Yes, there's many of us here who have dehabilitating chronic health conditions. I also have a developmental disorder (Autism) and PTSD but being physically ill is the worst because you can't distract yourself from the other issues anymore. It strips away your ability to have a normal, functioning life, at least in my case.
I've had CFS and chronic pain for over 6 years now, sometimes the worst part is not even the physical pain and suffering you must endure, but how others mistreat you due to being ill, the disbelief they cast, including maltreatment from the medical system.
Chronic health conditions are not often acknowledged as a driver of suicidality, but you have to look no further than famous cases like Robin William's to see that once someone is grappling with the reality a long term health condition, especially incurable and untreatable ones like the dementia he suffered from, it is terribly hard to keep going. Sending you love, I know how terrible it is to have to look in the mirror daily and see evidence of ill health when you wish for a healthy body.