humdrum, my end is up in the air but im ready to go in as short of a week once I'm set on a method. Even before i was at all confident in my decision to ctb, in a weird way ive always entertained the possibility that i could meet my end sooner than i could ever expect, haha i even drew up my will in middle school. now that i have my sights on dying, i guess that sentiment shows in my actions now more than ever.
i prefer the bare minimum when it comes to recreational things and i try not to neglect my basic needs, this would be the parts of health i can control (sustenance, hygiene, physical activity), giving up on basic stuff like that just make me feel like shit and i feel more than enough of that from things out of my control. everything else i do is in accordance with an assumption that i wont be needing/enjoying it for more than week, even if its not even close to the case. honestly i find more comfort thinking like that then i ever did being prepared to live another year or something. sometimes i still want to finish a few projects or even start some that i know is gonna take a long time to complete, im learning to accept that ill never be satisfied in that sector for as long as i live so really it doesn't matter where i put the metaphorical pen down for good.