Lately I've been going through a lot. Right now as I type this I feel it's just about time. That could change tomorrow, or it could get worse. Yesterday I ordered things off Amazon that I'd need to CTB. Could of been me acting on impulse, I don't know. That's what scares me the most, the more I go, the easier I give into impulses. Ultimately I don't think I want to die, I just want it to stop, but everything always comes back. I've been asked to continue to seek help but imagine the pill bottle will be the hand that's dealt. I already put my hope into sleeping at the mercy of pills. I don't want to wager my happiness being at the mercy of pills. It's a struggle I ask myself constantly. I do fear I'll miss out on things on life, but I also fear that I'll continue to wallow in the depths of depression, and anxiety. My thoughts never sit well with people in my life, and I catch a lot of hell. The people around me struggle to grasp what I wrote above, and it only defeats me more to feel like my outlets cease to exist in life. I truly believe if I were to CTB it would be the cause of a severe impulse that I let win. I like the concept of life, just not the false reality my brain has me living day to day with zero end in sight.