This is about the afterlife, not God. The afterlife and God don't have to coexist for them to exist. If the afterlife exists, this doesn't automatically mean that God does as well. There are people who don't believe in God at all, yet had a positive NDE.
this and
NDes exist and they vary from person to person. Some say that their NDE was peaceful, some say that it was scary, some say that it was nothing. It's different for everyone. And I have a hard time believing that every person who talked about their NDE is just some attention-seeking person.
Interesting fact: "
A highly-cited 2018 study provided participants with low doses of the hallucinogenic drug N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in a controlled setting, then asked them to describe their experience. Their descriptions were uncannily similar to collected descriptions of NDEs. It turns out that DMT is widely present in the mammalian brain. In 2019, researchers at the University of Michigan not only found the compound in various locations in rat brains, but they also discovered neurons with the two enzymes required to make it. Moreover, the neurons seem to produce DMT at levels comparable to those of other key neurotransmitters like dopamine, which drives pleasure, and serotonin, which stabilizes mood. DMT has also been found in small amounts in human brain tissue and larger amounts in cerebrospinal fluid, a clear fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord."
DMT seemingly floods the human brain at death and causes vivid dreams and NDEs. So if death is some sort of DMT trip we don't come back from, then a afterlife could exist. So what awaits us after death is either what we believe happens (this would explain why NDEs vary from person to person), or nothingness. Even if it turns out to be nothingness, we can't experience that either way, so there is nothing to be concerned about. You would never be able to tell what's going on, it would be like sleeping without ever waking up.
I'll repeat this again, I don't believe in any religion, but these NDEs are real. If someone who is catholic and believes in God, thinks that they'll go to heaven after death, and sees a heaven-like place during their NDE, doesn't this mean that they manifested it? If we go by this fact and use the Law of Attraction here, this means that whatever YOU believe happens after death, will happen to YOU. You believe in nothingness? Then you'll end up in a black void. You believe in God? Then you'll end up in heaven. You believe in Narnia or whatever fictional place you want to be in? You'll end up there. That's the only logical way I can think of how all of this works.
If the universe was perfectly fine without us for 14 billion years then why are we here out-of-nowhere? Coincidence?
DMT is in our brain. Coincidence?
DMT takes you to a different reality. Coincidence?
DMT reportedly activates in the brain when we die. Coincidence?
The energy in us cannot be destroyed so where does it go when we die? Coincidence?
We don't know where our consciousness comes from. But there are clearly many things in life that science cannot explain.
Except that our brain releases huge amounts of DMT as we die.
I'll point out what I said above:
"Studies shows dimethyltryptamine is being produced in the body. They have found traces of it in blood and urine of deceased individuals. Some even speculate it's being produced in the pineal gland (Although it's just speculation). And scientists have found that larger amounts is being released when you die, or have a near death experience. As we know DMT is a highly psychedelic experience, and will literally take you to another planet. Some even say it's being produced in small amounts when you dream (although that too, is just speculation). But you could say a DMT trip is more like a very, very realistic dream. My theory goes on about DMT being the afterlife itself. The brain actively stays alive for about six minutes after the heart stops. And as we know, time acts very differently in a dream state. Now with DMT being completely different than a dream state, time could also be very different. Six minutes could essentially turn into forever, (if you're not going to wake up again) and your entire life could flash before your eyes in just a matter of seconds. So what if the DMT realm is actually the afterlife. And what people see when they have a near death experience, is actually due to DMT."
Of course, this is just a speculation this person has. But another person then said: "As someone who has broken through like to the core I can assure you 6 minutes is forever, one nanosecond becomes infinity. The best way I can explain it is like a sound will get caught, imagine your game freezing on a sound. Before it shuts down it makes that same repeating sound. That will happen, and you'll get caught in one spot, but in reality it's not just one spot it's infinite spots. It's infinite time, the clock never has to move you can feel suspended through dimensions this way and it's usually a very good and profound feeling. Gives you time to look around when a nanosecond becomes infinity."
When we die, our brain releases huge amounts of DMT. NDEs take people to all kinds of places, every near death experience is different. While one person is taken to a heaven-like place where they feel loved, the other person is taken to a black void where they feel nothing, and then there's another person who is taken to a place where they reunite with their loved ones instead. It varies from person to person. Our brain releasing DMT as we die=we go where we believe where we go. You believe there's no afterlife? You go into a black void of nothingness. A person believes they will be reunited with their loved ones? That will happen. That's again, why NDEs vary from person to person and why even people who don't believe in God can have NDEs.
These insights are from people who take doses of DMT. We know that our brain releases a
LARGE amount of DMT as we die. So there is clearly more to this than you'd like to believe. Inform yourself about the DMT realm, it's something you would never normally see during the reality that we live in as we are alive.
Science has no answer for many things. Near Death Experiences are one of them.
Based on?