

Wise woman and Celtic sky person
Mar 7, 2020
Cute! Did you know that people who post these kind of things, usually have been pwned.....and haven't a response. Lol! cute attempt snow flake. Come now, your safe space is waiting for you. Make sure you bring your pacifier.
Your accreditation is this..... good for you! No response? ....No? .... kay:pfff::ohhhh:
I thought the conversation was going okay until you freaked out in that one post. Which was followed by what I have to believe is you using fake credentials to get out of it. Your post here is weird too, have you tried breathing exercises?
Yes the conversation was going ok. I just get heated. My accreditation are all real. They are not fake. I used them because I thought that you thought everything that I was saying was bullshit. That I am stupid. That's all. I've worked hard for all that I've achieved. I actually don't want to argue. I just get passionate I guess. I've taken a Diazepam... no breathing exercises needed lol!
I wish you no ill will. I don't know every single thing there is to know about Politics. You have helped me learn a little more. So I appreciate that. I can concede that I was probably a bit set off/Triggered about the hard left. We could always chat civilly in PMs about this kind of stuff if you ever want to.
Shall we agree to disagree on these topics? We can be civil. What do you say?
I'm sorry I called you a snowflake! That was rude.
8DF49897 C1D5 40B6 8D5C F512B3BC5FA1
@waived Here is a picture of my Blood red het morph Cornsnake. It's a gift to you to say sorry. I hope you like it. Her name is"Pris"
86566577 3ED8 4A15 85BD E9C5D5E6461E
A flower for you! Photo by me.
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Jun 7, 2019
249's real..I have it *cough*..
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Apr 25, 2020
Up, no. Look at a bottle of lysol. Its been on the side of that bottle for years. My cousin has it now. God forbid anyone you love gets it. Its no conspiracy theory. It's reality.
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Apr 11, 2020
actual communism means that everything is publicly owned and workers are paid according to their need.
And who is the one managing those publicly owned goods (which is everything, because private property in communism doesn't exist) and who decides which "payment" is accordingly to their needs and distributes it? The government. With total control.
(payment is under quotes because communists believe in a society without money, but instead you work for free and you get your assigned stuff for free)
the withering away of the state
The withering away of the state can never happen.
The Marxism/Leninism theory behind that is that if you drill the population over multiple generations and if you make sure that the traitors to the revolution "perish" (to use a term that Engels used to describe it), you end up with a brainwashed ant-like society that is able to govern itself and doesn't require a state anymore. Like in some gulags, the gulag population in the USSR was larger than the population of Moscow, and some of those concentration camps were self-governed by inmates. People got treated so horribly, saw so much death and had spies all around them all the time, so they turned into human cattle that does the assigned task even if the guys who made them do it aren't there anymore and without getting any compensation for it.

And to stay ontopic.
I do see the parallels here. Some surveillance measures that got implemented because of CoVid are something that you would expect from the KGB in the USSR and media and people seem to widely already think that getting forcefully repressed is good for them and actively ask for it and watch each other and report it to authorities when someone does something wrong aka is a traitor.
A friend of mine is a policeman and most reports he gets during CoVid time is people calling the police when some neighbor has a guest that they think shouldn't be there, or when they see three people on the street who go further than just to the next shop. Its scary and thankfully i wont be there to witness the next wave anymore.
In January the media reported how repressive the Chinese regime is for locking one large city down and how they overreact. Two months later we beat them by it on every level and lock whole countries down and the media celebrates it and reports bad about countries that don't do it. We used to criticise and laugh about the Great Chinese Firewall, then Snowden happened and it turned out that we are by far worse. It's just a question of time till we have a nice social credit system too.
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Wise woman and Celtic sky person
Mar 7, 2020
And who is the one managing those publicly owned goods (which is everything, because private property in communism doesn't exist) and who decides which "payment" is accordingly to their needs and distributes it? The government. With total control.
(payment is under quotes because communists believe in a society without money, but instead you work for free and you get your assigned stuff for free)

The withering away of the state can never happen.
The Marxism/Leninism theory behind that is that if you drill the population over multiple generations and if you make sure that the traitors to the revolution "perish" (to use a term that Engels used to describe it), you end up with a brainwashed ant-like society that is able to govern itself and doesn't require a state anymore. Like in some gulags, the gulag population in the USSR was larger than the population of Moscow, and some of those concentration camps were self-governed by inmates. People got treated so horribly, saw so much death and had spies all around them all the time, so they turned into human cattle that does the assigned task even if the guys who made them do it aren't there anymore and without getting any compensation for it.

And to stay ontopic.
I do see the parallels here. Some surveillance measures that got implemented because of CoVid are something that you would expect from the KGB in the USSR and media and people seem to widely already think that getting forcefully repressed is good for them and actively ask for it and watch each other and report it to authorities when someone does something wrong aka is a traitor.
A friend of mine is a policeman and most reports he gets during CoVid time is people calling the police when some neighbor has a guest that they think shouldn't be there, or when they see three people on the street who go further than just to the next shop. Its scary and thankfully i wont be there to witness the next wave anymore.
In January the media reported how repressive the Chinese regime is for locking one large city down and how they overreact. Two months later we beat them by it on every level and lock whole countries down and the media celebrates it and reports bad about countries that don't do it. We used to criticise and laugh about the Great Chinese Firewall, then Snowden happened and it turned out that we are by far worse. It's just a question of time till we have a nice social credit system too.
Communism through Technocracy. That's what is goino to happen. China's social credit system is the blueprint for the rest of the world, unless we fight back.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
And who is the one managing those publicly owned goods (which is everything, because private property in communism doesn't exist) and who decides which "payment" is accordingly to their needs and distributes it? The government. With total control. (payment is under quotes because communists believe in a society without money, but instead you work for free and you get your assigned stuff for free)

This is incorrect, there would be no government because communism, be it transitional or non-transitional, means the state has been or will be destroyed, respectively. 'The people themselves' would be managing goods and services.

The withering away of the state can never happen.

I think it could definitely happen but is very unlikely.

The Marxism/Leninism theory behind that is that if you drill the population over multiple generations and if you make sure that the traitors to the revolution "perish" (to use a term that Engels used to describe it), you end up with a brainwashed ant-like society that is able to govern itself and doesn't require a state anymore. Like in some gulags, the gulag population in the USSR was larger than the population of Moscow, and some of those concentration camps were self-governed by inmates. People got treated so horribly, saw so much death and had spies all around them all the time, so they turned into human cattle that does the assigned task even if the guys who made them do it aren't there anymore and without getting any compensation for it.

Oh you. I can't blame you for saying fuck it and just making stuff up because it's more enjoyable and I feel like I have low investment in this because I'm not sure why you're writing me fake theory or at least poorly sewn together reinterpretations of it in the first place. I also think you probably wanted to distinguish between Marxism, Leninism, and Marxist Leninism which would have simply been a correct distinction to make while trying to illustrate the points that you were.
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Apr 11, 2020
This is incorrect, there would be no government because communism, be it transitional or non-transitional, means the state has been or will be destroyed, respectively. 'The people themselves' would be managing goods and services.
Which is a super unstable state that collapses as soon as the first person says: "If you want me to give you that thing that i produced, you have to give me something in return" or as soon as someone thinks that his needs are more than somebody elses. And your AnarchoCommunism collapses into AnarchoPrimitivism after two minnutes.
Oh you. I can't blame you for saying fuck it and just making stuff up because it's more enjoyable and I feel like I have low investment in this because I'm not sure why you're writing me fake theory or at least poorly sewn together reinterpretations of it in the first place. I also think you probably wanted to distinguish between Marxism, Leninism, and Marxist Leninism which would have simply been a correct distinction to make while trying to illustrate the points that you were.
Read Marx.
Did Marx ever wrote about how to reach this weird Communism? Oh wait, he didn't. Everything he wrote about is how if everybody is perfect and nobody does evil things, a politce isn't needed. That is why we have to add Leninism to it and call it Marxism/Leninism, because Lenin was the one who came up with the theory about how to achieve it and founded Gulags, mass surveillance and started to brainwash his population. And that is why Marxism/Leninism is what we understand today as Communism, because Marxism alone is incomplete. Or can you complete it and come up with a theory about how to achieve it without North Korean style dictatorship, mass surveilance and gulags to kill all traitors?
Ironically, Karl Marx lived off the wealth of his bourgeois friend and never had a proper job. And if you want to visit his grave today, you have to pay and entry fee, because the people maintaining it didn't find a way to do that without capitalism.

Dozens of countries tried to achieve communism. All of them turned into the same kind of dystopian hell holes. It is the logical outcome, it is how it looks like when you apply Marx theory in real life.
And don't call those countries state capitalism. They have no stock exchange, they don't require money to buy goods (you get an government assigned quota instead) they have no private companies and state owned companies aren't allowed to make profit and farming is planned and public (caused some mass starvations that killed more than the world wars) and there is no private property. There is no capitalism there, everything is according to Marx. That was the USSR, that is North Korea today.

And that will be us, if we keep going this fast paced towards a big all controlling government. Things that we used to call repressive when the USSR or China did it are now implemented here.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Which is a super unstable state that collapses as soon as the first person says: "If you want me to give you that thing that i produced, you have to give me something in return" or as soon as someone thinks that his needs are more than somebody elses. And your AnarchoCommunism collapses into AnarchoPrimitivism after two minnutes.

I'm REALLY sorry but I don't understand how what you wrote here is a reply to what I posted. What I'm saying to you is that when you said "the government" it was incorrect. There would be no state at all. Get it? It is a stateless, classless society.

To answer in the direction of your new questions, If people are acting in a severe enough way to cause major destabilization I'd imagine they'd be considered reactionary and counter-revolutionary forces. The force of insurrection is social though which in relation to what you are saying, means in order to host a coherent scenario for the purposes of conversation, people within the scenario would have to want to be doing what they are doing and not against it or held captive as subjects without agency within it.

Read Marx.

lol yeah

Did Marx ever wrote about how to reach this weird Communism? Oh wait, he didn't. Everything he wrote about is how if everybody is perfect and nobody does evil things, a politce isn't needed. That is why we have to add Leninism to it and call it Marxism/Leninism, because Lenin was the one who came up with the theory about how to achieve it and founded Gulags, mass surveillance and started to brainwash his population. And that is why Marxism/Leninism is what we understand today as Communism, because Marxism alone is incomplete. Or can you complete it and come up with a theory about how to achieve it without North Korean style dictatorship, mass surveilance and gulags to kill all traitors?
Ironically, Karl Marx lived off the wealth of his bourgeois friend and never had a proper job. And if you want to visit his grave today, you have to pay and entry fee, because the people maintaining it didn't find a way to do that without capitalism.

As someone who has read marx but isn't a marxist, I'd have to think that when you paraphrase marx as 'if everybody is perfect and nobody does evil things, a police wouldn't be necessary'. The actual position paraphrased is that from the perspective of communists, the police as the specific institution it is with the origins it has, exists to violently manage class society under capital, which requires poverty in order to function.

I see that you still have not even bothered to look at why distinguishing between Marxism, Leninism, and Marxist-Leninism might be important so I'm going to have to politely decline any expectation of long post replies. So if you were stressing about longer posts in the future you can completely relax this is definitely the last believe me.

Dozens of countries tried to achieve communism. All of them turned into the same kind of dystopian hell holes.

Yes, communism failed to materialize and they turned into capitalist hellholes.
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Feb 2, 2019
The dystopian implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic is disconcerting if we look at the actions of what some U.S. governors are doing. As tragic as the COVID-19 is, the shutting down of the entire Western World is absolutely overkill, and I am speculating this is done intentionally by the elites as some sort of test to see how far they can get away with implementing power over the people.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Capitalist labor power and civil/civic order is threatened so yeah of course States are going to attempt to mitigate the impact of a viral pandemic in order to reach a stasis. The worry is that they've decided on an acceptable death count and are going to send that labor power back to work based on that metric so that their artifice of a world can carry on.
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Feb 2, 2019
To make matters worse, is that apparently hospitals get paid money from the government for each COVID-19 death. I know friends who have relatives that died of cancer, but the official death certificate stated Covid-19.

First and foremost it is extremely unprofessional to falsely label a death like that. Dead is dead, but it's simply the principal of it all.

That said, as I think about it, the only good thing about wrong cause of death on a certificate is if, like me, one does not want 'suicide' as official cause on the document. In a strange way it might be better for me to carry out self deliverance during this crisis, assuming I do so in the USA, though I would rather die in Europe.


Jun 19, 2019
I don't believe in conspiracy theories. But I think that in future some country could find or create new viruses that infect humans and create vaccine for it. I mean they do that already but I don't know how much they spend to find vaccine to those viruses.

If they wanted they could spread it and stop travel after first news of it. That country could weaken other countries and get rich and be seen as saviour after at some point telling they found the cure and start selling it. Or if it spreads naturally then also keep the cure hidden until it has made so much damage that they can get all countries buy the vaccine.
How could anyone know about it? New virus discoveries can be known if they are patented. Though didn't some countries had patents to different covid viruses before this pandemic too?
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Communism through Technocracy. That's what is goino to happen. China's social credit system is the blueprint for the rest of the world, unless we fight back.

How do you suggest we fight back? Systems like that, once in place, utterly disempower those who refuse to comply. They get limited to resources like food, housing, jobs, and travel. So fighting back for the individual means starvation and exposure. Those systems don't give a shit about individuals. I'm all for fighting back, I'm all for empowerment and ethics, but if one doesn't have the basic resources of food and shelter, then what power do they have?
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
How do you suggest we fight back? Systems like that, once in place, utterly disempower those who refuse to comply. They get limited to resources like food, housing, jobs, and travel. So fighting back for the individual means starvation and exposure. Those systems don't give a shit about individuals. I'm all for fighting back, I'm all for empowerment and ethics, but if one doesn't have the basic resources of food and shelter, then what power do they have?

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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
It's not a scam, the virus is very real and the death certificates prove it. The scaremongering going on is a scam though. The majority of people will get it and bat it off like a cold, yet we're ruining economies and lives whilst scaring everyone beyond their wits end.

I think there has to come a time they say something along the lines of, if you're brave enough to go out there and face it then do so. Just stay away from anyone vulnerable who chooses to stay in, be ultra vigilant and any signs of illness, quarantine yourself immediately.

There comes a time people have to be in control of their own destiny, if they catch it and die then at least it's on their terms. Better to die like a Lion than live like a Rat. The way things are going now, some families won't have anything left to come back to.

Germany will be a good country to watch, they're relaxing a heck of a lot of things despite the virus still being there. Unless they get a massive second wave, I hope the rest of the world isn't far behind them. Every day that passes might be one day too far for some.
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May 17, 2019
I don't really see how they can force people to carry their phones through force of law. People should throw their phones away. If that's a possibility. Like a mass throwing away of phones. I know that stupid laws and bills are passed at the moment. They are abusing their power forcing free people to bend to their will.
what about people who don't have mobile phones?
Driving licences are a necessity. Carrying a multi media device around isn't. But yeah I do see your point. I wouldn't put anything past these megalomaniac.

I cannot stand Globalisation! Trust me. Thanks to Count Coudenhove Kalergi! Globalism is up and running! It was his dream to have a globalised world. Angela Merkel excepted a Kalergi award a couple of years ago. Although they call it something else now. All of our leaders have sold us out! They need to remember that they serve us, not the other way round. If we acquiesce to this, then we are accessories by proxy, to this insanity. But you are right.

Have you seen people's attachment to their phones?
Heck, lots of people even already bought their own shiny tracking ankle-bracelets (SmartWatch) that already record your vital signs.
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Wise woman and Celtic sky person
Mar 7, 2020
Have you seen people's attachment to their phones?
Heck, lots of people even already bought their own shiny tracking ankle-bracelets (SmartWatch) that already record your vital signs.
Oh yeah I'm totally aware of how people are literally welded to their phones. Like it's a part of them. They will always be the first to fall in line with whatever the government tells them , the microchip, tracking etc! No questions asked. I don't carry a mobile phone. What I'm saying is coercing people to carry a phone and them willingly doing it ( because you're no one if you don't have your mobile phone with you at all times) and mandating people ( by law) to have their mobile phone with them at all times, is different. That should be a huge red flag to anyone. Would they force people who don't carry a mobile phone to buy one and carry it around with them ? Would governments buy phones for people who don't want them? I agree with what your saying 100% ..... people won't even care about being tracked through their phones because all they care about is checking their Facebook status every 5 minutes. They care more about replacing their £ 500 piece of kit every 6 months with a marginally better £500 piece of kit, just so they can say " I'm trendy " Heck even replacing their tracking I mean phone every 6 months is a huge red flag for me. Imagine what the tech companies must say! I bet they are rubbing their hands with glee. The smart watch is so blatantly obvious in its design as an information gathering piece of equipment. I was shocked when I saw people gagging to buy it. People will walk into shackles willingly. It's a shame.
How do you suggest we fight back? Systems like that, once in place, utterly disempower those who refuse to comply. They get limited to resources like food, housing, jobs, and travel. So fighting back for the individual means starvation and exposure. Those systems don't give a shit about individuals. I'm all for fighting back, I'm all for empowerment and ethics, but if one doesn't have the basic resources of food and shelter, then what power do they have?
I understand where you are coming from. I do. However I think we do have the power to fight back. The elites are scared of us deep down. There is more of us than there is of them That's why they try and take our power away. Now is not the time to roll over for them and give up our freedom. They don't have the right to take it from us in the first place. People have said they same, exact thing to me before. " What can we do?, we can't beat the system " I say to them... do you expect me to just roll over and except my fate? People are already beaten into submission when they make this statement. I find it baffling, and while I do understand where they are coming from when they say this, their power has already been taken from them and they have relinquished it. Which makes me in turn feel powerless. We need to stand together. I feel like we can overcome, but only if we stand together. The government doesn't have the right to take away people's food and shelter. They might have the power to do so, but it's an abuse of power on their part. Hence morally wrong. I do understand your fears though, we all share those fears. However I don't really want to be scared of the government, once scared, always scared. We don't have to except being put in shackles by the government.
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Feb 2, 2019
The latest in this pandemia - it's like the American animated sitcom "Futurama", but in a dystopian way:
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Jun 19, 2019
The latest in this pandemia - it's like the American animated sitcom "Futurama", but in a dystopian way:

Now we get the aliens too.
Pentagon just released the videos of UFOs they saw and videotaped. ❤️


I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019


Oct 26, 2019
No look see they got a picture of a guy relaunching one of the birds after battery-changing



Captain Nemo
Feb 21, 2020
Do you believe climate change is a scam too?

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